Tag Archive: Tax

Proposed Medical Marijuana Rules: Your Pot Or Your Gun




” Patients who want to qualify for medical marijuana in Illinois would have to be fingerprinted for a background check and pay $150 a year — and give up their right to own a gun, state officials proposed Tuesday.

  The plan outlines how adults who have any of 41 specified medical conditions, such as cancer, AIDS or complex regional pain syndrome, may apply to get a patient registry identification card to purchase medical pot.

  The proposed rules are the first in a series of parameters expected to be outlined over the course of the year to govern how medical marijuana can be legally grown, sold and purchased. The Illinois Department of Public Health will take public comment on this set of rules until Feb. 7 and then submit them to a legislative panel for approval by the end of April.

  Most of the rules address how a patient can qualify for an ID card to buy up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana every two weeks — or more if a doctor certifies that it’s necessary.

  The law also would prohibit use of medical marijuana by police officers, firefighters, school bus and commercial drivers, and anyone who is not a qualified patient.’









Wealth Tax To Pay For EU Bail-Outs





” Senior advisers to Chancellor Angela Merkel are pushing for better-off households to pay towards the cost of any future bail-outs for the weaker members of the single currency.

The proposals, from members of Germany’s council of economic experts, raise the prospect of taxes being imposed on property in a country like Spain if its government was forced to seek a bail-out.

The council, known as the “Five Wise Men”, is often used to test new policies that are later adopted officially.

The German suggestion is the latest sign that Berlin is intent on imposing even tougher rules on weaker southern euro members in exchange for using its economic might to support their finances.

As well as inflaming tensions between Germany and its smaller southern partners, the suggestion could also mean that Britons with holiday homes are dragged deeper into the eurozone crisis.” 









IRS Collecting Tax Payer Information From Facebook And Twitter







You have until April 15th to file a return – and the IRS will be collecting a lot more than just taxes this year.

According to several reports, the agency will also be collecting personal information from sites like Facebook and Twitter.

The government has said it would only check a Facebook page or twitter account if there is already red flag in a tax form.”








18 Things Presidents Are REALLY Spending Our Tax Money On



” It is said that two things are certain: death and taxes. Of course, that ignores the inevitability that those taxes will be spent on ridiculous crap. We asked our readers to show us what presidents have secretly splurged on with our hard-earned money. The winner is below, but first the runners-up … ”


#8 By: Froggar







Americans Renouncing Citizenship To Become British Thanks To Tax Rise




” London-based American lawyers, who specialise in tax and immigration, report a threefold increase over the last five years in the number of American citizens who are giving up their citizenship – a process known as “renunciation”.

Across the world 1,781 Americans renounced their citizenship in 2011 compared with just 231 in 2008, when US tax laws changed, although it remains unknown how many are adopting British rather than any other nationality.

Many decide to give up their American citizenship after tiring of the lengthy US tax return process, which requires them to pay tax on their total income regardless of where they live.

“There’s no question that the number of people renouncing their US citizenship is increasing,” said Diane Gelon, a US tax and immigration lawyer based in London.”





Facebook to Pay Zero Taxes, Will Receive $429 Million Tax Refund



” While Obama spends a lot of time talking about how the “rich” should pay their fair share, expect Obama to mention this minor incident… never. Fair share paying doesn’t apply to Obama supporters, whether in his cabinet or outside it. It never did.

It hasn’t drawn much attention, but Facebook’s first annual earnings report contains an accounting gem: a multibillion-dollar tax deduction for the cost of executive stock options and share awards.

Even though Facebook (FB) reported $1.1 billion in pre-tax profits from U.S. operations in 2012, it will probably pay zero federal and state taxes—and even receive a federal tax refund of about $429 million.”

Democratic Business Owners In MN: Sheesh, These Taxes Sure Do Look Troublesome




” As its neighbors look to cut and simplify tax systems to attract businesses to their states, Minnesota’s Gov. Mark Dayton has a different idea:

For generations, Minnesotans lived out the progressive argument that high taxes and high services were what gave the state its fabled quality of life. But the patience of business owners is being tried more than ever, as Dayton and the Democrats who now control the Capitol mull a menu of tax increases that would primarily hit company ledgers — just as most states are going the opposite way.

Dayton has proposed tax changes he says would make the system fairer and also bring in $2 billion in new revenue. Much of the gain would come from a state sales tax on “business-to-business” purchases like legal, accounting, banking and printing costs. Few states tax such services. He would also boost Minnesota’s personal income tax rates from eighth to fourth highest in the nation, behind only Hawaii, California and Oregon.

There are some business owners, even lifelong Democrats, who are feeling the pinch and wondering if it’s worth it:”





” But Roberts’ decision limits Congress’ latitude by holding that the small size of the penalty is part of the reason it is, for constitutional purposes, a tax. It is not a “financial punishment” because it is not so steep that it effectively prohibits the choice of paying it. And, Roberts noted, “by statute, it can never be more.” As Lambert says, the penalty for refusing to purchase insurance counts as a tax only if it remains so small as to be largely ineffective.

Unable to increase penalties substantially, Congress, in the context of “guaranteed issue” and “community rating,” has only one way to induce healthy people to purchase insurance. This is by the hugely expensive process of increasing premium subsidies enough to make negligible the difference between the cost of insurance to purchasers and the penalty for not purchasing. Republicans will ferociously resist exacerbating the nation’s financial crisis in order to rescue the ACA. ”





Click Through The Graphic


The Truth About assault Weapons

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz: These new tax hikes on the rich are just the first step of “the balanced approach”





” Via Mediaite, “balanced approach” is Obama’s Orwellian term for selling tax hikes to the public as a condition of spending cuts even though there’s nothing remotely balanced about our fiscal problems. Spend 10 seconds looking at the graphs in Yuval Levin’s new post at the Corner. That’s the reality that the “balanced approach” pretends to address. As Levin said in another post today, “The fiscal trajectory of our welfare state is not sustainable, no matter how much taxes go up.”

But okay. The left’s new talking point, pushed by The One himself, is that they absolutely positively won’t negotiate over the debt ceiling. No one believes that, but fine. Supposedly, if the GOP wants spending cuts, the debt ceiling is off the table and the price will be additional revenue. One question: Where’s that new revenue coming from? I can’t figure it out. Neither can Megan McArdle:

For starters, there’s a matter of timing. President Obama just successfully raised taxes on the rich. Is he going to go back and do it again in a few months? I’m not sure about the optics here: while I think that a tax increase on the rich was popular and inevitable, I don’t think that Democrats will do well to position themselves as the party that does nothing but demand more tax increases, even on rich people. ”




Senate Passes Bill to Avoid Fiscal Cliff


” The Senate voted early Tuesday morning 89-8 in favor of the scaled-down bipartisan package that would halt historic tax hikes for many Americans and postpone automatic spending cuts for two months. The bill will now go to the House, which is expected to be back in session at noon today.

The outlines of the deal Mr. McConnell and Mr. Biden worked out included raising tax rates for individuals making more than $400,000 and families with incomes more than $450,000, and extended unemployment benefits for the long-term jobless. It also continued a number of programs from Mr. Obama’s 2009 stimulus law, including tax credits for college tuition and for green-energy programs.

The question now is whether the bill can pass the House. Breitbart points out that the deal reached “cuts only $15 billion in spending while increasing tax revenues by $620 billion—a 41:1 ratio of tax increases to spending cuts,” according to the CBO. Commenting on the lopsided ratio, one House Republican said, “I can’t imagine a ratio such as that warming our fiscal hearts.” “






Obamacare Law Contains 20 New Or Higher Taxes On American Families And Small Businesses




” Taxpayers are reminded that the President’s healthcare law is one of the largest tax increases in American history.

Obamacare contains 20 new or higher taxes on American families and small businesses.

Arranged by their respective effective dates, below is the total list of all $500 billion-plus in tax hikes (over the next ten years) in Obamacare, where to find them in the bill, and how much your taxes are scheduled to go up as of today:

Taxes that took effect in 2010:

1. Excise Tax on Charitable Hospitals (Min$/immediate): $50,000 per hospital if they fail to meet new “community health assessment needs,” “financial assistance,” and “billing and collection” rules set by HHS. Bill: PPACA; Page: 1,961-1,971″



That was just the start . read the rest of these ” not a tax “Taxes



              Taxes that take effect in 2013:

” 10. Surtax on Investment Income ($123 billion/Jan. 2013):  Creation of a new, 3.8 percent surtax on investment income earned in households making at least $250,000 ($200,000 single).  This would result in the following top tax rates on investment income: Bill: Reconciliation Act; Page: 87-93″

  Capital Gains Dividends Other*
2012 15% 15% 35%
2013+ 23.8% 43.4% 43.4%
 These are just a couple examples of the  ” not a tax ” Taxes that were rammed down our throats because ” we need to pass the bill before we can see what is in it “. 
  Remind yourself that this is what passes for “responsible” governance in 21st century Amerika . Dictated to by our “betters” . Are we anything much more the serfs now ? 

Taxes that take effect in 2014:

” 17. Individual Mandate Excise Tax (Jan 2014): Starting in 2014, anyone not buying “qualifying” health insurance must pay an income surtax according to the higher of the following

1 Adult 2 Adults 3+ Adults
2014 1% AGI/$95 1% AGI/$190 1% AGI/$285
2015 2% AGI/$325 2% AGI/$650 2% AGI/$975
2016 + 2.5% AGI/$695 2.5% AGI/$1390 2.5% AGI/$2085

Exemptions for religious objectors, undocumented immigrants, prisoners, those earning less than the poverty line, members of Indian tribes, and hardship cases (determined by HHS). Bill: PPACA; Page: 317-337 “




Don’t fool yourselves , this “free” healthcare is going to cost us everything .



Illustration By Nate Beeler







Say what you will of the Dems , and we’ve said plenty , but they have backbone , something sorely lacking on the right side of the aisle .






 ” It’s becoming quite clear that liberals are stonewalling on entitlement cuts while conservatives are caving on higher taxes for the wealthy. Barack Obama said  yesterday that the Republicans would cave, asserting that he was “confident”:

I’m pretty confident that Republicans would not hold middle-class taxes hostage to trying to protect tax cuts for high-income individuals. I don’t think they’ll do that.

There have been rumors that Obama would consider changing the minimum age for Medicare to 67, but Obama’s statements belie that. He intoned:

When you look at the evidence, it’s not clear that it actually saves a lot of money. But what I’ve said is ‘Let’s look at every avenue because what is true is we need to strengthen Social Security, we need to strengthen Medicare for future generations.’ The current path is not sustainable because we’ve got an aging population and healthcare costs are shooting up so quickly.

Obama is sticking with his meme, that he is concerned about the middle class:

I’d like to see a big package. But the most important thing we can do is make sure that middle-class taxes do not go up on Jan. 1st.

Shh. Don’t mention ObamaCare hitting after January 1.

Meanwhile liberals are absolutely intransigent about entitlement cuts.”




Illustration By Michael Ramirez


Coming 55% Death Tax To Threaten Over Half-Million Family Farms








 ” The infamous ‘death tax’ could come at an unbearable cost to millions of Americans that want to keep the family farm.  If your estate exceeds $1 million, your family might have to fork over 55% to the IRS …just because you passed on.  This tax is especially going to hit family farms and ranches, some of which might have been owned for generations.  The Examiner writes:

New legislation that jumps the death tax to 55 percent of estates exceeding $1 million threatens 526,421 family farms, of about 25 percent of all farms in America, according to a Senate analysis. ”


 Even as the left bemoans the loss of small business/family farms they continue to enact legislation that produces the exact result that they claim to abhor .

The Death Tax is the most obscene of all the government wealth confiscation schemes . All of the assets that comprise a decedent ‘s estate , whether it be cash savings , stocks/bonds , real estate , jewelry or anything else has already been taxed at least once and likely more than that . For the government to reach into the coffin and take half of the deceased ‘s hard earned belongings is the ultimate indecency .



Illustration By Michael Ramirez



Experts Warn About Impending Obamacare Tax Increases


” Five major tax increases will go into effect starting in 2013 as a result of Obamacare, regardless of what happens with the fiscal cliff.

Three of those tax hikes will mostly affect the middle class.

The medical-device tax, for example, will apply to hip replacements and “affect everyone who needs those devices,” John C. Goodman,  president of the National Center for Policy Analysis, told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Americans for Tax Reform, the Washington-based group headed by Grover Norquist, estimates the overall tax burden of the medical-device tax will be $20 billion”.






 ” California State Controller John Chiang has announced that total state revenue for the month of November 2012 fell $806.8 million, or 10.8%, below budget.

Democrats thought they could hammer “the rich” by convincing voters to pass Proposition 30 to create the highest state income tax in the nation. But it now appears that high income earners have already “voted with their feet” by moving themselves and their businesses out of state, resulting in over $1 billion shortfall in corporate and income taxes last month and the beginning of a new financial crisis.”

Where In The World Have Tax Increases Made Things Better?




 ” The problem is it’s not true. Raising taxes only makes things worse. The vintage conservative nostrums about higher taxes reducing revenue and enervating economies still hold.

Look at Great Britain where former Prime Minister Gordon Brown pushed through a tax hike shortly before voters booted him in 2010. Wealthy earners saw their rate increase from 40% to 50%. The top rate for capital gains also shot up 10%.

The results have been catastrophic for Britain’s economy. In 2010, there were more than 16,000 people in Britain declaring income of 1 million pounds or more. With Brown’s new taxes, that number dropped to just 6,000 as the wealthy either left Britain or trimmed their income to avoid taxation. Earlier this year, under Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron, the government announced it would drop that rate from 50% to 45%. Since then, the number of residents declaring 1 million pound incomes is up to 10,000.

Higher tax rates lead to fewer millionaires; lower tax rates lead to more millionaires. It’s as clear an illustration as you’ll ever see. And far from increasing revenue, Brown’s tax burden actually cost the treasury 7 billion pounds. Britain’s economy has stalled since Conservatives took power, leading various Krugmanians to reflexively scream “AUSTERITY!” every time they hear an English accent. Britain’s recession is complicated but one of its real causes is surely “TAXES!” ”



Illustration By Gary Varvel



It’s Bush’s Fault … Part ?




” According to IRS data, the “richest 1% paid $84 billion more in taxes in 2007 than they had in 2000,” a 23% increase. In addition, their “share of the overall income tax burden grew, climbing from 37% in 2000 to 40% in 2007.” All this occurred even though their rates went down. “

… How Much Government Would They Pay For?





taxes (Photo credit: 401(K) 2012




 ” Let’s assume that the two winners who will split the jackpot take the estimated $379.8 million lump sum. After all, with President Obama’s call for a tax increase on upper income earners, a call echoed by Warren Buffett, these newly minted millionaires could face a 39.6 percent rate—not the current 35 percent.


Suppose they’re smart, though, and take the money this year. Then the federal government keeps $132.9 million and the winners keep $246.9 million—less whatever state and local taxes they will owe.


Total spending in fiscal year 2012 was $3.54 trillion. Put in other terms, the government spent an average $9.7 billion a day, $404.1 million an hour, and $6.7 million per minute. Do the math, and that $132.9 million in tax revenue would fund the entire federal government for a whopping 20 minutes. “


Video: Small Business America Gets Crushed By Tax Hikes



” While Obama and the Democrats attempt to make the argument that the ‘rich’ deserve to pay more in taxes, their argument has plenty of holes in it. Sure, they want the rich – the people that actually have more money in this economy – to pay more taxes to help the country get out of debt, and most people agree that the rich should pay more. But what they don’t see is that the same tax increases on those rich also affect small businesses. “



Illustration By Eric Allie

It’s Not Like They Are Captives Or Something … Yet



” One of the biggest mistakes liberals tend to make is assuming a static response from the people being taxed.

This is a big mistake, particularly when you’re talking about the rich. The rich — being rich — have lots of options. They can hire the best accountants to find loopholes, hire lobbyists to create loopholes, shift their money around to protect it from the tax man, stop working, and, yes, as the Britons are finding out, they can also JUST LEAVE.

In the 2009-10 tax year, more than 16,000 people declared an annual income of more than £1 million to HM Revenue and Customs.

This number fell to just 6,000 after Gordon Brown introduced the new 50p top rate of income tax shortly before the last general election. “

   Hurricane Sandy demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt which sector can provide quick , cost-effective relief to those most in need , and it damn sure wasn’t FEMA or Nanny Bloomberg’s Brigade .

   By eliminating the charitable deduction on the income tax return , the government is wielding a double-edged sword : Billions of our money will flow into federal coffers to be squandered on pork and vote-buying and at the same time those billions that are now , not going to the charities will make the needy that much more dependent on … who else ? … You guessed it … The government .

   It’s a win/win for Statists and a lose/lose for freedom lovers .

  Always keep in mind the fact that prior to the exponential growth of government over the past century the poor and needy were taken care of through the good graces of the Church , charities and neighbors and communities helping their own . Government has systematically killed that civic-mindedness in it’s insatiable need for expansion .

To paraphrase the Blogger King : They’d make us all beggars , ’cause they’re easier to please …


Churches and charities are about ” a hand up ” while  Government is all about ” a hand out “






Is Government About to Throw Charity Under the Bus?



” Why are charities getting kicked around right now? It’s an old saying in Washington D.C. that those who do not come to the table (by hiring sufficiently well connected lobbyists and making campaign contributions) will become the lunch. Charities (with a few exceptions) are not exactly a lobbying powerhouse and are barred by law from making campaign contributions or participating in elections, a tremendous disadvantage in our crony capitalist system. This may explain President Obama’s decision to go after them for government revenue and the Republicans decision (perhaps) to go along.







    Seeing this gave us an idea . Since the government has mandated “truth in advertising‘ as far as calorie , sugar , salt , carb content   is concerned regarding our dining habits when we eat out , perhaps Denny’s has struck upon the right idea . We propose that the restaurants, already forced to save us from our own voracious appetites and irresponsible spending habits  can do the same with regard to the government’s . 

    From now on each eating establishment , and there is no reason this idea can’t be successfully adapted to other businesses as well , shall post along with nutritional data , the data reflecting the reason their meal costs exactly what it does . Let’s give you an example , shall we ?  

   That $15 cheeseburger you are about to scarf down could be had for $6 if not for the omnipresent hidden costs imposed upon every business and inevitably passed on to you , the consumer . So if Joe Blow ducks into his local burger joint and drops $15 for lunch he gets a receipt that looks like this  :

                                                            1 Cheeseburger                                  $3.00           

                                                            1 Large Fry                                            $1.50

                                                            1 Large ( no more than 16oz)  $1.50


                                                            Food Cost w/Profit                           $6.00

                                                            Municipal Food Permit                $1.00

                                                            County Business Tax                     $1.50

                                                            State Business Tax                          $2.00

                                                            Federal Obamacare Tax             $1.75

                                                            Liability Insurance                       $1.75

                                                            Unemployment Insurance     $ 1.00


                                                           You Pay                                                   $15.00

                                                           Gratuity Not Included

                                                           Thank You , Please Come Again

                                                            Have A Nice Day !

Surely the itemized costs can be broken down even further but this is a quicky from our politics and sex scandal addled brains . Feel free to leave your own suggestions in the comments . Everyone should know the true cost of the government that they vote upon themselves .

   We here at YouViewed think that it is high time for the ignorant masses , existence proven beyond a shadow of a doubt 11/6 , to know exactly why everything costs what it does .There is no free lunch .  No more letting the government get away with hidden tax increases . Let the Obama Mama’s see that they are paying for that ” free ”  Obamaphone with every greasy fry that they ingest .  Mangia !