UN Schools Preach “Right Of Return”  , Foster Hatred On Our Dime

” WATCH: disturbing footage from inside Palestinian UNRWA schools. Find out what is actually being taught in UNRWA schools – schools that are funded with American and European tax dollars.

How can a generation taught from cradle to grave to hate make peace? “

   Update: We have received a comment from the organization that produces these videos and would like to inform our readers that all of their videos are produced with private donations . Please give if you can and support Israel and the truth:

” It would be nice if you were to indicate that our agency produces these films with private support that we welcome so that we can produce more solid audiovisual investigations of UNRWA ​
David Bedein
Israel Resource News Agency
Center for Near East Policy Research
Beit Agron
37 Hillel Street, Suite 105-106
Jerusalem 94581 Israel
http://www.israelbehindthenews.com “