Tag Archive: Swat Raid

SWAT Team Sent To Lil Wayne’s Miami Home In Apparent Hoax






” A SWAT team arrived at Lil Wayne‘s Miami home Wednesday afternoon after reports of gunshots and injuries. But despite a scan of Wayne’s property, the team found no signs of foul play following the hour-plus search. Miami police representative Ernesto Rodriguez has confirmed that the event was a hoax.

  Whether the hoax was a straightforward prank call or an intentional ploy to send over a SWAT team remains unclear. The practice is increasingly common between online gamers, but if this was an intentional “swatting,” Lil Wayne is the highest-profile celebrity to fall victim to the practice. “


Daily Dot has more













TX SWAT Team Beats, Deafens Nude Man In His Own Home, Lies About Arrest; Judge Declines To Punish Cops Or DA






” A well-meaning friend of Chad Chadwick called the Missouri City, TX police to say that he was afraid that Chadwick was having emotional difficulties; the cops lied to a judge to say that they had reason to believe Chadwick was heavily armed, then they sent a SWAT-team to his house (where he was asleep in the tub), beat 11 kinds of shit out of him, gave him permanent hearing loss, held him in solitary confinement, fraudulently accused him of resisting arrest, and tried to have him imprisoned — he was acquitted, but a judge wouldn’t punish the cops or the DA, because “There is no freestanding constitutional right to be free from malicious prosecution.”

  Chadwick was bankrupted by the process of defending himself against the multiple felonies that the DA and the police manufactured to justify the violence. The jury offered him “comforting hugs” when they acquitted him of all charges. The DA involved is Ft. Bend County District Attorney John Heal, the police were from Missouri City, Sugar Land, Stafford and the Ft. Bend County Sheriff’s Department, the judge was Gray H Miller. “


Read more












Sydney Hostage Situation Ends After 16 Hours At Australia Lindt Chocolat Cafe







” The standoff ended when a loud bang was heard from the Lindt Chocolat Cafe and five people ran out. Then police swooped into the building, and there was a flurry of loud bangs.

  The gunman was identified by local media as Man Haron Monis, who is facing charges including sexual assault and accessory to murder in separate cases. A police official said “you wouldn’t be wrong” in identifying the 50-year-old Monis as the gunman. Under department rules, officials do not identify themselves unless speaking at a formal news conference.

  Monis has long been on officials’ radar. Last year, he was sentenced to 300 hours of community service for writing offensive letters to families of soldiers killed in Afghanistan. He was later charged with being an accessory to the murder of his ex-wife. Earlier this year, he was charged with the sexual assault of a woman in 2002. He has been out on bail on the charges.

” This is a one-off random individual. It’s not a concerted terrorism event or act. It’s a damaged goods individual who’s done something outrageous,” his former lawyer, Manny Conditsis, told Australian Broadcasting Corp.

” His ideology is just so strong and so powerful that it clouds his vision for common sense and objectiveness,” Conditsis said. “



Read morand see here :


Two killed as Australian police storm siege cafe

Sydney siege live: Loud explosions heard as police storm

Sydney siege: Police storm Lindt cafe where hostages were being held










Nutmeg State SWAT Storms Gun Owner’s Home, Seizes Firearms





” Connecticut gun owner told Guns and Patriots that his civil rights were stripped from him by an anti-gun judicial branch and a soon-to-be ex-wife who is uncomfortable with him owning guns.

“ High risk SWAT team rolls in and takes all my guns,” said Edward F. Taupier the respondent in a two-year divorce action that has escalated to an all-out war. “It took two armadillo armored vehicles, 75 officers with weapons drawn, and 45 minutes to raid my house.”

  Although he said he posed no risk to the officers, Taupier was thrown to the ground and arrested.

  Taupier, who is a former Wall Street chief officer at Citibank, said he has no prior record of arrests or charges – not even a speeding ticket – yet his home was invaded and his guns stolen based on a false allegation made by a person he does not even know, he said.

  Linda J. Allard, a West Hartford family law attorney, contacted Superior Court Judge Elizabeth L. Bozzuto, the judge assigned in his divorce proceeding, to discuss a private email she never received directly, he said. “I have never met Linda Allard. I didn’t do anything wrong. I sent an email to seven people that did not include Allard.”

  That did not stop the Cromwell police and the judicial marshal, acting outside of a criminal jurisdiction, from having him violently arrested, he said. Allard’s statement to the police, which is missing from evidence, falsely accuses Taupier of threatening Bozzuto in that email, he said. “I never sent any threat to her or anyone.”

  After being bailed out of jail, costing his family a total of three-quarters of a million dollars in bond, Taupier said he is assigned to 27 new bail and bond conditions, wears two ankle bracelets, which includes a GPS tracker, and is not permitted to leave the house except for court appearances. This is all despite the fact that the initial risk warrant was determined to be invalid in criminal court, he said.

“ I am on 24-7 lockdown. All my freedoms have been denied,” he said. “This happens to people in North Korea or in the Russian Gulag.”

  One day after the arrest, his contract with Citigroup as a financial officer was terminated. The job that gave him the opportunity to be at home with his children after school, instead of warehoused in day care, was taken away from him too, he said.

  Taupier’s arrest happened just two days after Tanya A. Taupier initiated an ex parte emergency hearing on Aug. 29 in which Bozzuto ordered their two children, aged 9 and 10, be extracted from one elementary school to another elementary school of Mrs. Taupier’s choice, said Taupier.

“ I have had 50-50 percent custody of my children for the past nine years,” he said. “I am an active and engaged parent – I love my kids.” Her extreme action is a result of a disagreement concerning the best schooling and after-school environment for their children, he said. “That’s what led to the false arrest.”

  In court Taupier’s ex-wife  said she wanted the school transfer to be as unobtrusive to the children as possible, but at the same time she requested a police escort, to extract two children in the middle of a school day, he said. “It not only violated the children’s rights, it terrorized them.”

  Mrs. Taupier then filed a full protective order against him, even though there was no family threat, he said. In court, Mrs. Taupier said Taupier’s possession of guns exposes the children to potential, deadly thugs that can hurt them. She makes this claim without any evidence, said Taupier. “In all the 12 years we have lived together there has never been a domestic violence incident.”

  Nonetheless, he said his 50-50 percent custody of the children was unilaterally dissolved by Bozzuto. The new judge assigned, because of the long length of this case, Judge Jorge A. Simon, accepted the ex-wife’s demand to cease weekend visitation and limit any visitation to supervised at a court approved location. “My time with my children now consists of two six-minute phone conversations per week.”

  All this time, the ex-wife failed to tell the court that out of the 13 guns that were in her possession, eight of them were given to him by her deceased father, he said. “Guns are a hobby for me. I purchase and collect guns to upgrade them,” said Taupier. “I’m an electrical engineer – I have mechanical skills.”

  It was the court appointed guardian ad litem, who initiated the gun ban against him without any evidence his hobby was a threat, he said. At the advice of then-counsel, Taupier agreed to temporarily remove the firearms from the home in exchange for time with his children. Time with his children would not be what the GAL proposed and Taupier later retrieved the firearms with the intention of selling his collection to offset legal costs, he said. “I have $50,000 custom made gun work, with enhanced triggers on my own guns.”

  Attorneys’ fees, mediation costs and GAL services that are dragging out the divorce, racked up fees in excess of $30,000, he said. “I have no money, no job, and I’m still not divorced.”

  The Connecticut Bar Association dismissed a grievance complaint filed by Taupier against the GAL, Margaret Bozek, because he said her actions did not seek the best interest of the children. “The GAL was not doing her job,” he said. Bozek recommended a full summer of revoked parental rights for Taupier. “My children want to see me. I want to see my children. How is separating us in their best interest?

  Family court, a court of equity, is using the children to punish Taupier for his political activism against GAL services, said Taupier. In a criminal jurisdiction Taupier is entitled to a Fernando hearing which would give him the right to be presented with his accuser. Family court circumvented criminal law by issuing a criminal order in a civil court arena, he said. “The risk warrant allowed officials to take custody and employ the SWAT teams.” In the criminal court, the risk warrant was deemed invalid, he said.

  For a state known as the “Constitution State” it does not follow the Constitution very well, he said. “There are First, Second, and Fourth Amendment violations – even my right to vote has been taken away.”

  Taupier believes his case is not an isolated one, he said.

  The entire family court system is embedded with players in a scam designed to soak money from good parents in order to fund a system that is completely broken. “I come from a big Irish, Catholic family. Family is everything to us,” said Taupier. “My family has been destroyed by family court.” “


Thanks to Human Events










Okra Mistaken For Pot In Man’s Garden








” A Cartersville man is upset after he said investigators mistook a garden full of okra for marijuana plants.
  The man growing the popular Southern food said a helicopter woke him up Wednesday and then he had deputies show up at his door.
” I was scared actually, at first, because I didn’t know what was happening,” said homeowner Dwayne Perry.
  All he noticed was that there was a chopper sitting unusually low over his house, then Bartow County deputies and a K-9 unit appeared at his doorstep in minutes.
” They were strapped to the gills,” Perry said.
  It turned out, that helicopter was from the Governor’s Task Force for drug suppression and they were out looking for domestic cannabis plants and spotted the tree and plants.
” Instead, it’s okra and maybe a bush on the end of the house,” Perry said. “














DHS Ransacks Florida Couple’s Home Without Explanation, Strips Woman Naked





” A Florida couple was traumatized after a dozen heavily armed SWAT agents crashed through their front door, flash-banged their cat, aimed rifles at them and searched their home without explanation.

  The raid took place in the pre-dawn hours of June 10th, 2014. At approximately 6:16 a.m., Kari Edwards and her live-in boyfriend were intruded upon by men dressed in full SWAT gear and wielding rifles. After smashing down the couple’s front door, agents tossed concussion grenades and proceeded into the home.

“ They busted in like I was a terrorist or something,” said Ms. Edwards.

“ [An officer] demanded that I drop the towel I was covering my naked body with,” Ms. Edwards said, “before snatching it off me physically and throwing me to the ground.”

“ While I lay naked, I was cuffed so tightly I could not feel my hands. For no reason, at gunpoint,” Edwards said. “[Agents] refused to cover me, no matter how many times I asked.”

  Ms. Edwards said her boyfriend told her that an agent holding an assault rifle to her back was gawking at her exposed body. “Eying me up and down like I was eye candy,” she said.

  The house was equipped with a surveillance system, which captured video of the agents from a couple different angles. “








Ms Edwards describes the assault this way …




” At 6:16 am on Tuesday June 10, 2014 a team of over a dozen heavily armed men in full swat gear smashed my front door, threw flash bang grenades at my cat (a normally friendly cat who greets everyone is now fearful and hard of hearing), demanded that I drop the towel I was covering my naked body with before snatching it off of me physically and throwing me to the ground.

  According to my boyfriend, the agent with his assault rifle to my back kept eying me up & down like I was eye candy. I requested to see ID and the agent pointed at his uniform that read POLICE and said “Isn’t this ID enough for you?” When I told him I could buy that up in Miami he called me retarded and said I was fucking stupid. They spent bout 2 hours trashing my house, even smashing clear glass shower doors and a vintage statue.

  My boyfriend, who is asthmatic, started having trouble breathing due to the lingering smoke created by the flash bang grenade and asked for his inhaler. The agent said “do I need to call paramedics? My boyfriend said no, I just need my inhaler can someone get it for me?, Again he was answered with a paramedic offer. Finally another agent asked where it was and brought it out then helped him use it. The video is short because they ripped out my surveillance DVR stating they “can’t be recorded”.”









” After about 2 hours of pure hell, a female agent asked if there were any laptops in the house. They left us thinking that they were here for child pornography but the more I thin about it, I don’t think they would have come in full force, shields, helicopter, etc for kiddie porn.

  I’m still scratching my head but have made complains to the ACLU, DHS OIG and the White House but I don’t want to just sit there waiting so decided to spread the word and increase awareness.




   PoliceStateUSA has more original reporting including pictures of the trashed house provided by Ms Edwards here .














Feds Perform Guns-Drawn SWAT Raid While Investigating Campaign Finance Allegation




” A prominent figure in Utah says that his children had guns pointed at them during a violent police raid to investigate an alleged white-collar crime. “If they’ll do it to me, they’ll do it to anybody,” said former Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff.

“ Law enforcement showed up in masks, 12 officers with bullet proof vests, assault rifles, burst through the door screaming and yelling at my kids,” Shurtleff said in an interview with Fox 13. He said that guns were pointed at his daughter and son, ages 16 and 20, in his suburban home while he was away.

“ They burst [in on] my little girl – my 17-year-old – going to the bathroom, screaming at her to get out of there,” recalled Shurtleff. “When she steps out there are four men in body armor with weapons pointed at her chest.”

“ These John Wayne-wannabe, freakin’ Clint Eastwood, Dirty Harry tactics are absolutely unacceptable and unneeded,” said Shurtleff on KSL Radio.”



    How is it that a simple allegation of campaign finance fraud merits a full-blown military response ? Regardless of the guilt or innocence of Mr’s Shurtleff and Swallow , what possible justification could there be to endanger the men’s families over minor white-collar crimes ?

While the district attorney and the Dept of Public Safety bend over backwards in their assertions that proper procedure was followed , it is that very procedure that we find questionable in the first place . What ever happened to knocking on the door to serve your warrant ?



” Mr. Gill is the current District Attorney for Salt Lake County and head of the investigation against Shurtleff. He defended the tactics used, according to KSL: “There are certain things that you have to do when you go into an area that is unfamiliar to you… This is what every citizen out there is subjected to when it comes down.”

  The Utah Department of Public Safety issued a statement about the raids. They said their agents “followed proper procedure” and “acted in accordance to policy and utilized the minimum force necessary to execute the warrants.”



   If middle of the night no-knock SWAT raids are “proper procedure” for virtually any warrant service then it is well past time to change that procedure . How many more innocents must be endangered and have their views of the police irretrievably altered to ones of Nazi storm troopers before we bring this travesty of statism to a halt ?

Thanks to PoliceStateUSA


Accountability CheckAlert_HandBlinking

Utah Department of Public Safety
Phone: (801) 965-4445
Email: Contact









SWAT Team Comes Up Empty After 5-Hour Standoff


June 9, 2014




” Atlanta police surrounded a home in southwest Atlanta for several hours early today, but when SWAT officers went into the house, the person whey were looking for was not there.

  The incident began around 1:30 a.m. with reports of a man pulling a gun on a woman at a home in the 2400 block of Baxter Road.

  Atlanta police spokeswoman Kim Jones said the SWAT team was called in because of a “possible barricaded gunman.”

But just after 7 a.m., Jones said SWAT officer had left the scene, and, “the perpetrator was not located.” “


Atlanta Journal Constitution












SWAT Raid In Kalamazoo Turns Up Empty-Handed, Frightens Family








” A SWAT team raids a Kalamazoo family home looking for drugs, but turns up empty handed.

  It happened last Thursday at a house on Southworth Terrace. Two young children were home at the time. Their parents tell us, police made a mistake, and now they’re left to cope with the trauma.

  The family tells Newschannel 3 the man police were looking for, was renting the home nearly a year before they moved in, and they’re upset police didn’t do their homework before busting through their door.

” I thought it was somebody either trying to rob us, or hurt us,” said Jeremy Handley.

  Handley tells us after the KDPS SWAT team busted through his back door, he and his wife Becky were handcuffed and searched.

“He had me sprawl out right here on the floor, and then he had me put my hands behind my back,” said Handley. And Handley’s two children, ran and hid in a bedroom closet.”


Another family has been turned upside down by the barbarism of the State . Read on












Meanwhile In Amerika …



Meanwhile In Amerika




… Someone Had An Overdue Library Book











You Won’t Be Needing It Any Longer




We've Come For Your 4th Amendment










Baltimore SWAT Team Locks School Down For Four Hours Over Student With Tripod


Tripod Weapon



” Baltimore police stormed a school in SWAT gear, locking it down for four hours before evacuating the students to another school after a journalism student was spotted with a tripod.

  The University of Maryland student should count his blessings he wasn’t shot to death considering his tripod was reported as being a gun.

Baltimore City Public Schools released the following statement, according to CBS.

“ This morning, KIPP Ujima Village Academy and KIPP Harmony were placed in heightened security status, based on a report of a possible intruder. Police responded and secured the building, while police and school staff together ensured the safety of all children and staff. After a thorough investigation, police determined that there was no intruder in the building or on school grounds.”


Read the rest at PINAC







Family Sues After Armed Police Kick Down Wrong Door




No Knock Welfare Check Click For Video



” A Caldwell family has filed a lawsuit in federal court after armed police mistakenly kicked in their apartment door while looking for the family’s neighbor.

  The incident happened last year on February 21 around 11:30 p.m. The Johnsons filed a lawsuit in federal court in November, saying they were illegally searched and their Constitutional rights were violated. 

” Not acceptable. Being put in handcuffs. Kicking our door in. What’s that all about? No. Not acceptable. Not acceptable,” David Johnson said. 

  The Johnsons name the cities of Caldwell and Nampa, the police departments, the police chiefs and officers in the lawsuit. This month, both departments filed court papers denying accusations that the Johnsons’ rights were violated.”



   Of course the Johnson’s rights were violated , only thug cops with no respect for the Constitution could believe otherwise …



” David Johnson says he, his wife, and his adult son were all asleep when the police came to their door. He says there was no knock and no identification by police.

” We had no idea. No idea what was going on. Nothing. We were sound asleep when it started,” Johnson said. “We didn’t know who it was, and as I walked up to the door, pieces of the door were hitting me.” 

  Johnson says he unlocked the deadbolt and came face-to-face with a large gun. 

” There’s a gun pointed at me. No one said anything. Next thing I know somebody grabbed my arm, pulled me out and handcuffed me. Just like that,” Johnson said. “



    Once again , thanks to the increasingly violent nature of law enforcement a family’s lives were endangered on heresay from a woman that allegedly was threatened … by a third party , no less . Listening to the audio , which is available here and here it is apparent that the cops do not know where they are going nor even what they are looking for .

This incident grew from a woman complaining that a man threatened her to , according to the cops , a “homicide in progress” .What bulls**t . 



” After they brought him out, he says the police searched his home with a police canine and eventually got the neighbor they were looking for out of the next-door apartment as well. He says police told him they were looking into a “homicide in progress,” gave him a business card, and then left.”



   It is a miracle that no one was killed this time around , but the prevalence of the KGB-like tactics of midnight door busting must be stopped at all costs if we are to maintain any sort of liberty in our country . 

    It’s bad enough that the cops screwed up but to compound the error by stonewalling and refusing to admit that they’ve made a mistake and violated the Johnson’s rights to due process only serves to highlight a law enforcement culture that has morphed into a fine example of a police state … The Stasi would be proud . 



” The city says the officers had true information and with that had reason to attempt to find the potential suspect and victim by conducting “a no-knock, no-warrant welfare check“. The department says procedures and policies are proper.”



    That phrase ” no-knock , no-warrant welfare check” has to be the greatest example of government double-speak since George Orwell passed . 

   Where is the accountability ? Since when do unsubstantiated allegations and the rumored presence of a weapon demand an immediate , poorly planned dynamic entry ? The governing principle of the jackboots today is if there is any suspicion that a resident might own a gun , rights be damned , assault the property .

   That policy should strike fear into the hearts of millions and millions of Americans when one considers the fact that at least 50% of us own a gun . The next time you piss off your ex-wife or a neighbor is annoyed with your dog or how you parked your car you could be a candidate for a full blown SWAT raid if they suspect that you are a gun owner . That is chilling .

 Read the whole thing and pray it doesn’t happen to you .






‘Gun’ Tattoo Mistakenly Brings Heavily Armed Police To Maine Man’s Home




” Michael Smith went outside shirtless after being awakened Tuesday morning, yelling at tree removal workers to get off his property. The workers thought they saw a gun in his waistband and called police..

  Smith, who had gone back to bed, was awakened again minutes later – this time by Maine State Police at his front door, backed up by a group of troopers with assault rifles in his driveway. They were asking him via a megaphone to come out of his house.”





” Smith did have a gun. It was tattooed on his stomach. No charges will be filed against Smith. Several police standoffs with armed men have occurred in central Maine in recent years, some of them deadly.”


Read on







Raw Video – Connecticut SWAT Terrorize College Dorm Looking For Plastic Sword SHTF



   This story and video that has gone viral dates from early November when Central Connecticut State U came under “lockdown” after a halloween costumed young man was reported to be armed .

” Central Connecticut State University locked down its campus for more than three hours Monday after reports that a person carrying a sword and gun had been spotted at the school. But by midafternoon, an “all clear” was given, three people were in custody, and police said they were investigating the possibility it was a Halloween hoax.”

Here is another brief student shot video …

” CCSU Police Chief Chris Cervoni said three “persons of interest,” including at least one student, had been taken into custody. Surveillance video showed one entering a residence hall with what appeared to be something “looking like a sword” and a “possible handgun,” Cervoni said. No charges have been filed and the investigation is ongoing.”

Here is a news report in “real time” as the situation was going down …

Here is some info on the “suspect” David Kyem …

Read more here , here , here and here on this old news .

SWAT Team Raids Organic Farm, Confiscates Blueberries





” A small organic farm in Arlington, Texas, was the target of a massive police action last week that included aerial surveillance, a SWAT raid and a 10-hour search. Members of the local police raiding party had a search warrant for marijuana plants, which they failed to find at the Garden of Eden farm.”





” But farm owners and residents who live on the property told a Dallas-Ft. Worth NBC station that the real reason for the law enforcement exercise appears to have been code enforcement. The police seized “17 blackberry bushes, 15 okra plants, 14 tomatillo plants … native grasses and sunflowers,” after holding residents inside at GUNpoint for at least a half-hour, property owner Shellie Smith said in a statement. The raid lasted about 10 hours, she said.”





     This story transpired in August of 2013 but is back in the news because the trial is starting . Yes , a trial … for “illegal” blackberry bushes ? This is the absurdity of the drug war exemplified . Neighbors complain of code violations , make bogus allegations of marijuana plants and SWAT raids a hippy commune . 

    A ten hour SWAT raid for illegal shrubs ? WTF ? Read more here and here .








Texas State Tried To Shut Down A Sustainable Community




” Earlier this year, Texas state brought several SWAT teams to the quiet and peaceful Garden of Eden Community and threatened its existence. In what appears to be an intimidation tactic, only a single arrest was made based on unrelated outstanding traffic violations, and a handful of citations were given for city code violations. Absolutely no drug related violations were found and all inhabitants of the community were unarmed.

  Each of the community members present in the house were initially handcuffed at gunpoint by heavily armed SWAT officers. This included the mother of a 22 month old and a two week old baby. As part of the raid many of the crops were destroyed by officers, this included wild and cultivated plants such as blackberries, lamb’s quarters and okra. Officers also proceeded to remove a variety of materials the community had planned to use in sustainability projects like pallets, tires, cardboard and more. “










D.C. Businessman Faces Two Years In Jail For Unregistered Ammunition, Brass Casing


   The man sure looks like a threat to public safety , doesn’t he ? It’s a good thing they had thirty armed officers to take him down . Jeez …


” Mark Witaschek, a successful financial adviser with no criminal record, is facing two years in prison for possession of unregistered ammunition after D.C. police raided his house looking for guns. Mr. Witaschek has never had a firearm in the city, but he is being prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The trial starts on Nov. 4.

The police banged on the front door of Mr. Witaschek’s Georgetown home at 8:20 p.m. on July 7, 2012, to execute a search warrant for “firearms and ammunition … gun cleaning equipment, holsters, bullet holders and ammunition receipts.

Mr. Witaschek’s 14-year-old daughter let inside some 30 armed officers in full tactical gear.

D.C. law requires residents to register every firearm with the police, and only registered gun owners can possess ammunition, which includes spent shells and casings. The maximum penalty for violating these laws is a $1,000 fine and a year in jail.

Police based their search on a charge made by Mr. Witaschek’s estranged wife, who had earlier convinced a court clerk to issue a temporary restraining order against her husband for threatening her with a gun, although a judge later found the charge to be without merit.

After entering the house, the police immediately went upstairs, pointed guns at the heads of Mr. Witaschek and his girlfriend, Bonnie Harris, and demanded they surrender, facedown and be handcuffed.

The police found no guns in the house, but did write on the warrant that four items were discovered: “One live round of 12-gauge shotgun ammunition,” which was an inoperable shell that misfired during a hunt years earlier. Mr. Witaschek had kept it as a souvenir. “One handgun holster” was found, which is perfectly legal.

One expended round of .270 caliber ammunition,” which was a spent brass casing. The police uncovered “one box of Knight bullets for reloading.” These are actually not for reloading, but are used in antique-replica, single-shot, muzzle-loading rifles. “


David Gregory was unavailable for comment .









Adam Kokesh Raided By “Storm Trooper” Cops




” Days after Adam Kokesh staged an open carry protest by loading a shotgun in Washington DC, “storm trooper” police raided the former Marine’s home last night, smashing in his door and deploying a flash bang grenade before arresting Kokesh.

According to a press release issued by Kokesh’s Adam vs the Man media team, “Numerous police vehicles, including a light armored vehicle and two low-flying helicopters barricaded Adam’s street. More than 20 armored SWAT team members surrounded the house, as well as a number of detectives, and plainclothes officers. Assault rifles were aimed on all members of the team as they were handcuffed without being told why they were detained. Masked and armored police in full “Storm Trooper” gear flooded in and ransacked the residence. The team was cordoned in a front room, while Adam was pulled aside for questioning.”

Roads around Kokesh’s home, which also contains his broadcast studio, were blocked off and other residents were told to stay indoors. The raid was conducted by Herndon police as well as US Parks Police, an arm of Homeland Security.”

” The image above shows that media trucks were in place to broadcast news of the raid almost instantly. “How nice of the police to tell the media before we got raided,” states Kokesh’s Facebook page.”