Tag Archive: Threatened With Arrest

Exclusive Interview: Oath Keepers Surrounded By 50 Police Told To Stop Defending Building In Ferguson From Fires




” Ben Swann traveled to Ferguson and sat down with Sam Andrews, the head of the Ferguson Oath Keeper operation about what the group is doing, how police have responded to them, and why 50 armed police officers surrounded a building where the Oath Keepers were protecting businesses and told them to either leave the buildings rooftop or they would be arrested. “

Ben Swann has the story

    Not content to let the police prevent them from exercising their Constitutional right to self-defense , business owners and the Oath Keepers have retained counsel who fired off a letter to the Chief of Police in St Louis . Below is a copy of the letter:

Man Discovers It Is Illegal To Wash His Car In His Own Driveway







 ” A couple of friends cleaning up a car they had just purchased were threatened by the police for car washing in their own driveway.   The reach of the nanny state truly has no bounds when it comes to dictating what people must do on their own private property. 

  Jonathan Schmidt and Eric Jeer were minding their own business and about to wash a used Volkswagen Golf they purchased together.  They were standing in their own private driveway, when a police officer walked onto the property.

“ Is there a problem?” said Schmidt.

“ It is, when he starts calling about things being done against the village ordinance,” said Officer Buonaiuto.  “Such as doing any kind of work here, or any kind of detailing, like washing the car;  things like that you’re not allowed to do.” “










Veteran Threatened With Arrest For Questioning Gun Ban


” In Obama’s Kingdom, any veteran who dares to verbally question an elite politician on gun control legislation is now considered a criminal and will face arrest and possible imprisonment. This month, U.S. Navy veteran Geoff Ross merely picked up his phone (so hostile, I know) and called Connecticut Governor Daniel P. Malloy’s office with a few questions about the state’s new ban on large capacity ammunition magazines and so-called “assault” weapons.

Ross asked Malloy’s office questions such as: “Do the Governor and his staff own guns themselves?” and “Does the Governor’s office understand the reason behind the 2nd Amendment?” To these perfectly rational and peaceful questions, the Governor’s aids replied that it was: “none of his damn business.” When Ross was persistent and kept calling, Malloy’s aids hung up on him FIVE TIMES and ultimately an aid named Melissa threatened him by saying that she would send the police after him if he did not stop speaking out.