Tag Archive: Suicide

Australian Chef Kills And Cooks Girlfriend







” An Australian chef has killed his girlfriend, dismembered her and boiled parts of her body before taking his own life, police say.

  Marcus Volke, 28, was fleeing officers who had come to his Brisbane apartment after reports of a foul smell when he slashed his own throat in a bin.

  Officers discovered body parts of Volke’s girlfriend in a pot on the stove, while other parts of the Indonesian woman’s mutilated body were found in garbage bins outside the apartment, according to local media.”



Mayang Prasetyo has been named as the woman at the centre of a brutal murder-suicide in Brisbane



” The woman has been named locally as Mayang Prasetyo.”



Sky News

More here











Man Kills Himself At Arlington National Cemetery







” A man shot and killed himself this morning at Arlington National Cemetery, police confirmed.

” It appears to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound,” Dustin Sternbeck, a spokesman for the Arlington County Police Department, said in a telephone interview with Military.com.

  The victim’s age and identity has not been released, the spokesman said. It wasn’t immediately clear whether he was a military veteran, he said.

  A weapon of unknown make and model was retrieved from the scene, Sternbeck said. The incident occurred around 10:20 a.m. near the Pentagon Monument in Section 64, according to an article on ARLnow, a website based in Arlington, Virginia. Paramedics determined the man to be dead on site, the website reported.”













Nearly Every Mass Shooting In The Last 20 Years Shares One Thing In Common, And It Isn’t Weapons






” Nearly every mass shooting incident in the last twenty years, and multiple other instances of suicide and isolated shootings all share one thing in common, and its not the weapons used.

  The overwhelming evidence suggests the single largest common factor in all of these incidents is that all of the perpetrators were either actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs or had been at some point in the immediate past before they committed their crimes.









…On to the list of mass shooters and the stark link to psychotropic drugs.


Eric Harris age 17 (first on Zoloft then Luvox) and Dylan Klebold aged 18 (Columbine school shooting in Littleton, Colorado), killed 12 students and 1 teacher, and wounded 23 others, before killing themselves. Klebold’s medical records have never been made available to the public.

Jeff Weise, age 16, had been prescribed 60 mg/day of Prozac (three times the average starting dose for adults!) when he shot his grandfather, his grandfather’s girlfriend and many fellow students at Red Lake, Minnesota. He then shot himself. 10 dead, 12 wounded.

Cory Baadsgaard, age 16, Wahluke (Washington state) High School, was on Paxil (which caused him to have hallucinations) when he took a rifle to his high school and held 23 classmates hostage. He has no memory of the event.

Chris Fetters, age 13, killed his favorite aunt while taking Prozac.

Christopher Pittman, age 12, murdered both his grandparents while taking Zoloft.

Kip Kinkel, age 15, (on Prozac and Ritalin) shot his parents while they slept then went to school and opened fire killing 2 classmates and injuring 22 shortly after beginning Prozac treatment.

Luke Woodham, age 16 (Prozac) killed his mother and then killed two students, wounding six others.

A boy in Pocatello, ID (Zoloft) in 1998 had a Zoloft-induced seizure that caused an armed stand off at his school.

Michael Carneal (Ritalin), age 14, opened fire on students at a high school prayer meeting in West Paducah, Kentucky. Three teenagers were killed, five others were wounded..

A young man in Huntsville, Alabama (Ritalin) went psychotic chopping up his parents with an ax and also killing one sibling and almost murdering another.

Andrew Golden, age 11, (Ritalin) and Mitchell Johnson, aged 14, (Ritalin) shot 15 people, killing four students, one teacher, and wounding 10 others.

TJ Solomon, age 15, (Ritalin) high school student in Conyers, Georgia opened fire on and wounded six of his class mates.

Rod Mathews, age 14, (Ritalin) beat a classmate to death with a bat.

James Wilson, age 19, (various psychiatric drugs) from Greenwood, South Carolina, took a .22 caliber revolver into an elementary school killing two young girls, and wounding seven other children and two teachers.

Elizabeth Bush, age 13, (Paxil) was responsible for a school shooting in Pennsylvania

Jason Hoffman (Effexor and Celexa) – school shooting in El Cajon, California

Jarred Viktor, age 15, (Paxil), after five days on Paxil he stabbed his grandmother 61 times.

Chris Shanahan, age 15 (Paxil) in Rigby, ID who out of the blue killed a woman.

Jeff Franklin (Prozac and Ritalin), Huntsville, AL, killed his parents as they came home from work using a sledge hammer, hatchet, butcher knife and mechanic’s file, then attacked his younger brothers and sister.

Neal Furrow (Prozac) in LA Jewish school shooting reported to have been court-ordered to be on Prozac along with several other medications.

Kevin Rider, age 14, was withdrawing from Prozac when he died from a gunshot wound to his head. Initially it was ruled a suicide, but two years later, the investigation into his death was opened as a possible homicide. The prime suspect, also age 14, had been taking Zoloft and other SSRI antidepressants.

Alex Kim, age 13, hanged himself shortly after his Lexapro prescription had been doubled.
Diane Routhier was prescribed Welbutrin for gallstone problems. Six days later, after suffering many adverse effects of the drug, she shot herself.

Billy Willkomm, an accomplished wrestler and a University of Florida student, was prescribed Prozac at the age of 17. His family found him dead of suicide – hanging from a tall ladder at the family’s Gulf Shore Boulevard home in July 2002.

Kara Jaye Anne Fuller-Otter, age 12, was on Paxil when she hanged herself from a hook in her closet. Kara’s parents said “…. the damn doctor wouldn’t take her off it and I asked him to when we went in on the second visit. I told him I thought she was having some sort of reaction to Paxil…”)

Gareth Christian, Vancouver, age 18, was on Paxil when he committed suicide in 2002,
(Gareth’s father could not accept his son’s death and killed himself.)

Julie Woodward, age 17, was on Zoloft when she hanged herself in her family’s detached garage.

Matthew Miller was 13 when he saw a psychiatrist because he was having difficulty at school. The psychiatrist gave him samples of Zoloft. Seven days later his mother found him dead, hanging by a belt from a laundry hook in his closet.

Kurt Danysh, age 18, and on Prozac, killed his father with a shotgun. He is now behind prison bars, and writes letters, trying to warn the world that SSRI drugs can kill.

Woody ____, age 37, committed suicide while in his 5th week of taking Zoloft. Shortly before his death his physician suggested doubling the dose of the drug. He had seen his physician only for insomnia. He had never been depressed, nor did he have any history of any mental illness symptoms.

A boy from Houston, age 10, shot and killed his father after his Prozac dosage was increased.

Hammad Memon, age 15, shot and killed a fellow middle school student. He had been diagnosed with ADHD and depression and was taking Zoloft and “other drugs for the conditions.”

Matti Saari, a 22-year-old culinary student, shot and killed 9 students and a teacher, and wounded another student, before killing himself. Saari was taking an SSRI and a benzodiazapine.

Steven Kazmierczak, age 27, shot and killed five people and wounded 21 others before killing himself in a Northern Illinois University auditorium. According to his girlfriend, he had recently been taking Prozac, Xanax and Ambien. Toxicology results showed that he still had trace amounts of Xanax in his system.

Finnish gunman Pekka-Eric Auvinen, age 18, had been taking antidepressants before he killed eight people and wounded a dozen more at Jokela High School – then he committed suicide.

Asa Coon from Cleveland, age 14, shot and wounded four before taking his own life. Court records show Coon was on Trazodone.

Jon Romano, age 16, on medication for depression, fired a shotgun at a teacher in his New York high school… “


Read more on the epidemic of medicated mass murderers at the Liberty Crier



A few additions to list of medicated mass murders above is in order :


Seung-Hui Cho , the Virginia Tech shooter

Aaron Alexis , the Washington Navy Yard shooter

Adam Lanza , the Newtown shooter 

Jared Loughner , the shooter of Gabbie Giffords

James Holmes , the Aurora gunman

Elliot Rodger , the most recent medicated mass murderer , and while recent reports state that Rodger refused to take his prescribed meds the fact remains that he was and had been under psychiatric care and was well known to have serious mental issues .

   Further reading on the subject of our failed mental health system and the clout of big PHARMA over the medical profession :


List of 45 Mass Murders and Pharma Drugs they were on

List of Shooting Incidents Involving Psychiatric Drugs

Anti-Depressants Often Found But Not Reported in Shootings










Pickerington Teen’s Suicide Raises Concern: How Much Was Bullying To Blame?


Tragic: Cora Delille, 15, hanged herself on May 10 after enduring years of bullying, her friends have said




” Cora Delille had been bullied for years. Her friends say kids called her names and dragged her reputation through the mud at school, in the park, on social media.

  Her parents didn’t know. Neither did her teachers. For the most part, Cora kept the harassment to herself. She shared some of her pain with her closest friends. But it wasn’t until she committed suicide last week that her loved ones discovered how bad the bullying had been.

“ She mentioned here and there when kids made fun of her. She didn’t clue me in to how bad it was,” said Amy Hall, Cora’s mother.

  As in many cases of youth suicide, Cora’s death left others wondering what they might have missed and what police, the schools and those close to Cora could have done.

  Pickerington police said many factors, including bullying, were to blame for her death. In her suicide note, the 15-year-old named students who tormented her. She described the pain and anguish she felt from being bullied. But she also said she felt abandoned by her father and stepfather.”


Columbus Dispatch










Why Facebook Kept Up Photos Of A Marine’s Bloody Suicide



Daniel Rey Wolfe




” When Marine veteran Daniel Rey Wolfe signed on to Facebook on Monday night and announced he was taking his own life, documenting the process in a graphic timeline of final self-portraits, his former comrades worked quickly and purposefully to save their brother-in-arms.

  Their best efforts came too late. Wolfe had killed himself—a fact that Facebook reminded them of over the next two days, as the social-media site refused to remove the grisly series of photographs he’d taken of his suicide, despite the requests of his friends and veterans’ organizations.

  Wolfe was an amphibious assault vehicle crewman in the Marine Corps, a father, and a lifelong artist with a passion for loud music and graphic design. He also appeared to struggle with money and politics and purpose—struggles that culminated in Wolfe taking his own life with a blade in a squat outside Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Monday night.

  Wolfe’s passing is the kind of postwar tragedy that illustrates how American veterans still need more resources and counseling than they’re getting, as the wars wind down and the Department of Veteran Affairs wrestles with corruption and increased workloads.

  But his suicide also throws into relief the difficulties that social networks face in creating a one-size-fits-all policy to moderate photographs and status updates. And, critically, it reveals a macabre blind spot in Facebook’s “community standards,” behind which a suicide victim’s final moments can appear on the site indefinitely, despite the protestations of people who loved him.

” His friends and family were exposed to images they should never had to [have] seen,” Douglas Tripp, one of Wolfe’s former Marine comrades told me in an email. “Who needs to see their son, brother, cousin or friend like that? They will remove a picture of a bare ass or exposed breast with the quickness. How are those more dangerous than a young man mutilating himself before he commits suicide?” “


Gawker has much more on this all too common tragic end to a man who served his country and was then failed by it .












CIA Official Dies In Apparent Suicide






” A senior CIA official has died in an apparent suicide this week from injuries sustained after jumping off a building in northern Virginia, according to sources close to the CIA.

  CIA spokesman Christopher White confirmed the death and said the incident did not take place at CIA headquarters in McLean, Va.

“ We can confirm that there was an individual fatally injured at a facility where agency work is done,” White told the Washington Free Beacon. “He was rushed to a local area hospital where he subsequently died. Due to privacy reasons and out of respect for the family, we are not releasing additional information at this time.”

  A source close to the agency said the man who died was a middle manager and the incident occurred after the man jumped from the fifth floor a building in Fairfax County.”


More on this breaking story here







Border Patrol Agent Identified After Suicide, Kidnapping, Sexual Assault Of Immigrants





” A U.S. Border Patrol agent came across two girls and a woman near the Rio Grande before dusk Wednesday, when he took them into his custody, investigators said.

  But rather than arrest the Honduran nationals suspected of an immigration violation, he broke the law himself.

  Border Patrol agent Esteban Manzanares, 32, raped the woman and slashed her wrists. He then turned to her 14-year-old daughter and sexually assaulted her, as well, and tried to break her neck. The girl passed out as a result.”


Continue reading








Durham DA: No Charges Against Cops In The Death Of Jesus Huerta





On Nov. 19 Jesus Huerta was killed by a ‘close range’ gunshot wound through his mouth and out the back of his head while in the back seat of a cop car, hands cuffed behind his back.  The Top Cop said it was suicide; you can read more here.

  The family has a few questions, naturally.  From nbcnews.com:

‘ The attorney for Huerta’s family, Alex Charns, acknowledged that the decision to “charge another human being with a crime is a weighty one” and said the family did not have a comment on Stanback’s decision.

  However Charns said the family does question the SBI’s investigation.

“ We do have a comment on who the SBI talked to, who they failed to talk to and who they have historically served,” Charns said. “We do know that despite an SBI promise to the Huerta family to consult with them about what they might contribute before finishing its report, the SBI did not do so.” “



Story continues










Electronic Frontier Foundation Offers A Tribute To Aaron Swartz On The Anniversary Of His Tragic Death


Aaron Swartz


” One year ago, we lost Aaron Swartz, a dear friend and a leader in the fight for a free and open Internet. The shock was, and remains, a profound one. It’s a testament to the power of his commitments and ideals that both in life and in death he has inspired millions around the world, including all of us at EFF, to redouble our own efforts to advance the causes that he believed in, and to untangle the twisted and brutal computer crime laws that were used to persecute him.”





” Aaron was a passionate activist, but he also stood out as a technologist whose ambitions were always aligned towards a better, more just future. His pioneering work demonstrated a passion for harnessing technology to advance the public interest. As the Internet community confronted massive new challenges to free speech and privacy in 2013, there were many moments when we wondered quietly about what Aaron would have said and done.”



More about Aaron and efforts to fight State control can be found here and at the links below .


Take Action




Remember Aaron Swartz








Man May Have Thrown Son From Roof Before Jumping




” A man and his 3-year-old son died Sunday after plummeting from a building near Lincoln Center.

  Police on Sunday night were still investigating exactly what happened. But as 1010 WINS’ Gary Baumgarten reported, sources said the father — identified as Dmitriy Kanarikov, 35, may have tossed the boy — Kirill Kanarikov, 3 — off the balcony and then jumped to his own death.”









Man Jumps To His Death After Girlfriend Insists On Buying More Shoes







” An eyewitness said: “He told her she already had enough shoes, more shoes that she could wear in a lifetime, and it was pointless buying any more. She started shouting at him, accusing him of being a skinflint, and of spoiling Christmas. It was a really heated argument.”

  The shouting match ended when the man chucked the bags on the floor and jumped over the balcony. He smashed into Christmas decorations on his way down before hitting the floor seven stories below.”


Finally , proof that excessive shopping can kill .














Duck Dynasty’s Robertson Family Has Skeletons, Here Are Five Of Them



” Duck Dynasty is A&E’s hit show that features the Robertson clan, their families, and their multi-million dollar empire that is Duck Commander.  Yet, the family has a dark side.  Drugs, alcoholism, and suicidal tendencies have plagued the Robertson family, but they feel that the loving grace of God is what saved them.

They did a 30-minute segment with I Am Second, a faith-based multimedia company that documents people’s transformations through the power of faith.  Here are five things that you should know about the Robertson clan.”


Let he that is without sin cast the first stone . 


Read more at IJR









Girl Kills Herself To See Her Daddy Again




Published on Nov 4, 2013

 ” “Girl, 12, hangs herself and leaves a note for her mother saying she wanted to see her dead father again because she ‘missed him so much'”* Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks discuss this shocking story. Cenk and Ana also discuss religion and it’s effect on people. Tell us what you think of religion in the comment section below.”












” A week after he was arrested for running naked across the Sparkman High School football field during a September 27 game in a streaking gag, and just one day after school officials threatened criminal charges against him that could have resulted in an adult prosecution and conviction requiring lifelong registration as a sex offender, 15-year-old Christian Adamek from Huntsville, Alabama, hanged himself. He died from his injuries two days later.

Christian reportedly was expelled from school over the incident, but school officials were pressing for a hearing in the Madison County court system to determine if formal criminal charges would be filed.

Approximately 250,000 youth under age 18 are prosecuted, sentenced, and incarcerated in the adult criminal justice system each year and nearly 100,000 youth are placed in adult jails and prisons annually in America.”



    This is just one more example of the degradation and (deserved) loss of respect for the law and authority being advanced in a society increasingly controlled by lawyers . Remember … when everything is a crime , everyone is a criminal .








90 Miles From Tyranny












From Cracked



” On paper, being a doctor seems pretty great. The money is good, it makes everyone around you feel inferior, and you get a diploma that literally gives you permission to play God.

But being a doctor isn’t just about lots of sex and cocaine parties — in fact, it’s mostly not about that at all.”







Family Of Girl, 17, Who Killed Herself After Images Of Her Being ‘Gang Raped’ Were Posted Online By Her Attackers Speak Out About Their Grief


'Victim': She was labelled a 'slut' after she was allegedly gang raped by four teenagers in 2010


” The family of a 17-year-old girl who hanged herself after she was allegedly gang raped and bullied for being a ‘slut’ have spoken out about their grief and their determination to fight for justice.

Rehtaeh Parsons was found hanged in the bathroom of her Dartmouth, Nova Scotia home on April 4 – after nearly a year-and-a-half of torment – and her parents switched off her life support days later.

‘When Rehtaeh was born, I promised her the world,’ her mother Leah told People magazine, as she grasped a picture of her oldest child. ‘Now my beautiful girl is gone.’

She was allegedly attacked at the home of two brothers in Cole Harbour on November 12, 2011, when she was just 15.”



You can read more about Rehtaeh’s tragic story here , here and here








Demand An Independent Inquiry Into The Police Investigation

    Some months back we posted on a girl in Nova Scotia who was raped , bullied and harassed to the point of taking her own life . The incident in question took place nearly a year and a half ago and still no justice , nor peace for Rehtaeh or her family . You can read our posts here and here and you can sign a petition demanding an investigation into why nothing has been done even while the rape was filmed and witnessed by numerous students .

” I am horrified at what happened to Rehtaeh. She was a beautiful, caring person. She was a amazing artist. She loved animals.

While I haven’t seen her in a few years, I’m friends with her family and I can’t believe how our community and the authorities failed to protect her.

Seventeen months ago, she was raped. The rape was photographed and the photos were shared around her Nova Scotia community. Rehtaeh was destroyed by this. Any 15 year old would be. She was called a slut. She was bullied. She faced depression. And this week she took her own life.

After Rehtaeh’s rape, the RCMP investigated for a year but said there was not enough evidence to lay charges.”

   Unfortunately the below update is undated and thus don’t know if this is a new investigation or one that has already come and gone . Regardless , it will do the reader no harm to add the name to the above-linked petition . Please do so , so that there might be some measure of justice for a teen who lost her life to sexist pigs .

**UPDATE** Rehtaeh will finally have justice. Today I received a call from the Premier’s office saying they will be launching an “independent review of the actions of police and the Public Prosecution Service in the Rehtaeh Parson’s case.” They have yet to announce exactly who will review the case. Until the reviewers are announced and we know they are truly independent I will be leaving the petition page open for more people to sign. Holding authorities accountable is how we make sure tragedies like this don’t happen again, so thank you everyone!”

   Editor’s Note : A concerned reader brought this story back to our attention and we are more than happy to bring it to yours .


Update : below is a comment we received from “Concerned” that provides links to both Rehtaeh’s mother’s and father’s web pages . Comment is reposted with the express permission of the commenter and we were touched by their concern and hope that you are too .



” Concerned Jul 1, 4:22 pm

Thank you very much for bringing this to attention, again….

As mentioned, I am concerned this has been “dragged on” so to speak, so the family and concerned persons “just get worn out”…People get exhausted.

I have read the Father’s Blog
The Mother’s Facebook

and many news articles. It seems as if the school “investigation” (to my mind) was cursory and head patting.

I have found nothing to indicate any serious (or even any) effort to charge anyone. I know the comment posted on the petition page was posted months ago, and suspect they hoped it would bring results. So far all I can say, is “where did it go””?

in the meantime, across Canada, I have read in the news three cases of young males, one only 14, charged with child pornography, for taking consensual video or pics and posting same. All Good. BUT…— what about Rehtaeh????

I found your blog, discussing this previously, and right now, all I can hope is persons like yourself (bloggers and writers), might stir enough interest to bring results.

I don’t know any of these people, but to my mind it horrifies any thought there is law and justice. It is obscene. It is obscene that it appears justice is trying to exhaust family from this.

I hoped, at least if more signed the petition/sent it on/posted it, it may make authorites realize “folks want to know”.

https://www.facebook.com/angelrehtaehofficial “







This story is a week old . We guess it got lost in all the Boston coverage but we thought it notable nevertheless.


California Man Blows Himself Up On Front Lawn





” A neighborhood in southern California remained locked down on Monday after the discovery of a body of a man who neighbors said blew himself up outside his home.

The incident happened at 8 p.m. Sunday in the 3100 block of Bermuda Drive near Labrador Drive in Costa Mesa.

Someone noticed a man on the ground in a front yard and called an ambulance.

The man declined an offer of help. It wasn’t until later, police and neighbors said, that he blew himself up.

“He was under his own power to get back to his own residence,” said Sgt. Jerry Hildeman, of the Costa Mesa Police Department. “We believed we didn’t have any reason to go further.

The police came back and found the man dead. They believe he was wearing two pipe bombs. They say it’s unclear whether he committed suicide or accidentally killed himself.”










Man Commits Suicide in Infield During NRA 500




” A man died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head during the 2013 NRA 500 at Texas Motor Speedway Saturday night.

The Tarrant County (Texas) medical examiner’s office officially ruled the death a suicide Sunday afternoon.

The man—42-year-old Kirk Franklin from Saginaw, Texas—reportedly got into an argument with some campers on the infield during the Sprint Cup race, and alcohol may have been a factor in the man’s death, Fort Worth Police spokeswoman Cpl. Tracey Knight confirmed.”









Rehtaeh Parsons Suicide: Justice Minister Revisiting Alleged Rape Case




” A Canadian minister of justice is seeking answers in the investigation into the alleged rape by four teenagers of Nova Scotian teen Rehtaeh Parsons, who hanged herself last week after what her mother says was months of bullying.

Rehtaeh Parsons, 17, was taken off life-support Sunday on her mother authorization after she hanged herself at home in Cole Harbour last week. Nova Scotia Justice Minister Ross Landry said Tuesday that he hopes to meet with Parsons’ mother, Leah, to “discuss her experience with the justice system.” Landry has been reviewing details of the case and consulting with officials, according to a statement.

“I know that law enforcement and the public prosecution service do their best, every day, to administer and enforce the law,” Landry said. “I am committed to exploring the mechanisms that exist to review the actions of all relevant authorities to ensure the system is always working to the best of its ability, in pursuit of justice.”





” In a lengthy post on a Facebook tribute page to her daughter, Leah Parsons outlined what she says led to her daughter’s suicide. In November 2011, Parsons said, Rehtaeh went with a friend to another’s home, where she was raped by four teenage boys.

“One of those boys took a photo of her being raped and decided it would be fun to distribute the photo to everyone in Rehtaeh’s school and community, where it quickly went viral,” Parsons wrote. “Because the boys already had a ‘slut’ story, the victim of the rape Rehtaeh was considered a SLUT.” “







Mystery Surrounds Death of Teens in Botched Texas Burglary


”  Two Oklahoma teenagers are dead after a shootout with a Texas couple whose house they were attempting to rob on Wednesday, March 20.  The gunfight between the homeowners and the two teens ended unexpectedly when both of the teens, independently of each other, took their own lives.

A woman was home at her Maypearl, Texas ranch Wednesday afternoon, watching television, when she heard her back door rattling.  When she went to see about the noise, she came face to face with an armed man trying to get in.

Her husband arrived and met the two men outside of his house.  Kenneth Chaffin, 17, and Dillon King, 18, both opened fire.

This incident began Monday, when Oklahoma sheriff’s officials began searching for Kennth Chaffin who robbed his own home in Bethel Acres, Oklahoma.  Chaffin who had a history of running away, had stolen his parents pickup truck, prescription medication, 17 guns and more than 2,000 rounds of ammunition.  Though King left with Chaffin on Monday, King had not been reported missing.”




‘A Long Night’ At Quantico Marine Base: 3 Dead In Shooting




” A Marine shot and killed two of his fellow service members at a Virginia base Thursday night and then apparently killed himself, base officials said.

The incident took place at Marine Corps Base Quantico. The shooter gunned down a man and a woman, the spokesmen said. All are Marines — permanent personnel assigned to the officer candidate school.

Authorities did not disclose a motive and were investigating the incident. The identities of the victims were not immediately disclosed as authorities worked to notify next of kin.”


US Marine kills two comrades at Quantico

3 Marines, including gunman, dead in shooting at Marine Base Quantico






Aaron Swartz Lawyers Accuse Prosecutor Stephen Heymann Of Misconduct




” WASHINGTON – Federal prosecutor Stephen Heymann engaged in prosecutorial misconduct by withholding key evidence from the defense team of Aaron Swartz, the late Internet activist’s legal team alleged in a letter to an internal Justice Department ethics unit.

Heymann took the lead in the much-criticized effort to imprison Swartz, who committed suicide in January, and was the attorney who handled the case on a day-to-day basis, reporting to U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz. Swartz’ attorney Eliot Peters has filed a complaint with the Department of Justice’s Office of Professional Responsibility, a step that indicates just how egregious the defense team considers Heymann’s professional behavior. A redacted version of the letter was obtained by The Huffington Post.

In the document, Peters argues that Heymann withheld exculpatory evidence. At issue was whether the federal government had properly obtained a warrant to search Swartz’ computer and thumb drive. Peters argued that the government failed by waiting more than a month to obtain the warrant. Heymann countered that he couldn’t get a warrant because he didn’t have access to the equipment. But an email in Heymann’s possession, which was written to Heymann himself, showed that assertion to be untrue.”




Attorney General Eric Holder: Prosecutors In Aaron Swartz Case Did A Great Job






