Tag Archive: Transformation

82-Yr Old Grandmother Tired Of Democrat Games; Voting Republican




” This 82-year old grandmother called into C-Span Washington Journal and let the Democratic Party have it with frustrations and haymakers.

  I have noticed in years what the Democratic party has done to my people. Unemployment is higher in the black community….than anywhere else.

  I cannot say, there’s no way I can continue to say that I was a Christian and stay in the democrat party. They advocates the killing of babies, they advocate taking from the doers and giving to the ones sitting doing nothing……. “


Thanks to Wayne DuPree









Democrats Admit Amnesty Is For Political Purposes







” Give us your poor, your tired, your future Democrats waiting to be registered. That’s what some in the party are saying as they urge the president to pursue immigration goals even if it hurts in the ’14 midterms.

  In other words, damn the political torpedoes and full speed ahead in the fundamental demographic and political transformation of America.

” You’ll always have members whose political vulnerability they tie entirely to immigration,” said Rep. Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz. “We didn’t make progress when we were in the majority because we were being protective of those (members) on immigration reform. At some point do you worry more about the future or do you continue to put off the inevitable by not taking action?”

  For Democrats such as Grijalva and Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., amnesty and the political benefits stemming from it are inevitable. They are quite willing to use children to exploit the inherent compassion of the American people if it means ensuring the political future of the Democratic Party through the gratitude of millions of illegal aliens allowed to come here and stay.

  Gutierrez recently told a La Raza conference that it was only a “down payment” that President Obama gave the Latino community with his Deferred Action for Children Arrivals (DACA) program that halted the deportation of 600,000 of “our people”:

” Now it is time for the president in the United States … (to) free the mom and dads of the DREAMers and to go further — be broad and expansive and generous.” “




With our tax dollars we are paying for our own destruction …








Sally Gifford Piper Of Hit Photoshop Video Gets An Extreme Holiday Makeover

Watch this …


Before the makeover: Here is the already-altered body of American actress, Sally Gifford Piper



Become this … 



Sally Gifford Santa




” The woman who featured in the viral Photoshop video that stormed the internet this fall has now been transformed into a ‘fat Santa’ in the run-up to Christmas.

  Victors & Spoils, a Colorado-based advertising agency, decided to give the already-altered image of Sally Gifford Piper – showing her as a bikini-clad blonde bombshell – a seasonal revamp. 

  A 36-second-long time-lapse clip shows how they went about adding hundreds of pounds to her stomach, arms and legs and shortening her petite frame to make it more stocky.”




Regular readers may remember our post about Ms Gifford from a while back . This is the reprise . 

Merry Christmas and a Ho , Ho , Ho 








The Transformation Of The USA — Here Comes America 3.0



” America is going through a transformation, on a scale that few people now realize. The last such fundamental change was from the rural and agrarian society of the Founding era (America 1.0) to the urban and industrial society which is now coming to an end (America 2.0).

We are now making a similar transition to a post-industrial, networked, decentralized, immensely productive America, with a more individualistic, voluntarist, anti-bureaucratic culture (America 3.0).

The time-worn liberal-progressive wisdom is simple: See a problem, create a government program to fix it.

Medicare experienced cost overruns from the beginning, but was initially self-sustaining. Yet it now faces $22 trillion in future unfunded liabilities.

Unlike Social Security and Medicare, which were viable when they began, ObamaCare failed before it even got started

ObamaCare had 82 legally specified start dates, but missed half of them. Waivers have been granted to four million Americans, according to an arbitrary, opaque and politicized process.

ObamaCare is simply beyond the scope of anything the Federal government can accomplish. Health care takes up over 17% of US GDP, about $2.8 trillion annually. Attempting to centrally govern a complex economy of this size and complexity was always hopeless. 

Unfortunately, while liberal-progressive thought is trapped in the 20th Century, there has been an egregious dearth of creative alternatives from the other side of the political divide.”








…  Not Moderation

”  If Mitt Romney had lost the election solely because of Ohio, I would be lamenting his lack of a populist appeal. Or, if he had lost Florida narrowly, I might be writing about how Gary Johnson played spoiler.

Instead, I’m writing about an identity crisis.

Make no mistake, the GOP faces serious challenges going forward. This wasn’t “just a loss.” “

Heck of a Job Barack

“President Obama has said that elevating the image of the United States around the world was one of his proudest foreign policy accomplishments, but those remarks could boomerang and hamper his reelection bid.

The violence and anti-American protests throughout the Middle East are bringing fresh attacks on the president’s foreign policies as Muslim rage is intensifying in the region.”

“From space Earth looks completely untouched.

However, it’s deceptive, as a new video shows in mesmerising fashion.

‘Anthropocene demonstrates just how much the planet has been transformed by humans by illuminating every road, shipping route and flight path.

“The three-minute clip is the result of 13 years of devotion by Canadian anthropologist Felix Pharand. Using an ordinary home PC, Pharand input data from agencies such as the Geospatial Intelligence Agency and Atmospheric Administration to create accurate illustrations of how humans have ‘domesticated’ our planet – superimposing the data on images of the earth’s cities lit up at night.”

Illuminating: Anthropocene is a three-minute rollercoaster ride through the latest chapter in the story of how one species has transformed a planet

Video Here .

  This is a very cool video . That someone put thirteen years of effort into creating this three minutes of awe is just as much a tribute to the human spirit as is the transformation of the planet that it depicts . While I recognize the possibility that the intention here was to play into the global warming , Luddite mantra , to me the video displays a monument to human achievement . Likely not the desired effect . When I look at the video I don’t see disaster or climate catastrophe or crimes against Gaia .

  No , I see billions lifted out of poverty . I see medical care where there was only premature death , I see food where there was famine . I see enslaved people finding the means to cast off their bonds . I see mass production . I see innovation . I see leisure . I see freedom and liberty instead of indenture and misery .    

The question is ? When do we start paving Mars ?