Tag Archive: Trey Gowdy

Daily Video 3.2.15

Trey Gowdy’s Opening Statement At Hearing On Immigration Executive Actions




Published on Feb 25, 2015

” Immigration Subcommittee Chairman Trey Gowdy’s Opening Statement at House Judiciary Committee Hearing “The Unconstitutionality of Obama’s Executive Actions on Immigration” “













47 Inspectors General Accuse Obama Administration Of Stonewalling



” Inspectors general from a variety of different government agencies have testified before the House Oversight Committee, and new Chairman Jason Chaffetz, about the lack of cooperation and transparency from high ranking officials. In this first hearing of the 114th Congress Wednesday, 47 inspectors general were present from the Department of Commerce, Defense Intelligence, the EPA, the Equal Opportunity Commission, Homeland Security, NASA, and the Peace Corps.

  Trey Gowdy was a guest on Tuesday’s edition of On The Record with Greta Van Susteren to explain that these IG’s are independent auditors who work for the taxpayers to find government waste, fraud, and abuse. Gowdy said these IG’s discovered the GSA, Fast and Furious, and IRS scandals. The Inspector General Act of 1978 states, in Section 6, that each inspector general is authorized to have access to all records, reports, documents, and materials. Gowdy said that these IG’s are not getting requested materials from the departments.

“ The administration managed to bring all those different groups together, like they have never, not brought any other groups together; and they’re all in agreement that the administration is not giving them the documents they need,” the congressman said.” 

Read more

Jonathan Gruber Testifies Before An Unimpressed Congressional Oversight Committee






” Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber, voluntarily testified before the House Oversight Committee today. Made famous when his comments about Obamacare were unearthed in all their truthful glory, Gruber took great pains to sidestep any question that touched upon the veracity of his remarks.

  Gruber’s defense amounted to, “I’m not a politician, and I was using inexcusable language to make myself sound smarter than I really am.” For not being a politician, Gruber was coached masterfully avoided answering questions.

  Despite getting paid almost six million bucks from the federal government and advising the Obama Administration on the construction of the Affordable Care Act, Gruber claimed repeatedly that he was not a political advisor.

“ The pervasiveness of your quotes is so much that it has to be more than that. It has to be more than an episodic mistake that you made,” Gowdy grilled. Gowdy went on, “What did you mean when you said you wish that you had been able to be transparent, but you’d rather have the law than not?” “


Many thanks to Kemberlee Kaye at Legal Insurrection












Trey Gowdy Says No To Impeachment: ‘Have You Met Joe Biden?’







” First, host Bill O’Reilly asked Mr. Gowdy what he thought of the argument made by Judge Andrew Napolitano — that Mr. Obama’s proposed executive orders to grant amnesty to millions of illegals would rise to the level of an impeachable offense, The Daily Caller reported.

“ What about [that?] … That this is an impeachable situation because it does go against Congress making the laws, because the president is making a new law,” Mr. O’Reilly said. “And the new law says that if you have children who are American citizens even though you yourself are an illegal undocumented person, you can stay in this country. That supersedes the old law. Napolitano claims it’s unconstitutional and impeachable. Do you see anybody going down that road in the House?”

  Mr. Gowdy’s reply was both blunt and concise.

  The former federal prosecutor from South Carolina said, The Daily Caller reported: “Have you met Joe Biden?” “


Washington Times










Trey Gowdy’s ALS Ice Bucket Challenge- Even The Ice Water Is Afraid Of Gowdy!




” But now that Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) accepted the challenge, all of your videos are garbage in comparison. Gowdy, a former prosecutor who is ready to take down Hillary Clinton, is cool as a cucumber with ice water in his veins.

  Watch, as he keeps his composure while wearing a FULL SUIT, with a laser-like focus. Doesn’t even flinch, as he is tough as nails. All men wish they could be like THE Trey Gowdy.


  I hope Trey has inspired you to donate. You better do it now, before Trey finds out! “


The Political Insider












Rep. Gowdy Questions Law Professor On Need For Special Counsel In IRS Investigation




Published on Jul 30, 2014

” Rep. Gowdy Questions University of Baltimore School of Law professor on need for AG Holder to appoint a special counsel for the IRS investigation “


HT/The Blaze




     Rep Gowdy is that rare bird that truly understands the law and it’s continuous flouting by our present lawless administration and isn’t afraid of calling them and their flunkies on it . He should be speaker of the House .




















What Trey Gowdy Says At The End Of This Interview Should Shock Every American…



” Jake Tapper of CNN’s “The Lead” had Rep. Trey Gowdy on to talk about the Benghazi investigation try to poke holes in any Benghazi investigation.

  Tapper played video of the former deputy director of the CIA, Michael Morrell, testifying that the CIA did believe that the video could be involved.  He obviously thought that this negated any need for an investigation by Trey Gowdy and the special committee and proceeded to ask Gowdy to comment on the CIA director’s comments.

  Trey Gowdy has a great response. But what he says at the end should shock every American. If its truly this bad, then this investigation is going to bring a lot of people down.”


Trey Gowdy Is The Man





Rep. Gowdy: ‘I Have Evidence’ Of Benghazi Cover-Up



Gowdy Proof Of Cover-Up



” Rep. Trey Gowdy said Friday that he has evidence of a “systematic, intentional” effort by the Obama administration to withhold documents from Congress about the 2012 Benghazi attacks that killed four Americans.

” I have evidence that, not only are they hiding it, there’s an intent to hide it,” the South Carolina Republican told “On the Record With Greta Van Susteren” on Fox News. “I can’t disclose that evidence yet, but I have evidence that there was a systematic, intentional decision to withhold certain documents from Congress — and we’re just sick of it.” “




More at Newsmax and in other Benghazi news , John Boehner has appointed Rep Gowdy to head a special House select committee to get to the bottom of the lies of this administration regarding Benghazi .














Daily Video 4.14.14

Trey Gowdy: Lois Lerner Waived Her 5th Amendment Rights




Published on Apr 10, 2014

” Trey Gowdy asserts that Lois Lerner waived her fifth amendment rights when she made 17 factual assertions before refusing to answer any questions and should be subject to cross examination.”









Gowdy: Dem Rep. Complaints About Six-Figure Salary ‘Laughable’







” South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy Friday called it “laughable” that lawmakers are underpaid, blasting veteran Virginia Democratic Rep. Jim Moran complaints about a six-figure salary for a job that’s “priceless.”

“ I know a lot of people in the world that are underpaid — in fact I live with one, who’s a schoolteacher,” Gowdy told FOX News host Greta Van Susteren in an interview posted by Mediaite.

“ But members of Congress are incredibly blessed … to have the jobs that we have. Nobody makes us run. Every two years we offer for public office, and if you don’t want to do it then don’t run.”

  Twenty-four-year veteran Moran, who is retiring at the end of the year, groused Thursday lawmakers are “underpaid” and that many cannot “afford to live decently.” 

  Gowdy called that hogwash. “The notion that you can make $174,000 in this country and be underpaid is laughable,” he added. “We are better off than 99.9 percent of the people we claim to work for. And I would be embarrassed to say that — given our job performance and our salary — that we are anything other than grossly overcompensated.” “

   Newsmax has the story on Jim Moran’s “laughable” notion that Congress is “underpaid” and Congressman Gowdy’s absolutely appropriate response .









Daily Video 3.27.14

IRS Stonewalling – Commish Accused Of Stalling Tea Party Probe – Trey Gowdy – On The Record




Published on Mar 26, 2014

” IRS Stonewalling – Commish Accused Of Stalling Tea Party Probe Trey Gowdy – On The Record
IRS Agrees To Turn Over Lerner Email To Issa “









Rep. Gowdy’s Defense of the Enforce the Law Act




    As you watch this stellar performance by one of politic’s shining stars try to imagine John Boehner or Mitch McConnell addressing their peers with such passion and courage … It can’t be done . Spinelessness oozes from their every pore . Gowdy on the other hand can easily be envisioned as a compatriot of the Founders . Gowdy just exudes leadership .

    Oh for a Congress full of men like this … Trey Gowdy is our modern day equivalent of Patrick Henry. One can very easily picture him standing at the podium exhorting his fellow statesmen to action and proclaiming “give me liberty or give me death” … God bless Trey Gowdy and please Lord , send us some more just like him .

    What is most amazing to consider though , is the fact that at one time this country produced men of Gowdy and Henry’s quality in spades . Now they are looked upon with awe as something so seldom seen as to be almost unrecognizable to the average citizen . My how far we have fallen …

Trey Gowdy: Blank Right We’re Going to Strip Funding from Obama’s Pet Projects



Published on Feb 17, 2014

” Judge Jeanine guest hosted for Greta tonight and interviewed Trey Gowdy moments ago. She asked Gowdy what if anything can be done to stop the executive overreach by Obama. Gowdy outlined 4 methods for stopping the overreach. Gowdy said that main reason why Obama continues with the overreach is because he can get away with it. When asked if Gowdy and other members of Congress were going to action, Gowdy said Blank right we’re going to strip funding from Obama’s pet projects.”









Trey Gowdy On Fire Over IRS Targeting




Published on Feb 6, 2014

” Representative Trey Gowdy (R-SC, 4th District) was on fire over Obama’s pre-judging of the IRS Targeting Scandal by stating that “there is not a smidgen of corruption” in this investigation. Gowdy goes on to say that none of the 41 “victims” have been interviewed in the last 6 months by the 13 investigators assigned to this case.”









Trey Gowdy Blasts NY Times Benghazi Report And In One Question Destroys Video Narrative



” Trey Gowdy blasted the Benghazi report by the NY Times, saying that it took them 15 months to learn how to spell Benghazi. And when asked about the video being the cause of the attack, as suggested by the article, Gowdy responds with a question that simply destroys any notion that the video was the cause of the attack: “

Read more

Congressman Gowdy Continues To Impress




Published on Dec 16, 2013

” South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy said Sunday that the Obama administration’s deliberate flouting of congressional law “has reached an unprecedented level,” claiming the time is now ripe for Congress to take the White House to court over executive overreach.

  Gowdy spoke with Fox News’ Shannon Bream about a House resolution authorizing a congressional lawsuit against the executive branch. Although individual lawmakers do not have standing to challenge the president, the provision would allow the institution of Congress itself to sue the Obama administration for ignoring laws passed by the legislative body.”








Gowdy Talks Government Accountability With Greta On The Record




Published on Dec 5, 2013

” Rep. Gowdy discusses the lack of accountability and trust in the institutions of government.”








If Obama Chooses Not To Enforce Immigration Laws, Can He Suspend Election Laws Too?




At a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) on Tuesday asked if President Barack Obama has the “prosecutorial discretion” not to enforce immigration and marijuana laws, what’s to stop him from deciding not to enforce election laws.

“If the president can fail to enforce immigration laws, can the president likewise fail to enforce election laws?” Gowdy asked Simon Lazarus, senior counsel to the Constitutional Accountability Center, one of several legal experts who testified at the hearing titled, “The President’s Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws.

“If you can dispense with immigration laws or marijuana laws or mandatory minimums, can you also dispense with election laws?” Gowdy asked Lazarus, who replied, “No.”

“Why not? If he can suspend mandatory minimum and immigration laws, why not election laws?” Gowdy asked.

“Because we live in a government of laws, and the president is bound to obey them and apply them,” Lazarus answered.”


    Trey Gowdy is one of the few bright spots in a sad Republican party . He deserves praise for asking a very important question . The fact that Obama has been given a pass on numerous blatant violations of his oath to uphold the law gives a thoughtful individual pause as to where and by whom the line is/will be drawn .









Allen West “Here Is Truly One Of The Exceptional Good Guys On Capitol Hill”



” Here is truly one of the exceptional good guys on Capitol Hill, my former colleague and friend Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC). I would love to see President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Susan Rice being questioned by Rep. Gowdy, with no 5 minute time limit.”















Independent Review Board To Testify On Benghazi Attack This Week Rep Trey Gowdy (R-SC)

Published on Sep 15, 2013

” Search For Answers On Benghazi Continues One Year After Attack
Independent Review Board To Testify On Benghazi Attack This Week Rep Trey Gowdy (R-SC)”










The All-Seeing State

” I thought of those Canadian Liberal “integrity provisions” passing a TV screen the other day and catching hack bureaucrats from the IRS Small Business/Self-Employed Division reassuring Congress that systems had now been put in place to prevent them succumbing to the urge to put on Spock ears and moob-hugging blue polyester for the purposes of starring in a Star Trek government training video. The Small Business/Self-Employed Division had boldly gone where no IRS man had gone before — to a conference in Anaheim, where they were put up in $3,500-a-night hotel rooms and entertained by a man who was paid $27,500 to fly in and paint on stage a portrait of Bono. Bono is the veteran Irish rocker knighted by the Queen for his tireless campaign on behalf of debt forgiveness, which doesn’t sound the IRS’s bag at all. But don’t worry, debt forgiveness-wise Bono has Africa in mind, not New Jersey. And, as Matthew Cowart tweeted me the other day, he did have a big hit with “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,” which I believe is now the official anthem of the IRS Cincinnati office.”

” It took Congressman Trey Gowdy of South Carolina to get to the heart of the matter: “With all due respect, this is not a training issue,” he said. “This cannot be solved with another webinar. . . . We can adopt all the recommendations you can possibly conceive of. I just say it strikes me — and maybe it’s just me — but it strikes me as a cultural, systemic, character, moral issue.”

” He’s right. If you don’t instinctively know it’s wrong to stay in $3,500-a-night hotel rooms at public expense, a revised conference-accommodations-guidelines manual isn’t going to fix the real problem.

So we know the IRS is corrupt.” 







As always read the whole thing













” South Carolina Congressman Trey Gowdy showed up to Wednesday’s House hearing on the Internal Revue Service scandal in a fighting mood (as noted here on TheBlaze) and he only became more fired up as the day wore on.

“If there’s inappropriate conduct being done on your watch in the IRS,” Rep. Gowdy said, “then that inappropriate conduct can last as long as the inspector general’s investigation lasts.”

The congressman’s remarks were in response to former IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman saying he didn’t stop the agency’s political targeting of conservative groups because the IG was looking into it.”