Tag Archive: Tax Burdens

Northeast Loses 40% Of House Seats As People Flee High-Tax States







” The Northeast, once the nation’s political engine that produced presidents, House speakers and Senate giants including the late Edward M. Kennedy, is losing clout in Washington as citizens flee the high-tax region, according to experts worried about the trend.

  The Census Bureau reports that population growth has shifted to the South and the result is that the 11 states that make up the Northeast are being bled dry of representation in Washington.

  Critics blame rising taxes in states such as Massachusetts and Connecticut for limiting population growth in the Northeast to just 15 percent from 1983 to 2013, while the rest of the nation grew more than 41 percent.

The biggest impact comes in the loss of congressional representation.

  Deep in a recent report, for example, the American Legislative Exchange Council tabulated how the drop in population relative to the rest of the nation cut the region’s power in Washington. While the states from Pennsylvania to Maine had 141 House members in 1950, they are down to 85 today, a drop of some 40 percent.

California and Texas combined have more House representatives..

This result is one of the most dramatic demographic shifts in American history. This migration is shifting the power center of America right before our very eyes. The movement isn’t random or even about weather or resources. Economic freedom is the magnet and states ignore this force at their own peril,” said the report. “



Much thanks to Paul Bedard @ Washington Examiner














New York And California Suck For Taxpayers, And For Freedom


Tax Burden Map



” New York and California are the worst and second worst states in terms of tax burden, in what is less than shocking news from the financial website,WalletHub. The ranking tallies annual state and local taxes, and puts the Golden State and the Empire State at the bottom of the heap, with Wyoming and Alaska at the top as the two least burdensome states for taxpapers in a listing that also includes the District of Columbia (number 37, if you’re curious).

  In and of itself, the ranking is helpful—but it’s also helpful to cross-reference the tax ranking with separate rankings of economic liberty and overall freedom to see how they correlate. The result is a handy guide to places to live—or avoid like the plague.

  For its tax rankingsWalletHub compared: real estate tax, state income tax, local income tax, vehicle property tax, vehicle sales tax, sales and use tax, fuel tax, alcohol tax, food tax, and telecom tax.”



    We thought it would be helpful to be able to look at WalletHub’s tax rankings through the red state/blue state prism and as one would expect , with the occasional  outlier the majority of blue states fall in the heavily taxed category . No real surprise to anyone who pays attention , but interesting to see it on the page with actual hard numbers .





Rank State Avg. Annual State & Local Taxes % Difference from National Avg. Adj. Rank (based on Cost of Living Index)
1 Wyoming $2365 -66% 1
2 Alaska $2791 -60% 4
3 Nevada $3370 -52% 2
4 Florida $3648 -48% 3
5 South Dakota $3766 -46% 5
6 Washington $3823 -45% 6
7 Texas $5193 -25% 7
8 Delaware $5195 -25% 12
9 North Dakota $5588 -20% 13
10 Colorado $5674 -18% 14
11 New Mexico $5822 -16% 8
12 Alabama $5846 -16% 9
13 Arizona $6057 -13% 18
14 Utah $6069 -13% 10
15 Mississippi $6210 -11% 11
16 Indiana $6358 -9% 15
17 Louisiana $6373 -8% 16
18 West Virginia $6598 -5% 19
19 Montana $6641 -5% 20
20 Oklahoma $6795 -2% 17
21 Massachusetts $6884 -1% 35
22 Rhode Island $6905 -1% 40
23 South Carolina $7070 +2% 25
24 Georgia $7201 +3% 22
25 Missouri $7220 +4% 23
26 Tennessee $7252 +4% 21
27 Virginia $7333 +5% 29
28 New Hampshire $7419 +6% 41
29 Hawaii $7427 +7% 48
30 Arkansas $7455 +7% 26
31 Kentucky $7472 +7% 24
32 Ohio $7604 +9% 28
33 Kansas $7695 +11% 30
34 North Carolina $7705 +11% 31
35 Idaho $7776 +12% 27
36 Michigan $7867 +13% 32
37 District of Columbia $8034 +15% 46
38 Minnesota $8261 +19% 36
39 Pennsylvania $8344 +20% 34
40 Oregon $8416 +21% 42
41 Maryland $8571 +23% 44
42 Maine $8622 +24% 43
43 Iowa $8788 +27% 33
44 New Jersey $8830 +27% 47
45 Vermont $8838 +27% 45
46 Wisconsin $8975 +29% 39
47 Illinois $9006 +29% 38
48 Connecticut $9099 +31% 49
49 Nebraska $9450 +36% 37
50 California $9509 +37% 50
51 New York $9718 +40% 51


   Read more at Reason where you can see not only the tax rankings but how they correlate to freedom and liberty rankings as well . Spoiler … The red states predominate in liberty too …