Tag Archive: Timothy Young

Victim Of Dog-Authorized Anal Assault Receives $1.6 Million Settlement




” The Associated Press reports that the city of Deming, New Mexico, where David Eckert was pulled over for a rolling stop last January, and nearby Hidalgo County have agreed to settle a civil rights lawsuit he filed after cops from those two jurisdictions forced him to undergo a humiliating exploration of his digestive tract. The city and county will pay Eckert $1.6 million, which amounts to $200,000 for each of the increasingly intrusive searches performed on Eckert at Gila Regional Medical Center in Silver City: two X-rays, two digital probes of his anus, three enemas, and a colonoscopy, none of which discovered the slightest trace of the drugs that police claim to have thought he was hiding inside himself. Eckert, whose case was first noted here by Brian Doherty, also sued various Deming and Hidalgo County police officers; the hospital, which billed him more than $6,000 for these indignities; and two physicians, Robert Wilcox and Okay Odocha, who executed the elaborate assault under the cover of medicine.”


  You can read more on this heinous story here and for our posting on the original story go here . Remember that this was not an isolated incident . There were at least two other State assaults and the story even provoked Mark Steyn to comment .
  The city and police department got off easy if you ask us . $1.6 Million is a pittance for the abuse heaped on this innocent young man at the hands of the State .








Police Misconduct: The Worst Case In November


David Eckert

Here's The Video From The Original Report




” Over at Cato’s Police Misconduct Reporting Project, we have named the worst case for the month of November. It was the repeated, forced cavity search of two young men—in separate incidents—in New Mexico. 

  The first victim, David Eckert, was pulled over by police for failing to make a complete stop at a stop sign. After a police K-9 who was uncertified for drug searches indicated the presence of marijuana, the officers told a judge that the victim appeared to be “clenching his buttocks” and requested a body cavity search warrant, which the judge granted. The officers took Eckert to a local hospital and requested that doctors perform the search, but the hospital doctors refused. The cops then took Eckert to a second hospital, in a neighboring county that was not covered by the warrant, where they found doctors willing to perform the search.”



   No surprise here . We reported on these horrific events here and here along with a woman in New Mexico that suffered a similar fate









More New Mexico Body Cavity Search Horrors


New Mexico Woman Illegal Search


   By now we’ve all heard of the horrendous treatment and illegal body-cavity searches that new Mexico men David Eckert and Timothy Young were recently subjected to for minor traffic offenses ; well now we can add women to the list of potential sexual assault victims by New Mexico authorities …


” Now a third victim, a woman who wishes to remain anonymous, has come forward to report her sexual assault by members of the Customs and Border Patrol as she crossed the New Mexico border into El Paso, Texas. Once again, a drug dog (not the same one this time) alerted to the presence of narcotics. The woman was strip searched and asked to spread her genitalia and cough. Female agents performed manual probes of her anus and vagina.

When no drugs were found, she was taken to the El Paso University Medical Center, and she was forced to defecate in front of medical staff. Then came the x-ray, another cavity search of vagina and anus (noted as “bi-manual,” or “two-handed” in the medical report), topped off with a CAT scan. And still, no drugs were found.”








4 On Your Side Reveals Another Traffic Stop Nightmare


   A reader sent us a comment pointing us to this new story that , unfortunately , mirrors the nightmare of David Eckert at the hands of New Mexico police . It appears that a Mr Timothy Young was subjected to the same obscene invasions of privacy at the same Gila Regional Medical Center for failure to signal . 4 On Your Side continues :




” Police reports state deputies stopped Timothy Young because he turned without putting his blinker on.

Again, Leo the K-9 alerts on Young’s seat.

Young is taken to the Gila Regional Medical Center in Silver City, and just like Eckert, he’s subjected to medical procedures including x-rays of his stomach and an anal exam.

Again, police found nothing, and again the procedures were done without consent, and in a county not covered by the search warrant.

We’ve learned more about that drug dog, Leo, that seems to get it wrong pretty often. He might be getting it wrong because he’s not even certified in New Mexico.

Again, police found nothing, and again the procedures were done without consent, and in a county not covered by the search warrant.”


Read On



    Not much is appearing in the press about these horror stories beyond the reporting we have linked to , blogs and the RT site linked below . Leave it to the Russian press to be needed to inform Americans about their Police state .

More terrorized drivers report forceful rectal inspections by New Mexico police