Bloomberg Paying Activists To Crash NRA Convention





” We all know former-mayor Michael Bloomberg will go to about any extent to rip the guns away from American citizens, but his latest tactic, some are arguing, is a blow beneath the belt. Seeking to hinder the efforts of NRA Bloomberg has announced that he will be paying anti-gun activists to crash the upcoming gun rights convention.
  Bloomberg isn’t known for his most honorable methods however, as his group Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) has lost quite a bit of traction after if came to light that the underlying goal of the organization was actually complete gun confiscation. Since that time, Bloomberg has rebranded himself with a new name, but the efforts are the same.
  This time calling his gun-grabbing organization Everytown for Gun Safety, Bloomberg has pledged $50 million from his own bank account to help fund the unconstitutional movement. His most recent spending has been announced as he is shipping about 120 anti-gunners (mothers of survivors and survivors of gun violence) to the NRA convention in Indianapolis for one purpose only – to crash the party.”



While Mr Conservative has more on Everytown For Gun Safety’s plans to disrupt the NRA convention we are pleased to report that another former politician who chose to associate himself with Bloomberg’s gun confiscation plan has come to his senses and withdrawn his support .

Why Tom Ridge ever chose to be a part of the Nanny’s gun grabbing scheme is beyond us but he has decided that he made a mistake and has bailed . Better late than never we suppose .



” Former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge suddenly quit the board of the New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s new gun-control group Everytown for Gun Safety — the second Republican to resign from a Bloomberg effort this month over concerns about its mission or planned political activities.

” When I signed on as an adviser to Everytown, I looked forward to a thoughtful and provocative discussion about the toll gun violence takes on Americans,” Ridge, who served under President George W. Bush, told The Daily Caller in a statement. “After consultation with Everytown, I have decided that I am uncomfortable with their expected electoral work.”

  Having Ridge aboard was considered a coup for Bloomberg because the former Pennsylvania governor is a Republican, the Daily Caller reports. The former mayor, whose 12-year term ended in January, was planning to spend $50 million on the group in hopes of it rivaling the National Rifle Association, according to The New York Times.”