Son Jailed For Defending Abused Mum With Hammer Attack On ‘Jekyll And Hyde’ Dad




” A son who battered his abusive father with a hammer in a bid to stop him from attacking his mother has been jailed for six years.

  Benjamin Wilson grabbed the heavy weapon and raced upstairs at the family home after hearing crashing, shouting and commotion coming from the bedroom.

  Wilson, 22, then went into the room and beat his 46-year-old dad Craig with the weapon after claiming he was defending his mother.

  Teesside Crown Court heard how the young man could have been locked up for 12 years or more for the assault, which left his dad with brain damage and holes in his head and face.

  Instead he was given a reduced sentence after the judge considered provocation by the victim – who was described as a “violent nasty drunk”.

  But thousands have signed a petition calling on Wilson to be freed, saying the exceptional circumstances should have kept him from being locked up at all.”


The Mirror has the story