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Daily Video 3.22.15

Join The International Drone Community Free




Published on Mar 14, 2015

” As you know, over 150 teams are took part in International Drone Day. People have joined a local team to them to represent their part of the world and show the public and press that “Drones Are Good”.


  But our work does not end here, for the next chapter of International Drone Day, we are creating another part of International Drone Day called “ The International Drone Community”. Just like with drone day, the IDC is run by local team captains in your area. Being online is great, but we all need people to fly with, take advice from, share our knowledge with, and thats why the IDC is global but its also local.

  We have two rules for the community:

  Number 1 – Show the world that Drones are Good
  Number 2 – Always show your drone in the best light, help new people, and don’t be the person that makes us all look bad.”













Join Us For International Drone Day







” Drones have a bad reputation, and even though many of us call our Multi-rotors by different names, the public does associate our fantastic machines with the word drone.   We are here to make sure that Drones are seen in a positive light.  International Drone Day is held every year on the second Saturday in the Month of March. This year is will be held on March 14, 2015

  What is International Drone Day?”

” The purpose of International Drone Day is to show the world that drones are good, and can be used for many good purposes. Movie making, search and rescue, police work, architecture, inspections, emergency response, and for just having fun.

  Groups of drone enthusiast get together into organized groups all across the world to fly their drones, and invite friends, neighbors, and the media to showcase drones in a good way

  The goal is to get as many Newspapers, blogs, TV News, Magazines, and groups to see drones being used for good.

  How do I participate in International Drone Day?

  We have groups that meet up all across the world, simply find a group in your area and sign up (its all free). Or if there is not a group, you can form a group or you can go out on your own and fly this day. Click here to become a captain or form your own group in your area

  A documentary film is being made on this historic event. So its a great time to be interviewed, and showcase your work or your companies work in a big media day, its time to be apart of something big Join here

  How do I show my participation in International Drone Day?

  You simply take a picture or video on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with the tag #InterntationalDroneDay
And you let the local news, radio, tv stations, blogs, meet up groups, etc know what this day is about.

  Even if you can not fly this day, you can still help by spreading the word about drones, use the hash tag #InternationalDroneDay #dronesforgood .”



Sign up to join a team and participate here at That Drone Show