Tag Archive: Susan Rice

Benghazi Panel To Query Top Officials





” A special House committee looking into the deadly Benghazi, Libya, attacks in 2012 will interview a host of current and former high-ranking Obama administration officials as it speeds the pace of the investigation.

  The panel’s chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said Friday he intends to interview 20 high-ranking officials, including former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and former CIA director David Petraeus, as well as White House chief of staff Denis McDonough and national security adviser Susan Rice.

  The list also includes former White House press secretary Jay Carney, Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and former national security adviser Thomas Donilon.”





” Gowdy has previously said he will ask former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to testify at a public hearing before the 12-member committee. He said Friday that appearance should occur “as soon as possible.” Gowdy said last week he was frustrated at the slow pace of the investigation and was going to “ratchet it up.”

  Gowdy said the interviews with the high-ranking officials will begin as soon as April, after the panel interviews 22 potential witnesses who work for the State Department or have knowledge of the attacks.”


AP News has the complete story












Krauthammer: Susan Rice Turkey Gaffe ‘A Huge Embarrassment,’ ‘Unbelievable’



Rice's Huge Turkey Gaffe



” Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer lashed out at National Security adviser Susan Rice following her seemingly premature announcement that the U.S. had reached an agreement with Turkey over using territory to train troops to fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

  Krauthammer told “Special Report” host Bret Baier, after airing Rice’s comments on “Meet The Press” on Sunday, that the adviser’s proclamation, coupled with the Turks denial, is a “huge embarrassment” and “unbelievable.” The conservative commentator also blamed President Barack Obama for this failure to reach an agreement, wondering why the Turks would join a war “where the leader of the coalition is not serious.” “


Daily Caller


Be sure to check out our post of last year on Susan Rice’s track record of incompetence .

























What Trey Gowdy Says At The End Of This Interview Should Shock Every American…



” Jake Tapper of CNN’s “The Lead” had Rep. Trey Gowdy on to talk about the Benghazi investigation try to poke holes in any Benghazi investigation.

  Tapper played video of the former deputy director of the CIA, Michael Morrell, testifying that the CIA did believe that the video could be involved.  He obviously thought that this negated any need for an investigation by Trey Gowdy and the special committee and proceeded to ask Gowdy to comment on the CIA director’s comments.

  Trey Gowdy has a great response. But what he says at the end should shock every American. If its truly this bad, then this investigation is going to bring a lot of people down.”


CIA Officer Confirmed No Protests Before Misleading Benghazi Account Given



benghazi a cloud over the white house

Abandoned Americans Chris Stevens , Tyrone Woods , Sean Smith & Glen Doherty 

Sacrificed on the alter of Obama’s re-election chances

” Before the Obama administration gave an inaccurate narrative on national television that the Benghazi attacks grew from an anti-American protest, the CIA’s station chief in Libya pointedly told his superiors in Washington that no such demonstration occurred, documents and interviews with current and former intelligence officials show.

  The attack was “not an escalation of protests,” the station chief wrote to then-Deputy CIA Director Michael J. Morell in an email dated Sept. 15, 2012 — a full day before the White House sent Susan E. Rice to several Sunday talk shows to disseminate talking points claiming that the Benghazi attack began as a protest over an anti-Islam video.”




michael morrell

Ex-Deputy Director CIA Michael Morrell



” That the talking points used by Mrs. Rice, who was then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, were written by a CIA that ignored the assessment by its own station chief inside Libya, has emerged as one of the major bones of contention in the more than two years of political fireworks and congressional investigations into the Benghazi attack.

  What has never been made public is whether Mr. Morell and others at the CIA explicitly shared the station chief’s assessment with the White House or State Department.

  Two former intelligence officials have told The Washington Times that this question likely will be answered at a Wednesday hearing of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence during which Mr. Morell is scheduled to give his public testimony.

  Another former intelligence official told The Times that Mr. Morell did tell the White House and the State Department that the CIA station chief in Libya had concluded that there was no protest but senior Obama administration and CIA officials in Washington ignored the assessment.

  Why they ignored it remains a topic of heated debate within the wider intelligence community.

  A third source told The Times on Monday that Mr. Morell and other CIA officials in Washington were weighing several pieces of “conflicting information” streaming in about the Benghazi attack as the talking points were being crafted.”


Read more on the lies and deceit here 









Allen West “Here Is Truly One Of The Exceptional Good Guys On Capitol Hill”



” Here is truly one of the exceptional good guys on Capitol Hill, my former colleague and friend Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC). I would love to see President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Susan Rice being questioned by Rep. Gowdy, with no 5 minute time limit.”















Independent Review Board To Testify On Benghazi Attack This Week Rep Trey Gowdy (R-SC)

Published on Sep 15, 2013

” Search For Answers On Benghazi Continues One Year After Attack
Independent Review Board To Testify On Benghazi Attack This Week Rep Trey Gowdy (R-SC)”










Judge Jeanine BLASTS The IRS


Published on Jun 8, 2013

” Judge Jeanine – Can You trust Your Government JUDGE JEANINE IRS, VIDEO, JUDGE JEANINE, irs, jeanine pirro, irs scandal, irs spending, nsa, scandals, judge jeanine prism, jeanine pirro irs, judge jeanine …”








Aide Involved In Benghazi Talking Points Scrubbing Promoted By Obama



” In a bold move that demonstrates his commitment to an inner circle of close advisers — even those caught up in controversies, President Obama plans to nominate Victoria Nuland to assistant secretary for European and Eurasian affairs, the White House said Thursday.

Republicans argue the explanation was an attempt to play down the role of terrorists in the attacks because that might damage President Obama’s national security credentials and his claims that al Qaeda had been decimated with the presidential election less than two months away.

The nomination of Ms. Nuland, a career Foreign Service officer with previous European experience, requires Senate confirmation, giving conservative critics in Congress the opportunity to press her for more details her role in the Benghazi talking points.” 





   Accountability is unheard of in this administration . No one gets fired . No one loses their job . No one is accountable . No one knows anything . If you screw up you get promoted , or if the stench is bad enough , you get moved laterally to a different department out of the limelight . What a disgrace .


   It’s all a matter of self-preservation . Disgruntled ex-employees have a way of becoming embarrassing . If you keep everyone gainfully employed then it is in their own best interests to keep their mouths shut . Just look at Lois Lerner , who supposedly refused to resign yet is rewarded with a paid leave of absence . Susan Rice , who is incompetent by any reasonable measure , is alleged to be first pick for national security advisor .  And on it goes … nobody of significance fired for Fast & Furious , Benghazi , IRS , Solyndra , vote fraud in Philadelphia , Pigford , ACORN  … the list goes on and on yet no one suffers the consequences . WTF ?












How Susan Rice Covered Up the Kenya Embassy

Bombings 14 Years Before Benghazigate

 Reviewing Ms Rice’s track record should cause anyone to question her qualifications for dog catcher , let alone Secretary Of State . Feh !

Kenya 1998

 ” A matter of months later, on Aug. 7, 1998, the American embassies in Tanzania and Kenya were simultaneously attacked with car bombs. In Kenya, 12 American diplomats and more than 200 Africans were killed.

As in Benghazi, requests for more security were denied, warnings were issued, prior incidents were ignored and Susan Rice went on TV to explain it all.

Within 24 hours, Rice, then assistant secretary of state for African affairs, went on PBS as spokesperson for the administration — just as she was regarding Benghazi when she parroted the administration’s false narrative on five Sunday talk shows on Sept. 16, 2012, that Benghazi was caused by a flash mob enraged by an Internet video. Then, as now, she worked for a Clinton.

Also then, as now, she went on TV to claim, falsely, that we “maintain a high degree of security at all of our embassies at all times” and that we “had no telephone warning or call of any sort like that, that might have alerted either embassy just prior to the blast.”  There were plenty of warnings and our East African diplomats were begging for help as Ambassador Chris Stevens was in Benghazi. ”

Benghazi 2012

Quite a legacy Ms Rice , but that’s not all is it ? Oh no , You can boast of calamitous results in Rwanda as well , can’t you ? We’ll give you this , you are very consistent . One failure after another . You surely are a perfect fit for the Obama administration where all things considered are filtered though the lens of political expediency and have nothing to do with what is right , just or honorable . 

Rwanda 1994

 ” Rice was part of Bill Clinton’s National Security Team that in 1994 refused any involvement whatsoever in the Rwanda genocide, leaving more than 800,000 men, women, and children to be hacked to death by machete in the fastest genocide ever recorded. The Clinton Administration had just been spooked by the Black Hawk down incident in Somalia and wanted no further foreign entanglements. But the lengths to which they went to deny assistance to the Tutsis, with Rice being central to the decision-making process, will forever live in infamy.

But not content to insist on American non-involvement, the Clinton administration went a step further by obstructing the efforts of other nations to stop the slaughter. On April 21, 1994, the Canadian UN commandeer in Rwanda, General Romeo Dallaire, declared that he required only 5000 troops to bring the genocide to a rapid halt. In addition, a single bombing run against the RTLM Hutu Power radio transmitting antenna would have made it impossible for the Hutus to coordinate their genocide. But on the very same day, as Phillip Gourevitch explains in his definitive account of the Rwandan genocide, We Wish to Inform You that Tomorrow We will Be Killed with Our Families, the Security Council, with the Clinton Administration’s blessing, ordered the UN force under Dallaire reduced by ninety percent to a skeleton staff of 270 troops who would powerlessly witness the slaughter to come. This, in turn, was influenced by Presidential Decision Directive 25, which “amounted to a checklist of reasons to avoid American involvement in UN peacekeeping missions,” even though Dallaire did not seek American troops and the mission was not peacekeeping but genocide prevention. Indeed, Madeleine Albright, the American Ambassador to the UN, opposed leaving even this tiny UN force. She also pressured other countries “to duck, as the death toll leapt from thousands to tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands… the absolute low point in her career as a stateswoman.”

In a 2001 article published in The Atlantic, Samantha Power, author of the Pulitzer-Prize winning A Problem of Hell and arguably the world’s foremost voice against genocide and who currently serves on the National Security Council as an aide to President Obama, referred to Ambassador Susan Rice and her colleagues in the Clinton Administration as Bystanders to Genocide. She quotes Rice in the 2002 book as saying, “If we use the word ‘genocide’ and are seen as doing nothing, what will be the effect on the November congressional election?” “

Ms Rice , we have to ask , ” What do you have against Brown people” ? 








Will Benghazi Furor Keep Susan Rice Out Of The White House?




” Insiders with ties to the Obama administration tell The Cable that U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice has become the heir apparent to National Security Advisor Tom Donilon — a post at the epicenter of foreign-policy decision making and arguably more influential than secretary of state, a job for which she withdrew her candidacy last fall amid severe political pressure.

“It’s definitely happening,” a source who recently spoke with Rice told The Cable. “She is sure she is coming and so too her husband and closest friends.”

“Susan is a very likely candidate to replace him whenever he would choose to leave,” agreed Dennis Ross, a former special assistant to President Obama and counselor at the Washington Institute. “She is close to the president, has the credentials, and has a breadth of experience.” “



Read More




      Now would seem to be a good time to bump our previous post , Susan Rice , Career Stooge … Or , Are You A Racist ?  from December when Rice was up for consideration to replace Hillary as Secretary of State . About the only public figure on the American stage at present with less  national security qualifications would be her boss BHO .











Byron York: Benghazi Is All About Obama






” Benghazi is all about President Obama.

There are three issues in the Benghazi matter. The first is whether the administration reacted properly to the growing threat to American diplomats in Libya in the months leading up to Sept. 11. The second is whether the administration reacted properly during the attack itself.  And the third is whether the administration covered up its actions in the days, weeks and months after the attack.

Many Republicans have been fixated on the cover-up, mostly because of the obvious falsehood of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice’s statements in the days after the attack.  But by far the most consequential issue in the Benghazi matter is what the administration did during the attack itself. In those hours, American lives were at risk, and there are real questions about whether the U.S. military did everything it could to save them. That is the issue that cuts to the heart of American concerns in the Benghazi matter.”








Exclusive: Benghazi Talking Points Underwent 12 Revisions, Scrubbed Of Terror Reference

” When it became clear last fall that the CIA’s now discredited Benghazi talking points were flawed, the White House said repeatedly the documents were put together almost entirely by the intelligence community, but White House documents reviewed by Congress suggest a different story.

ABC News has obtained 12 different versions of the talking points that show they were extensively edited as they evolved from the drafts first written entirely by the CIA to the final version distributed to Congress and to U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice before she appeared on five talk shows the Sunday after that attack.

White House emails reviewed by ABC News suggest the edits were made with extensive input from the State Department. The edits included requests from the State Department that references to the Al Qaeda-affiliated group Ansar al-Sharia be deleted as well references to CIA warnings about terrorist threats in Benghazi in the months preceding the attack.

That would appear to directly contradict what White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said about the talking points in November.”


 Read the Full Benghazi Talking Point Revisions

Diplomat Says Requests For Benghazi Rescue Were Rejected

‘No Way’ For Hillary Clinton To Escape Responsibility For Benghazi 



“There’s really no way for her to escape responsibility for this if this testimony does what we all expect now that it will do,” Hume said. “Of course, over the years in Washington I’ve seen many a hype hearing fail to live up to expectations. But if it does live up, there’s no way I think she can escape this. I think she recognized from the start that this was trouble. I don’t think it was an accident that Susan Rice, the U.N. ambassador, who was kind of an unusual choice, was the person who went out on the Sunday shows to recite those talking points. I think then-Secretary Clinton knew that the talking points were shaky.”

Hume said that even if Clinton were able to show she had nothing to do with the Benghazi tragedy, it would demonstrate a dereliction of duty, something that could prove to be a burden on any potential presidential ambitions she has.”


















” In an appearance on Face the Nation this morning, Rep. Darrell Issa revealed several new pieces of information about the Obama administration’s controversial description of the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, casting doubt that the White House mischaracterized its cause by mere accident.

“The talking points were right and then the talking points were wrong,” Issa explained in response to a question about reporting at the Weekly Standard. The CIA and Greg Hicks, who took over as Charge d’Affairs in Libya after the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens, both knew immediately that it was an attack, not a protest.

Hicks, who did not appear on the show but whose reactions were featured based on transcripts of interviews with Issa’s committee, said he was stunned by what UN Ambassador Susan Rice claimed on five different news shows on Sep. 16. When she appeared on Face the Nation, she followed an interview with the President of Libya who claimed he had “no doubt” it was a terror attack. Moments later, Amb. Rice contradicted him and claimed a spontaneous protest was more likely.”














” Greg Hicks, former deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, told congressional investigators that the State Department’s internal review of the Benghazi attack “let people off the hook.” Hicks also contradicted the administration’s talking points that were making the Sunday news show rounds immediately following the attack.

Thus far, the State Department has placed blame on low-level staffers, despite evidence that the responsibility lies further up the ladder. Hicks told investigators that people are on administrative leave, pending disciplinary action, but that they are “below Senate confirmation level.” He went on to say that the Diplomatic Security assistant resigned but that “the paper trail is pretty clear that decisions were being made above his level.”

Hicks said that “for there to have been a demonstration on Chris Stevens’ front door and him not to have reported it is unbelievable. And secondly, if he had reported it, he would have been out the back door within minutes of any demonstration appearing anywhere near that facility. And there was a back gate to the facility, and, you know, it worked.”








The Benghazi Talking Points

And how they were changed to obscure the truth




” Even as the White House strove last week to move beyond questions about the Benghazi attacks of Tuesday, September 11, 2012, fresh evidence emerged that senior Obama administration officials knowingly misled the country about what had happened in the days following the assaults. The Weekly Standard has obtained a timeline briefed by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence detailing the heavy substantive revisions made to the CIA’s talking points, just six weeks before the 2012 presidential election, and additional information about why the changes were made and by whom.

As intelligence officials pieced together the puzzle of events unfolding in Libya, they concluded even before the assaults had ended that al Qaeda-linked terrorists were involved. Senior administration officials, however, sought to obscure the emerging picture and downplay the significance of attacks that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans. The frantic process that produced the changes to the talking points took place over a 24-hour period just one day before Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, made her now-famous appearances on the Sunday television talk shows. The discussions involved senior officials from the State Department, the National Security Council, the CIA, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the White House.”









Benghazi Mom: “I Was Told That I’m Causing a Lot of Problems and To Shut Up”






” Before last year’s election, Patricia Smith, the mother of murdered Benghazi mission officer Sean Smith, spoke forcefully about getting to the truth of what happened.

Patricia Smith, the mother of slain State Department employee Sean Patrick Smith, is now blaming President Barack Obama for her son’s death.

“I believe that Obama murdered my son,” she said Thursday from the living room of her Clairemont home. “I firmly believe this.”

They don’t tell me much. They want me to shut up…. I was told, and I really would rather not say by who, [though] I can if you need it, but I was told that I’m causing a lot of problems and to shut up…. I told them ‘I will not! I will not shut up until I find out what really happened!’

The President? I cried on his shoulder. And I was crying there and he’s patting me on the back and looking around to who he’s gonna talk to next. So I didn’t feel any comfort there. Hillary? I cried on her shoulder also, but she paid a little attention to me then walked off.”






John McCain vs David Gregory Over Benghazi: Do You Care Whether Four Americans Died?

Four Dead in Benghazi

Published on Nov 2, 2012
WRITTEN BY GREEN BERET WITH HELP FROM SEALs and sung by AMERICAN IDOL CONTESTANT SHEA BRAMER!!! Please listen comment! God Bless you for caring about our warriors!


SHOW YOUR SUPPORT TO OUR WARRIORS: Greg Green, Ric Scott, Rich Klinzmann, Billy Parker, Shea Bramer, Jeffrey Inks
Standard YouTube License

Clinton Testily Defends Depiction Of Benghazi Events



  In the above video Hillary opines that it doesn’t matter why we have four dead American citizens in Benghazi , we here at YouViewed beg to differ . It makes all the difference in the world that the lives of four US government employees were left dangling in the wind while their “bosses” back home in the comfort of their residences tried to figure the best way to keep this malfeasance from impacting the re-election hopes of one cowardly b***ard as he jetted off to the next fund raiser .

   Senator Johnson asked the perfect question ” Why didn’t someone pick up the phone and ask the survivors if there was an angry mob protesting ” ? That certainly could have spared Susan Rice the ignominious task of lying repeatedly on the Sunday morning talk shows , not to mention railroading an innocent movie maker into prison in order to hide  government incompetence .

  Of course the reason that Hillary wouldn’t answer is because she and her boss knew the truth all along and were making their decisions based on political expediency … whatever wouldn’t damage “the One’s” electability .



Bosch Fawstin Courtesy Of FrontPage



” Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton shot back Wednesday at senators in defending the Obama administration’s initial characterization of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, as having begun as a protest against an anti-Islam YouTube video.

“Was it because of a protest, or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they’d go kill some Americans? What difference, at this point, does it make?” Mrs. Clinton said, raising her voice in response to tough questioning by Sen. Ron Johnson, Wisconsin Republican.

Mr. Johnson, a newly added member to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, had asked why the Obama administration had not been able to ascertain what had happened by simply asking officials who had been in Benghazi on the night of the attack.

He asked why Susan E. Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, appeared on news talk shows five days after the attack to assert that the assault emerged from spontaneous protests against the video that had swept across the region on Sept. 11. ”



   In closing we get to witness Hillary at her Oscar winning finest . The quake in the voice , the almost tears , the deep regret of having to comfort the families of Christopher Stevens , Sean Smith , Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods as their ” flag-draped coffins ” were rolled off the plane in Dover . She should tear up and she should have cried as those four deaths were directly attributable to her and that cretinous fraud in the oval office .




Latina Pioneer Solis Resigning As Labor Secretary




” She grappled with trying to bolster the U.S. workforce at a time of fiscal crisis and recovery from recession. “There is still much to do, but we are well on the road to recovery, and middle-class Americans know the president is on their side,” she said.

Obama, in a statement, called her a “tireless champion for working families.”

So far, Obama has picked white males for the three biggest Cabinet positions – Senator John Kerry to replace Hillary Clinton as secretary of state and former Senator Chuck Hagel as defense secretary. He was due to announce Jack Lew as treasury secretary on Thursday, a source said.

Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and a close confidante of Obama, withdrew her name last month from consideration for the secretary of state post in the face of what promised to be a contentious Senate confirmation battle. ”







” In a statement released Tuesday, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) telegraphed that he would delay the confirmation of President Barack Obama’s CIA nominee John Brennan if the White House fails to answer questions about the Benghazi attacks.

“I do not believe we should confirm anyone as Director of the CIA until our questions are answered,” he declared.

Mr. Graham said that any effort on his part to delay the confirmation process was not directed at Mr. Brennan but rather was meant to get to the bottom of intelligence failures involved in the Benghazi fiasco. ”



Senate Report on Benghazi: Plenty of Blame to Go Around Since No One’s Being Held Responsible Anyway






” As noted on Reason 24/7 earlier today, the Senate Homeland Security Committee has released a report on failures surrounding the terrorist attack in Benghazi on September 11th.  The committee concluded that although there may not have been specific warnings about the 9/11 attack in Benghazi, there were plenty of warning signs. Intelligence reports available to the committee (but classified, of course) “provide a clear and vivid picture of a rapidly deteriorating threat environment in eastern Libya–one that we believe should have been sufficient to inform policymakers of the growing danger to U.S. facilities and personnel in that part of the country and the urgency of them doing something about it.” ”



Nobody’s At Fault … Surprise , Surprise … If There Is One Certainty In DC It’s That Our “Betters” Will Always Engage In CYA , And CYA Policy Seems To Be The One True Bipartisan Sentiment In Washington . 


Then We Have The Old Stand-By Excuse Of Government Policy Failure … Ta Dah … NOT ENOUGH MONEY !!!


” The committee veers into questions of funding, pointing out that Congress did not give the President what he wanted for the diplomatic security budget. (Or, as the committee found, “Congress’ inability to appropriate funds in a timely manner has also had consequences for the implementation of security upgrades”)


Not Enough Funding , Yet …


” The funding would have been irrelevant anyway, as the committee’s very next finding was that “[t]he Department of State did not adequately support security requests from its own security personnel in Benghazi.” Further, the committee finds that the Benghazi facility’s “temporary status also made it difficult to procure funds for security upgrades” from within the State Department itself. The State Department, in fact, relied on the February 17 Brigades (a local militia) and “unarmed Libyan guards” from a private security contractor in Benghazi, as officials were aware of the Libyan government’s inability to meet its treaty obligations of securing diplomatic facilities.”


So Goes Yet Another Meaningless Attempt At Self-Policing , At God Knows What Cost To The Taxpayer That , As Usual Amounts To A Public Snowjob . We’re So Thankful For This ” Most , Honest , Open and Transparent ” Administration . Just Imagine How Sordid DC Would Be If A Republican Were In The White House .




8 Out Of 10 Most Corrupt Politicians Of 2012 Were Democrats






” Now, before you haters go all “AWWW, DAISY, you’re such an ANGRY MEANIE!” on me – you can consult this list before doing so.  I didn’t create it.  Judicial Watch did.  I’m just relaying it to y’all so you can bask in the glory that is our messed-up political landscape of corrupt jackwagons.  And leading the pack on corruption and being general jackwagons?


I know you’re as shocked and dismayed as I am.

Here’s the list of douchenozzles in alphabetical order:


And there’s an honorable mention list, too, which includes Patraeus, John Edwards, Janet Napolitano, and one of our favorite mockable morons out here in COTR-land, Maxine Waters. ”