Tag Archive: terrorist attack

Gunmen Storm Tunisian Museum In Deadly Attack







” Gunmen, wearing military uniforms and carrying assault rifles, have attacked a popular tourist attraction in the Tunisian capital of Tunis. According to state television, Tunisian authorities say at least eight people were killed and six wounded at the National Bardo Museum, which is adjacent to the country’s parliament building.

  Gunmen are believed to be holding hostages inside the museum.

  NPR’s Leila Fadel, who is in Tunis, says the gunmen opened fire on the museum before entering the building. She says police are now inside the museum and have surrounded two of the attackers.”















Daily Video 1.12.15

Charlie Hebdo Terrorist Attack in Paris, France – True News





Published on Jan 7, 2015

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  Gunmen have shot dead 12 people at the Paris office of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in an apparent militant Islamist attack.

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CIA Officer Confirmed No Protests Before Misleading Benghazi Account Given



benghazi a cloud over the white house

Abandoned Americans Chris Stevens , Tyrone Woods , Sean Smith & Glen Doherty 

Sacrificed on the alter of Obama’s re-election chances

” Before the Obama administration gave an inaccurate narrative on national television that the Benghazi attacks grew from an anti-American protest, the CIA’s station chief in Libya pointedly told his superiors in Washington that no such demonstration occurred, documents and interviews with current and former intelligence officials show.

  The attack was “not an escalation of protests,” the station chief wrote to then-Deputy CIA Director Michael J. Morell in an email dated Sept. 15, 2012 — a full day before the White House sent Susan E. Rice to several Sunday talk shows to disseminate talking points claiming that the Benghazi attack began as a protest over an anti-Islam video.”




michael morrell

Ex-Deputy Director CIA Michael Morrell



” That the talking points used by Mrs. Rice, who was then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, were written by a CIA that ignored the assessment by its own station chief inside Libya, has emerged as one of the major bones of contention in the more than two years of political fireworks and congressional investigations into the Benghazi attack.

  What has never been made public is whether Mr. Morell and others at the CIA explicitly shared the station chief’s assessment with the White House or State Department.

  Two former intelligence officials have told The Washington Times that this question likely will be answered at a Wednesday hearing of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence during which Mr. Morell is scheduled to give his public testimony.

  Another former intelligence official told The Times that Mr. Morell did tell the White House and the State Department that the CIA station chief in Libya had concluded that there was no protest but senior Obama administration and CIA officials in Washington ignored the assessment.

  Why they ignored it remains a topic of heated debate within the wider intelligence community.

  A third source told The Times on Monday that Mr. Morell and other CIA officials in Washington were weighing several pieces of “conflicting information” streaming in about the Benghazi attack as the talking points were being crafted.”


Read more on the lies and deceit here 









BENGHAZI: CBS 60 Minutes Full Coverage [Transcript and Video]


CBS Benghazi Report



    Free Patriot has the complete video and transcript . While it is about time that a major news network acknowledged that shame that is the Obama administration’s handling of the Benghazi terrorist attack , 60 minutes ,after promising some sort of bombshell revelations , comes up short . 

   Nothing new here to those of us that have been paying attention.



” When Chris Stevens was killed in Benghazi, Libya, on the anniversary of September 11th last year, it was only the sixth time that the United States had lost an ambassador to its enemies. The events of that night have been overshadowed by misinformation, confusion and intense partisanship. But for those who lived through it, there’s nothing confusing about what happened, and they share a sense of profound frustration because they say they saw it coming.

Tonight, you will hear for the first time from a security officer who witnessed the attack. He calls himself, Morgan Jones, a pseudonym he’s using for his own safety. A former British soldier, he’s been helping to keep U.S. diplomats and military leaders safe for the last decade. On a night he describes as sheer hell, Morgan Jones snuck into a Benghazi hospital that was under the control of al Qaeda terrorists, desperate to find out if one of his close friends from the U.S. Special Mission was the American he’d been told was there.”















This is some very valuable and incredible footage of what life was like on the ground next to the towers, as well as locally around them. Amazing footage!




9:11 Video











Explosive: Rep. Trey Gowdy Unloads Unreleased Email Exposing Benghazi Coverup

CCTV Of Family Research Council Shooting

” On August 15. 2012 at 10:46 a.m., Floyd Corkins entered the lobby of Family Research Council armed with a loaded semi-automatic pistol, 100 rounds of ammunition, and 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches. FRC building manager Leo Johnson was temporarily manning the front desk at our Washington headquarters when a now-confessed terrorist intent on killing everyone in the building entered with a handgun and 100 rounds of ammunition. As he drew his gun, Leo courageously charged the attacker into oncoming gunfire. Even after sustaining a direct hit to his forearm, he subdued the attacker and wrestled the gun away from him. 

Why did confessed terrorist Corkins choose Family Research Council as a target for his attack? In an FBI interrogation, Corkins admitted he found his target from the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list.”

HT/ Legal Insurrection


From DHS 



















” Four Americans dead, all kinds of political intrigue swirls around the story, and there remains an untold tale about what was likely a harrowing escape; and yet there is no indication whatsoever from the media that they are at all interested in interviewing the survivors of the Sept. 11 anniversary attacks on our consulate in Libya.

President Obama has lied, covered up, obfuscated, and double-talked all during the six-months following this devastatingly successful terror attack. And with rare exceptions, the media has diligently lied, covered up , obfuscated, and double-talked right along with him.”




Illustration by Eric Allie







Debacle in Ben­ghazi




” If there is any urgency to the U.S. government’s efforts to “bring to justice” the terrorists, it’s well hidden. It took the FBI team assigned to investigate Benghazi nearly a month to arrive there. Later, after they had supposedly scoured the U.S. consulate, on two separate occasions reporters found highly sensitive documents on the floor—some including the names of Libyans working with the U.S. government. Robert Mueller, the head of the FBI, visited Libya as part of the investigation for the first time last week.

But nothing demonstrates the lack of urgency so much as the case of Ali Ani al Harzi, a jihadist who was detained in Tunisia for his suspected involvement in the attacks until his surprising release on January 8.

U.S. officials first became suspicious of Harzi after learning that he had “posted an update on social media about the fighting [in Benghazi] shortly after it had begun,” according to Eli Lake of the Daily Beast. That post was “one of the first clues the intelligence community had about the perpetrators” of the September 11 assault on the U.S. consulate.

Harzi did not stay in Libya after the attacks, but instead made his way to Turkey. It was there in early October, at the request of the U.S. government, that Harzi and a fellow Tunisian were arrested. Harzi was reportedly en route to join the jihad against Bashar al-Assad’s crumbling regime in nearby Syria. “






” Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R- UT) told Breitbart News on Wednesday that he has been “thwarted” by the State Department from seeing any Americans who survived the deadly attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in  Benghazi.”

  The Incredible Shrinking President


” You’ll recall that a near-month-long attempt to blame an obscure YouTube video for the murder of four Americans and the destruction of U.S. sovereign territory
climaxed in the vice-presidential debate with Joe Biden’s bald assertion that the administration had been going on the best
intelligence it had at the time. By then, it had been confirmed that there never had been any protest against the video, and that the Obama line that Benghazi had
been a spontaneous movie review that just got a little out of hand was utterly false. The only remaining question was whether the administration had knowingly lied or was merely innocently stupid. The innocent-stupidity line became harder to maintain this week after Fox News obtained State Department e-mails revealing that shortly after 4 p.m. Eastern, less than a half hour after the assault in Benghazi began, the White House situation room knew the exact
nature of it.

  Why would Obama and Biden do such a thing? Because to launch a military operation against an al-Qaeda affiliate on the anniversary of 9/11 would have exposed the hollowness of their boast through convention week and the days
thereafter — that Osama was dead and al- Qaeda was finished. And so Ty Woods, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith, and Chris Stevens were left to die, and a decision taken to
blame an entirely irrelevant video and, as Secretary Clinton threatened, “have that person arrested.” And, in the weeks that
followed, the government of the United States lied to its own citizens as thoroughly
and energetically as any totalitarian state, complete with the midnight knock on the door from not-so-secret policemen sent to haul the designated fall-guy into custody. “

Lesson: Don’t Blame The CIA For Your PR Problem



 ‘ Anyway, funny how those emails came out just now. The key for me:

A third email, also marked SBU and sent at 6:07 p.m. Washington time, carried the subject line: “Update 2: Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack.” …

While some information identifying recipients of this message was redacted from copies of the messages obtained by Reuters, a government source said that one of the addresses to which the message was sent was the White House Situation Room, the president’s secure command post. “

Sunday Steyn

Who’s ‘Politicizing’ Benghazi?



  ” Obviously, Miss Cutter is right: A healthy mature democracy should spend its quadrennial election on critical issues like the Republican party’s war on puppets rather than attempting to “politicize” the debate by dragging in stuff like foreign policy, national security, the economy, and other obscure peripheral subjects. But, alas, it was her boss who chose to “politicize” a security fiasco and national humiliation in Benghazi. At 8:30 p.m., when Ambassador Stevens strolled outside the gate and bid his Turkish guest good night, the streets were calm and quiet. At 9:40 p.m., an armed assault on the compound began, well planned and executed by men not only armed with mortars but capable of firing them to lethal purpose — a rare combination among the excitable mobs of the Middle East. There was no demonstration against an Islamophobic movie that just got a little out of hand. Indeed, there was no movie protest at all. Instead, a U.S. consulate was destroyed and four of its personnel were murdered in one of the most sophisticated military attacks ever launched at a diplomatic facility.”




” The State Department has released a transcript of a briefing that two high-ranking department officials gave to a number of reporters via conference call on October 9 (Tuesday). I am not certain about this, but I believe the transcript was only made public today. You should read it in its entirety; it is the most detailed description I have seen of the events in Benghazi on September 11.

While this is by no means clear, it appears that the State Department may have released the transcript as part of the escalating conflict between Barack Obama and Joe Biden and the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. In their desperation to avoid responsibility for the Benghazi debacle, Obama and Biden have pointed fingers in two directions: at the intelligence community for reporting incorrectly that the incident was a protest over a YouTube video clip, and at the State Department for not providing adequate security for the Ambassador.

Here are some excerpts from the narrative:

A few minutes later – we’re talking about 9 o’clock at night – the Ambassador retires to his room, the others are still at Building C, and the one agent in the [Tactical Operations Center]. At 9:40 p.m., the agent in the TOC and the agents in Building C hear loud noises coming from the front gate. They also hear gunfire and an explosion. The agent in the TOC looks at his cameras – these are cameras that have pictures of the perimeter – and the camera on the main gate reveals a large number of people – a large number of men, armed men, flowing into the compound. One special agent immediately goes to get the Ambassador in his bedroom and gets Sean, and the three of them enter the safe haven inside the building. … “

Benghazi … The Truth

Tea Party Nation




 ” Republicans held Congressional hearings yesterday on the disaster at the Benghazi Consulate that killed four Americans.  If the Republicans did not control Congress, these hearings would never have happened.


These hearings exposed the shocking truth, not the propaganda the Obama Regime wanted us to believe.  What is the truth about Benghazi?


The truth is the Obama Regime lied.  The truth is Benghazi was the result of Obama policies in the Middle East.  The truth is the Obama Regime, instead of acting like America is a superpower, tried instead to appease savages. 


The truth is the Obama Regime knew within hours this was a terrorist attack.  Even as they deliberately lied to the American people, they knew what was really behind the attack.  They blamed the attack on the actions of a filmmaker and decried the freedom that makes America great. 


At the time they knew they were sitting on a time bomb.  The truth is the boots on the ground warned the political appointees of the Obama Regime that help was needed.  They told Washington more security was needed.  They protested the withdrawal of security and support personnel.”

Attack on Benghazi Consulate ‘Unprecedented,’ State Department Official Says





” The size and “lethality” of the attack on the U.S. consulate compound in Benghazi, Libya, that left Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead was “unprecedented,” a senior State Department official said today.

Senior State Department officials today gave the most detailed account to-date of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on Sept. 11, which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other diplomats. One official said the nature of the assault was unparalleled in recent history.

“The lethality and number of armed people is unprecedented,” one of the officials said. “There was no attack anywhere in Libya — Tripoli or Benghazi — like this, So it is unprecedented and would be very, very hard to find a precedent like that in recent diplomatic history.” “

“New evidence shows there were security threats in Libya in the months prior to the deadly September 11 attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. Despite these threats, the State Department left its personnel there to fend for themselves”


Well , Duh !

“Yes, Benghazi was a terrorist attack, and yes, Obama and the State Dept. have known all along”

” Fox News follows up on Eli Lake’s report yesterday:

U.S. intelligence officials knew within 24 hours of the assault on the U.S. Consulate in Libya that it was a terrorist attack and suspected Al Qaeda-tied elements were involved, sources told Fox News — though it took the administration a week to acknowledge it.

The account conflicts with claims on the Sunday after the attack by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice that the administration believed the strike was a “spontaneous” event triggered by protests in Egypt over an anti-Islam film.”

“Limited Security in Benghazi, Secrecy Over Safe House, Contributed to Tragedy”

” U.S. officials issued alerts and ordered security precautions in neighboring Egypt ahead of protests and violence on Sept. 11,
but largely overlooked the possibility of trouble at other diplomatic postings in the

  The State Department chose to maintain only limited security in Benghazi, Libya, despite months of sporadic attacks there on U.S. and other Western missions. ”

Subscription required .

Jennifer Rubin

  ” It is a measure of how skewed the reporting is and how intellectually inconsistent is most of the “analysis” from the mainstream media that while Mitt
Romney’s comment on the embassy attacks held the attention of the press for days (when in fact he had correctly surmised that the administration was trying to make
excuses for the embassy attack by
expressing regret over an anti-Muslim video), there has been comparatively little concern with a much more critical story:
Did the Obama team intentionally lie to voters (or just shoot first and aim later) for a week about what it knew, and did the deaths of four Americans result, in part, from defective security and preparation at the Benghazi consulate? “

  “The Obama Administration has now acknowledged the glaringly obvious: that the four Americans who died in the September 11 attack in Libya “were killed in the course of a terrorist attack on our embassy.”

This statement came from no less an authority than Matthew Olsen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, in response to a question at an open Senate hearing Wednesday. Finally, someone is making sense. Reversing itself 180 degrees, the White House today scrambled to back Olsen up.

“It is self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack,” White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters traveling with President Obama. “Our embassy was attacked violently and the result was four deaths of American officials.” Really? As recently as this morning, the White House was singing a different tune.”

“Federal agency lacks strategy for
catastrophic collapse of grid, society

Without taking adequate protective
measures between now and the time of the expected “severe geomagnetic storm scenario,” experts agree the cost from space weather-induced outages that in turn could cause “non-space-weather-related events” could run from $1 trillion to $2 trillion during the first year alone,with a recovery time taking anywhere from four to 10 years.

  Such a natural solar storm, and
especially an EMP from a man-made high-altitude nuclear explosion, has the potential of thrusting the United States back to the 19th century,cutting off access to the basic necessities of life such as water and food delivery for millions of people, resulting in massive starvation. “