Tag Archive: Trayvon Martin

Sanford Police Chief Flips On Gun Ban For Neighborhood Watch





” The police chief in the town where George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin has reneged on a plan to ban volunteers from carrying guns while participating in the neighborhood watch program.

Sanford Police Chief Cecil Smith was expected to announce the ban on guns at a community meeting Tuesday night, but said instead that the police department will merely urge volunteers to remain unarmed, rather than requiring it. 

“We’re recommending that no one is armed,” Smith said Tuesday, according to the Orlando Sentinel. “If you choose to have a firearm, that’s your right.

But last week, Sanford Police Department Spokeswoman Shannon Cordingly told NBC News that volunteers would be banned from carrying firearms while participating in the neighborhood watch program. 

Guns rights groups were critical of that announcement.

“If they’re licensed to carry, they’re licensed to carry, and that should not be restricted,” Carrie Lightfoot, founder of the Well Armed Woman, said of the rule according to a report from NBC’s WESH, which also noted that at least one local gun rights advocate was pleased to learn the ban was off the table. “









Police: Robbers Tell Man, ‘This Is For Trayvon Martin’



” A weekend robbery in a racially diverse neighborhood of Washington may have been a hate crime, police said.

“This is for Trayvon Martin,” one of the three black men told a white man as they approached him early Saturday, according to Washington Metropolitan Police Officer Anthony Clay.”





SunnyTV – Justice for Trayvon


Published on Jul 24, 2013

“Sunny wants justice for Trayvon Martin, even if it means mob justice. As a white person she knows how dangerous white people are to black people. 

Help pay the bills with a donation at houseofsunny.tv and you will receive nothing, but hilarious entertainment, in return.

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Twitter: @sunnylikeaboss
Book Sunny for your event! Visit the website at houseofsunny.tv”








Zimmerman Trial Creating A Boom In Deceptive Media Editing


” Some skeptics say that journalism is dead. But let’s look at the glass half-full. Journalism may be dead, but it’s been replaced by agit prop advocacy that turns Al Sharpton into the new face of the news.

Did George Zimmerman get away with murder? That’s what one of his jurors says, according to headlines in the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and dozens of other newspapers. Trayvon Martin’s mother and the Martin family’s attorney are trumpeting this “new information” as proof that “George Zimmerman literally got away with murder.”

The reports are based on an ABC News interview with Juror B29, the sole nonwhite juror.

ABC News hasn’t posted a full unedited video or transcript of the interview. The video that has been broadcast—on World News Tonight, Nightline, and Good Morning America—has been cut and spliced in different ways, often so artfully that the transitions appear continuous. So beware what you’re seeing. But the video that’s available already shows, on closer inspection, that Maddy has been manipulated and misrepresented. Here are the key points.”







The Tea Party


Skittles and Iced Tea? Or Purple Drank?


” As previously stated, Trayvon Martin have felt sufficiently paranoid to lash out violently in the way Zimmerman and witnesses claim.  This is important because a street drug that is popular in the young urban community known as Purple Drank or Lean produces those very side effects — agitation and paranoia.

  Purple Drank or Lean is a cocktail that is created by mixing Robitussin or other over-the-counter cough medicines with — yes — Skittles and Arizona Watermelon Juice, the same flavor of tea Trayvon Martin was carrying that night.

  Purple Drank also goes by other street names such as sizzurp, lean, syrup, sip sip, drank, barre, purple jelly and Texas tea.  It has opiate-like effects.  Some of its side effects include confusion, agitation, and hallucinations among others.”

Trayvon Martin: A Life and Tragic Death in Pictures

”  Trayvon Martin lived a tragic life and died an unfortunate death. Of all the thousands ofmurders of young black men every year, the media seized on one case of a “white Hispanic” shooting a young black man, even after the former was allegedly assaulted, in order to make the point that America is still racist. Blacks are thus presumably in need of the left’s brand of “social justice” to liberate them.

  News media have known from the beginning that the best way to “freeze, personalize and polarize” any case is through the emotionally manipulative use of pictures. The photos of a younger Trayvon Martin were cherry-picked by the mainstream media to show that he was an innocent victim unable to defend himself against an older aggressor.”

How a Miami School Crime Cover-Up Policy Led to Trayvon Martin’s Death

” The February 2012 shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martion might never have happened if school officials in Miami-Dade County had not instituted an unofficial policy of treating crimes as school disciplinary infractions. Revelations that emerged from an internal affairs investigation explain why Martin was not arrested when caught at school with stolen jewelry in October 2011 or with marijuana in February 2012. Instead, the teenager was suspended from school, the last time just days before he was shot dead by George Zimmerman.”

Conservative filmmaker: Trayvon Martin protesters in Oakland ‘slugged me,’ ‘kicked me’ in the head

“Christian Hartsock, a conservative journalist and filmmaker, says he was assaulted and beaten down to the ground by a mob with repeated strikes to the face while reporting at a Trayvon Martin rally in downtown Oakland Sunday night.“I have interviews and I have footage of [Trayvon protestors] chanting ‘no justice, no peace—fuck you pigs in your sleep,’” Hartsock told The Daily Caller. ”

Honor Martin – Ban Guns!


” Our gun grabber in chief spoke this weekend about the Zimmerman acquittal. Just as he used the Sandy Hook tragedy to immediately call for the destruction of our Constitution, he’s now calling for more gun control in the wake of the Zimmerman trial.  As surreal as it may seem, I’m not making this up.Here’s what Obama said the day after Zimmerman was found not guilty.

  ” We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this [Zimmerman case]. As citizens, that’s a job for all of us. That’s the way to honor Trayvon Martin.” “




oCTOBER 2011 - 1



” It was that M-DSPD internal affairs investigation which revealed in October 2011 Trayvon Martin was searched by School Resource Officer, Darryl Dunn. The search of Trayvon Martin’s backpack turned up at least 12 pcs of ladies jewelry, and a man’s watch, in addition to a flat head screwdriver described as “a burglary tool”.

When Trayvon was questioned about who owned the jewelry and where it came from, he claimed he was just holding it for a “friend”. A “friend” he would not name.

On October 21st 2011 a burglary took place a few blocks from Krop Senior High School where Trayvon Martin attended. The stolen property outlined in the Miami-Dade Police Report (PD111021-422483) matches the descriptive presented by SRO Dunn in his School Police report 2011-11477.”












” The State prosecutors, including the until recently rarely-seen Angela Corey, are currently providing interviews to the press, essentially re-arguing their catastrophically failed courtroom arguments. From this commentator’s perspective, they are simply in complete denial and/or in full-blown CYA mode, no matter how often they say they respect the decision of the jury.”


More at Legal Insurrection







A Dagger At The Heart Of Justice 




” Just when I thought the George Zimmerman “trial” couldn’t sink any lower, the prosecutorial limbo dancers of the State of Florida magnificently lowered their own bar in the final moments of their cable-news celebrity. In real justice systems, the state decides what crime has been committed and charges somebody with it. In the Zimmerman trial, the state’s “theory of the case” is that it has no theory of the case: might be murder, might be manslaughter, might be aggravated assault, might be a zillion other things, but it’s something. If you’re a juror, feel free to convict George Zimmerman of whatever floats your boat.

Needless to say, even in a nutso jurisdiction like Florida, the crime of “child abuse” was never intended to cover a wizened old granny kicking the ankle of the punk who’s mugging her a week before his 18th birthday. But, if Aggravated Pedophilia is what it takes to fry that puffy white cracker’s butt, so be it. If, for the purposes of American show trials, an Hispanic who voted for a black president can be instantly transformed into a white racist, there’s no reason why he can’t be a child abuser, too.”


Read The Whole Thing


Two Males, No Men



They don’t make men like they used to. One can consult a Danish study that shows plummeting testosterone levels for scientific confirmation of this. Or, one could more easily turn on any cable news network’s wall-to-wall coverage of the Zimmerman-Martin case, a tragedy involving two males fumbling in the dark on how to be men.

Their households lacked strong male role models; their society, even more so. Four in ten American kids enter the world without their father married to their mother. When schoolboys begin to exhibit traits natural to their sex, the energetic fellows earn the wrath of detention and Ritalin. Any game that highlights contact — from dodgeball to football — comes under attack. Primetime television celebrates the fop and makes a buffoon out of fathers (see Simpson, Homer; Everybody Loves, Raymond).

Civilizing men out of existence has come at great cost to civilization. Instead of men, we get feminine imitations lacking beauty. We get lost boys compensating by becoming barbarians. We get Sanford, Florida, February 26, 2012.”








DOJ Sends Secret “Peacekeepers” Where Trayvon Martin Was Killed





” Records obtained by Judicial Watch in response to local, state and federal public records requests show that the so-called peacekeepers are part of a large and growing division within DOJ called the Community Relations Service (CRS).  Though CRS purports to spot and quell racial tensions nationwide before they arise, the documents obtained by Judicial Watch show the group actively worked to foment unrest, spending thousands of taxpayer dollars on travel and hotel rooms to train protestors throughout Florida.  The peacekeepers also met with officials of the Republican National Convention, scheduled for several months later in Tampa, to warn them to expect protests in connection with Martin’s death.

In response to a Florida Sunshine Law request to the City of Sanford, Judicial Watch also obtained an audio recording of a “community meeting” held at Second Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Sanford on April 19, 2012. “







Neighbor Tells Court Trayvon Martin Was Straddling And Punching George Zimmerman Before He Was Shot



” A resident of the gated Florida community where Trayvon Martin was shot dead told the court today he believed the unarmed black teen was straddling George Zimmerman and raining down punches on him.

John Good is a key witness for the defense as his testimony refutes that from other Sanford residents that it was actually Zimmerman on top and Trayvon Martin calling desperately for help.

When questioned by the prosecution, Good – who works in finance – said that the ‘lighter-skinned man’ was underneath wearing ‘white or red clothing’ and could not move because the person on top – who was in dark clothing – was performing a ‘ground and pound’ move, a popular MMA action.

He said that though he could not be totally sure, he believed that Trayvon was punching Zimmerman, who was screaming for help.

The testimony corroborates Zimmerman’s claims that he shot the 17-year-old in self defense because he was being pummeled. He is charged with second-degree murder.”









Judge: No Audio Testimony In Zimmerman Trial


” Judge Debra Nelson reached her decision after hearing arguments that stretched over several days this month on whether to allow testimony from two prosecution experts. One expert ruled out Zimmerman as the screamer and another said it was Martin. Defense experts argued there was not enough audio to determine who the screams are coming from. Zimmerman’s attorneys also argued that the state experts’ analysis is flawed.

Nelson ruled that the methods used by the experts aren’t reliable. But her ruling doesn’t prevent the 911 calls from being played at trial.

The screams are crucial pieces of evidence because they could determine who the aggressor was in the confrontation. Martin’s family contends it was the teen screaming, while Zimmerman’s father has said it was his son.”











Teenage Witness In Trayvon Martin Case ‘Lied’ About Hospital Visit, Lawyer Says



” “She, in fact, did not go to the hospital as she stated under oath,” defense attorney Don West said, according to MyFoxOrlando.com. “And that [prosecutor] Mr. [John] Guy represented there would not be hospital records confirming her sworn statement, because, in fact, she lied.”

Guy confirmed there were no hospital records for Witness 8.

O’Mara said he wanted to wait and take the girl’s deposition later this month before commenting on whether her credibility could be an issue at trial.

“The state did what it was supposed to do and let us know there was a problem with their witness. We now know it and have an opportunity to talk to her,” he said. “Credibility is always an issue with any witness. And if it rises to the level where it is evidentiary, then we’ll go from there. And if it doesn’t rise to that level, we deal with it.” “







” On Thursday, George Zimmerman filed
suit against NBC News and three NBC
producers he accuses of intentionally
painting him as a racist. Zimmerman and
his attorneys have now done what many
in the new media only dream of doing,
holding the major media responsible for
their biased and misleading output.
The language in the complaint is
blunt. It calls NBC’s coverage “yellow
journalism” and refers to “journalistic
crimes.” Most broadly, the complaint
accuses NBC of trumping up a racism
narrative for ratings, with a name
check of the Today Show and Rev. Al
Sharpton in particular.

Here are some
of the highlights or, if you prefer, the
media’s lowlights from the complaint:

1. NBC saw the death of Trayvon
Martin not as a tragedy but as
an opportunity to increase
ratings, and so set about to
create the myth that George
Zimmerman was a racist and
predatory villain. “

George Zimmerman Sues NBC And Reporters






 ” The lawsuit claims NBC edited his phone call to a dispatcher in February. In the call, Zimmerman describes following Martin in the gated community where he lived, just moments before he fatally shot the 17-year-old teen during a confrontation.

“NBC saw the death of Trayvon Martin not as a tragedy but as an opportunity to increase ratings, and so set about to create a myth that George Zimmerman was a racist and predatory villain,” the lawsuit claims. “

As He Should


  “George Zimmerman intends to sue NBC for their misleading editing of audio tape of his 911 call the night Florida teen Trayvon Martin was shot and killed.”


  They must be intent on self-destruction . How else does one explain this at a time that the state party is already reeling .

  “They’re melting down as a party, but North Carolina Democrats aren’t done yet destroying
themselves ahead of Barack Obama’s nomination. They apparently decided that now
was the perfect time to trot out a bill to attack the self defense rights of North Carolinians.”


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