Tag Archive: Trial

The Bergdahl Desertion





” The United States Army intends to charge Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. That was Wednesday’s news, but the bigger story is the extravagant price the U.S. has paid because President Obama wanted to score political points.

  Readers will recall that then-Private First Class Bergdahl went missing from his post in Paktika province in eastern Afghanistan in June 2009. Fellow soldiers suspected desertion, though the Army conducted a risky manhunt to recover him. The sergeant was quickly captured by the Taliban and held for five years.

  The Associated Press has reported that an internal Pentagon investigation in 2010 found “incontrovertible” evidence that he had walked away from his post. Journalists also uncovered an exchange of letters in which the soldier wrote to his father “the title of U.S. soldier is just the lie of fools,” that he was “ashamed to even be american,” and that “the future is too good to waste on lies.” Replied father Robert: “OBEY YOUR CONSCIENCE!” “


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SWAT Team Raids Organic Farm, Confiscates Blueberries





” A small organic farm in Arlington, Texas, was the target of a massive police action last week that included aerial surveillance, a SWAT raid and a 10-hour search. Members of the local police raiding party had a search warrant for marijuana plants, which they failed to find at the Garden of Eden farm.”





” But farm owners and residents who live on the property told a Dallas-Ft. Worth NBC station that the real reason for the law enforcement exercise appears to have been code enforcement. The police seized “17 blackberry bushes, 15 okra plants, 14 tomatillo plants … native grasses and sunflowers,” after holding residents inside at GUNpoint for at least a half-hour, property owner Shellie Smith said in a statement. The raid lasted about 10 hours, she said.”





     This story transpired in August of 2013 but is back in the news because the trial is starting . Yes , a trial … for “illegal” blackberry bushes ? This is the absurdity of the drug war exemplified . Neighbors complain of code violations , make bogus allegations of marijuana plants and SWAT raids a hippy commune . 

    A ten hour SWAT raid for illegal shrubs ? WTF ? Read more here and here .








Landmark Rwanda Genocide Trial Begins




” Twenty years after the Rwanda genocide, France opened its first trial against a suspected accomplice in the massacre that killed 800,000 people, accusing a former intelligence chief of crimes against humanity.

  Pascal Simbikangwa, 54, appeared in a Paris court on Tuesday on the first day of the long-awaited trial, in which more than 50 prosecution witnesses are expected to describe the ex-soldier’s alleged role in arming and directing Hutu killers.”





” Human rights activists and journalists from Rwanda crowded the chamber to follow the trial. Simbikangwa denies the charges brought against him.” 





” We’re not here in our own name, but in the name of the million victims who were exterminated in Rwanda in 1994,” Alain Gauthier, co-founder of a Rwanda victims’ group that is party to the case, told journalists.

  Long considered a safe haven for ringleaders of the 1994 Rwanda genocide, France lags behind neighbors like Belgium, Switzerland and Germany that have already brought suspects living on their soil to justice.”



Read more








Trial, And Error   



Mann Vs Steyn




” On Tuesday morning, January 21st, I filed a motion with respect to Dr Michael Mann’s defamation suit against me,National Review, Rand Simberg, and the Competitive Enterprise Institute. I did so because I felt the procedural fiasco the case has been reduced to since last July 10th thanks to the incompetence of the previous judge, Natalia Combs Greene, required what I called “an act of jurisprudential hygiene” from the new judge, Frederick Weisberg. Unfortunately, the DC Superior Court seems disinclined to clean up its act. I appreciate that, to those who followed the fun and frolics of my free speech battles in Canada five years ago, the tedious procedural codswallop of the Mann case has been eye-glazing and butt-numbing. But that’s apparently how they do things in America. Still, at the risk of rendering even the loyalist reader comatose, let me précis the most recent developments:

  On December 19th, the Appeals Court ruled that appeals relating to Dr Mann’s original complaint were moot. (Bear with me, it gets much more boring yet.) The implication of this was that we would be getting a fresh hearing on the amended complaint with what Judge Weisberg had promised on October 9th would be “a new set of eyes”. Whatever the state of His Honor’s eyeballs, I never got a look at them – because on Wednesday evening, January 22nd, he denied Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss (along with my Motion to Vacate) without benefit of a hearing. So it looks like the Scopes Monkey Trial of the 21st century is on. Book your tickets now! “









Neighbor Tells Court Trayvon Martin Was Straddling And Punching George Zimmerman Before He Was Shot



” A resident of the gated Florida community where Trayvon Martin was shot dead told the court today he believed the unarmed black teen was straddling George Zimmerman and raining down punches on him.

John Good is a key witness for the defense as his testimony refutes that from other Sanford residents that it was actually Zimmerman on top and Trayvon Martin calling desperately for help.

When questioned by the prosecution, Good – who works in finance – said that the ‘lighter-skinned man’ was underneath wearing ‘white or red clothing’ and could not move because the person on top – who was in dark clothing – was performing a ‘ground and pound’ move, a popular MMA action.

He said that though he could not be totally sure, he believed that Trayvon was punching Zimmerman, who was screaming for help.

The testimony corroborates Zimmerman’s claims that he shot the 17-year-old in self defense because he was being pummeled. He is charged with second-degree murder.”









Obama Refuses To Bring Benghazi Killers To Justice Because He Wants To Try Them In Court






” Back in October of last year, Obama said of the Benghazi terrorist attack that “my biggest priority now is bringing those folks to justice and I think the American people have seen that’s a commitment I’ll always keep.”

Some of you might be skeptical about his commitment to investigating Tea Party groups bringing the “folks” over for dinner and justice. But never fear. It’s Obama’s biggest priority. Right after amnesty for illegal aliens, banning guns and playing golf.

Also throwing concerts in the White House, doing comedy skits with reporters and well a whole bunch of other stuff. But after all those other things, it’s his biggest priority.

And the results are in.

The U.S. has identified five men who might be responsible for the attack on the diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, last year, and has enough evidence to justify seizing them by military force as suspected terrorists, officials say. But there isn’t enough proof to try them in a U.S. civilian court as the Obama administration prefers.

The men remain at large while the FBI gathers evidence. But the investigation has been slowed by the reduced U.S. intelligence presence in the region since the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks, and by the limited ability to assist by Libya’s post-revolutionary law enforcement and intelligence agencies, which are still in their infancy since the overthrow of dictator Col. Moammar Gadhafi.”


How Case Of Abortion Doctor Accused Of Slaughtering Babies He Delivered Alive Raises Profound Moral Questions That MUST Be Faced





” For more than 30 years, it was supposed to be a haven for poor and needy women, a place where they could get check-ups, prescriptions and abortions from a doctor who boasted that he never turned away a patient for want of money.

But a shocking court case gripping America has heard that the truth about the Women’s Medical Society clinic in Philadelphia was very different — and that it was in fact a ‘baby charnel house’ where babies were delivered alive, only to have their spines severed after birth and their remains discarded in shoe boxes and even catfood containers.

The trial of Dr Kermit Gosnell, a late-term abortionist (a late-term abortion typically refers to a termination that occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy) who presided over what prosecutors dubbed a ‘house of horrors’, has sickened and disgusted the U.S. public.

But the case has also divided the U.S., a country which has yet to decide exactly where it stands on a woman’s ‘right to choose’ and raises moral questions that some argue undermine the whole ethical case for abortions.”










Jon Stewart Takes CNN To Task With Epic Mockery Of Network’s Jodi Arias Trial Coverage


” Jon Stewart has repeatedly ridiculed and slammed CNN in the past few weeks, most recently on Monday during an interview with Christiane Amanpour. He gave the cable network a brief respite Tuesday night before going right back to hammering them for one particularly odd moment in their otherwise unexciting coverage of the Jodi Arias trial: Ashleigh Banfield doing a satellite interview with Nancy Grace… when the two of them were a few feet away from each other in the same Arizona parking lot.

Stewart explained how Banfield and Grace were set up as if they were in different locations, it’s pretty obvious that the same vehicles are going through both shots. Which meant either they were sitting pretty close to each other or, as Stewart hypothesized, it could be that Arizona is plagued by a “seven-mile long Bus Ness Monster.”

Stewart was amazed by the audacity of CNN making his “pretty shameful” gesture, though he figured it could have been because Banfield has taken out a restraining order against Nancy Grace. They did try to create the illusion of not being so close to each other, and when Grace couldn’t hear Banfield right, Stewart just shouted at her to “take your finger out of your fucking ear because she’s right there!” He asked, “Is anyone at CNN allowed indoors anymore?” “


GOSNELL WHO?! (It Ain’t Easy Being a Babykiller)

North Korea To Put American Kenneth Bae On Trial


” The announcement focused attention back on Pyongyang after a near two-week lull in North Korea’s sabre-rattling rhetoric.

Kenneth Bae (Pae Jun-ho), a 44-year-old ethnic Korean with US citizenship, was arrested last November as he accompanied five Europeans into the Rason Special Economic Zone, a pilot region on the border of China and Russia which is open to foreign companies.

Since then, almost nothing has been heard of him. In January, Bill Richardson, the governor of New Mexico, and Eric Schmidt, the chief executive of Google, travelled to North Korea to try to secure his release but were not allowed to see him.

Mr Bae’s crime is not clear. However, the Korean Central News Agency announced on Saturday that a “preliminary inquiry” had been completed and that Mr Bae had “admitted that he committed crimes aimed to topple the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea with hostility toward it”. “






Man With 4th Amendment Written on Chest Wins Trial Over Airport Arrest





“A Virginia man who wrote an abbreviated version of the Fourth Amendment on his body and stripped to his shorts at an airport security screening area won a trial Friday in his lawsuit seeking $250,000 in damages for being detained on a disorderly conduct charge.

In sending the case to trial, unless there’s a settlement, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 and reversed a lower court judge and invoked Benjamin Franklin in the process. According to the opinion by Judge Roger Gregory:

” Here, Mr. Tobey engaged in a silent, peaceful protest using the text of our Constitution—he was well within the ambit of First Amendment protections. And while it is tempting to hold that First Amendment rights should acquiesce to national security in this instance, our Forefather Benjamin Franklin warned against such a temptation by opining that those ‘who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.’ We take heed of his warning and are therefore unwilling to relinquish our First Amendment protections—even in an airport.”