Tag Archive: Support

   We are honored to report that Mr Jackson sent out a Tweet mentioning us , Rush Limbaugh , David Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and would like to take this opportunity to urge , very strongly , our readers to throw their support to Kevin , his Twitter page , Facebook page , Youtube channel and also his website . Kevin and the Black Sphere are fighting the good fight for freedom and liberty as are we here at YouViewed along with our readers as well . Give the man all the help that you can … reblog , retweet , like , whatever you can do to spread the word .


      For those of you are unfamiliar with Mr Jackson we include a video from his youtube channel to acquaint you with him .















How Many Will Crash By November 2014?






” As 2014 begins, President Barack Obama’s approval rating is at its lowest point in his five-year tenure. Imagine where it would be if the establishment press treated him the way it did George W. Bush.

The president’s media apparatchiks are propping up what remains of the president’s popularity with five myths.

1. The economy has become strong, and is getting stronger.

  Media reports have been calling recent job gains “robust.” Hardly. 2013′s estimated job growth of almost 2.4 million is still only 60 percent of what was achieved annually on a population-adjusted basis for a full six years during the 1980s. (See chart below.)

  Job growth should be far greater, because there is still so much ground to make up from the disastrous POR (Pelosi-Obama-Reid) economy-driven recession of 2008-2009.

  It’s bad enough that payroll employment is still 1.3 million below its January 2008 peak. It’s worse that employment in the Household Survey is 2 million shy of where it was in that same month. If we’re lucky and this plodding progress continues, it will have taken almost seven years for that more comprehensive measure of employment to return to where it was before the recession began — and several more years, if ever, before a recovery in employment catches up to eligible adult population growth.”



PJMedia has more


Bras Make Breasts “Saggier”, 15-year French Study Reveals



” Women have long been told that a good bra can help support the chest, relieve back pain and prevent sagging.  However, a new 15-year French study reveals the opposite: bras do little to reduce back pain and, over time, they can actually make breasts sag even more.

Researcher Prof. Jean-Denis Rouillon, a sports science expert from the University of Besançon in eastern France claims that “bras are a false necessity,” according to The Local.

“Medically, physiologically, anatomically – breasts gain no benefit from being denied gravity,” said Rouillon. “On the contrary, they get saggier with a bra.”

Rouillon and his team spent years measuring the changes in the breasts of 330 women using a simple slide rule and caliper at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (University Hospital) in Besançon, where he carried out his research.

He found that no evidence that bras helped ease back pain. Instead, he found that the chest supports could even add to the problem.

According to The Connexion, the findings suggest that breasts would gain more tone and support themselves if no bra was used.  Researchers explain that bras limit the growth of supporting breast tissues, leaving the breast to wither and degrade more quickly.”







” Tea Party Patriots to Salute US Military & SEAL Team 6 With Exciting Event Today at Liberty Plaza”

“The Tea Party Patriots host this event to honor men and women in uniform. There will be former members of SEAL Team Six, Army
Rangers, Gold Star parents and modern-day patriots, along with a few surprise guests. 4-6 p.m. at Liberty Plaza, 180 S Morgan St.,

“Which candidate is preferred by small business? Survey says…”

  “If there’s one thing that Barack Obama and Mitt Romney can most certainly agree upon, it’s that small businesses are a fundamental building block of our nation’s economy. As both candidates are constantly intoning, the vast
majority of businesses in the United States are businesses with fewer than 500 workers, and
these are the major drivers of our economy — creating jobs, creating wealth, and leading the way in innovation and entrepreneurship. Both candidates, however, also claim to possess the proper prescriptions for helping small businesses to succeed and grow; so, according to the people actually running these businesses, who’s
policies would actually help them out the most? WaPo reports: “

  How Obama Has Failed the Black Community

“Recall the euphoria that engulfed the African-American community back in 2008, when Barack Obama became the 44 th president of
the United States. Blacks came out for him in droves and voted for him at an astounding 96% level. Times, they were a-changin’, so to speak.

  It was the dawning of a new era, as a large dose of hope and change was on its way to the country as a whole, and specifically to the
African-American community. Now, almost four years later, it’s clear that Obama has done nothing to improve the way of life among blacks as a whole. In fact, statistics show that life has actually regressed for African-Americans under Obama.

  As of June, the African-American unemployment rate is a staggering 14.4%, with Latinos and
Hispanics having an unemployment rate of about 11.0%, while the unemployment rate for whites is 7.4%. Compare these rates to
December 2008, the final month before Barack Obama stepped into the Oval Office. Whites were unemployed at the rate of 6.6% and
Hispanics were at a rate of 9.2%, while blacks had an 11.9% rate of unemployment.”

CNN Shame

Does anyone watch Ted Turner’s Propaganda channel anyway ? They certainly are continuing in their condescension of us schlubs in “flyover” country . 

Big Journalism reports on CNN’s mocking of the support shown by the town of Shiner for the Father that saved his daughter from the child molester . 


  ” CNN has, in their usual fashion, patronized rural America once more. In their coverage of the Shiner, Texas case where a rancher found a man attempting to sexually molest the rancher’s four-year-old daughter and beat the molester to death with his bare hands, CNN couldn’t resist the opportunity to lampoon such primitive behavior. 

  The report begins with the female reporter’s voice-over: “When you hear what happened in Shiner, this town will be known for more than just beer.”

Already the town is belittled for its championing of that “low-class” beverage. One wonders if the reporter would have reported on the same story from the Loire Valley in France: “When you hear what happened in Sancerre, this town will be known for more than just white wine.” Doubtful.”

WhiteHouseDossier ;

“Yes, these things do happen. But you’ll probably see most of it coming from conservative outlets like The Daily Caller, which today is running a piece by White House reporter Neil Munro looking into President Obama’s own support for the subprime lending that nearly destroyed the economy.

Obama is a standard Richard Daley Chicago Machine politician, with ample ties to some of Chicago’s shadiest characters – Tony Rezko and Rod Blagojevich come immediately to mind – who was presented to the public by a clever PR campaign in 2007 and 2008 as the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The press did little to interfere with this narrative.”

To us the bigger surprise is that his support is still at 64% among the Jewish voters . Don’t they read ? 

” In the first significant drop in Jewish support for a Democratic Party candidate in over two decades, President Barack Obama has seen a 10-point plunge in support among Jewish voters, according to the Gallup polling agency.

To put the decline in perspective, Obama is pulling in the same support among Jews as Michael Dukakis, the former Massachusetts governor who lost to George H. W. Bush in 1988.

Gallup notes the 10-point drop is “five points worse than his decline among all registered voters compared with 2008.” “

As pleasant as it is to think that he will lose black votes over the gay marriage issue , I find it difficult to believe .
  After all , no group has paid a higher price for his economic policies , yet they remain fanatically loyal even with slight recent declines in popularity .

  “Obama’s controversial decision may have garnered him favor with the gay community, but at the expense of his support from the
black community, an important part of his base. In his interview, Rev. Burns predicted this would cost Obama the election. “

Michael Barone :

 “The latest survey of Jewish Americans, conducted March 14-27 by a firm called Knowledge Networks for the American Jewish Committee, shows Barack Obama leading Mitt Romney by a 61%-28% margin. That’s significantly behind Obama’s 78%-21% margin over John McCain among Jewish voters in the 2008 exit poll. “

  Could someone please explain to me this slathering devotion to a man and a party that has made it plain that they believe that Israel is the chief obstacle to peace in the Mideast ? In all my half century plus on this Earth the Republican party has forever demonstrated that it was a much more earnest and reliable friend of Israel than the left and yet the Jews overwhelmingly vote for the left . This is the same left that demands divestiture , enables weapons smuggling , provides cover and support for the terrorists that are the Palestinians .