Tag Archive: Sudan

Sudanese Death Sentence Woman To Be Freed Soon


Meriam Ibrahim and her husband Daniel Wani



Sudan appeared to be bowing to international pressure on Saturday night to free a woman sentenced to death for apostasy. A foreign ministry spokesman said that Meriam Ibrahim would be released and not face further charges.

But lawyers for 27-year-old Ms Ibrahim expressed skepticism that she would be freed so quickly.

“ It’s a statement to silence the international media,” said Elshareef Ali Mohammed. “This is what the government does. We will not believe that she is being freed until she walks out of the prison.”

  He said he had even heard reports that the spokesman was in the UK on medical leave when he told the BBC she would soon be freed.

“ If they were to release her, the announcement would come from the appeal court, and not from the ministry of foreign affairs. But at least it shows our campaign to free Meriam is rattling them. We must keep up the pressure.”

  The sentence, which was first reported in The Telegraph on the day that Judge Abbas Khalifa handed down his ruling, caused anger which has mushroomed into a global campaign to free her. In Sudan, abandoning Islam is a crime punishable by death.

  The mother of two, whose husband Daniel Wani has dual American-Sudanese citizenship, insists that she was raised as a Christian. She says her Muslim father abandoned the family when she was a child.

  Mark Simmonds, the Foreign Office’s Africa minister, said on Saturday that Britain was “putting intense pressure on the Sudanese government” to ensure her release.”



   Note that the pressure is coming from Britain and it’s leaders and not from our Muslim-apologist White House , even though the woman carries dual citizenship with the US and not the UK . 



” On Tuesday, Ms Ibrahim gave birth in prison to a daughter, Maya – her second child – which poured fuel on the fire of criticism. Mr Wani provoked an outcry when he told The Telegraph that his wife had been forced to give birth in a clinic in the prison, rather than in hospital, and with her legs still shackled.

  His comments were republished in the Sudanese daily Alyoum Altali newspaper, and clearly shook the government in Khartoum. “They wrote about how a campaign was starting in the UK, and talked about Western involvement to save her,” said Mr Elshareef. “They said that it was damaging the reputation of Sudan.”

  A day after the birth, the government sent in the reporters to justify Ms Ibrahim’s detention.

“ They interviewed a scholar, who goes into the prison to teach the women about Islam,” he said. “She also said that Meriam is a Muslim, because she is part of this campaign by some Islamists to claim that she committed apostasy. But everyone who knows Meriam knows that she is a Christian, and this is not true.”












You Probably Live In One Of The 20 Worst Countries For Internet Censorship


Image Credit: Reporters Without Borders

” While press freedom seems to be in a troubling downward trajectory in the U.S., Internet freedom is not looking much better either.

  Reporters Without Borders recently announced its annual “Enemies of the Internet” list, and it is a real doozy this year. There are some of the usual suspects — China, Sudan, Iran, North Korea and Cuba — but there are also a few surprising additions to the list — especially the U.S. and the U.K.

Take a look at the map … “



We in the west should be so proud . Look at the details of the map and hang your heads in shame .



” “How will so-called democratic countries be able to press for the protection of journalists if they adopt the very practices they are criticizing authoritarian regimes for?” asked the report.

  Check out this interactive version of the map for a more detailed look at Internet censorship around the world.”




     The leaders of the US and UK should be absolutely ashamed of themselves to find the homes of the Magna Carta and Declaration of Independence / Constitution / Bill Of Rights in company with the above mentioned dictatorships , oligarchies and theocracies . One can practically feel the earth tremble as the Founding Fathers turn over in their graves .


Read the rest 








Remote Control Warfare. Some Sixty US Drone Bases Around The World




” In 2000, the Pentagon had less than 50 drones. Ten years later, that number is 7,500–an increase of 15,000 percent. In 2003, the U.S. Air Force was flying a handful of round-the-clock drone patrols every day. By 2010, that number had reached 40.

“By 2011, the Air Force was training more remote pilots than fighter and bomber pilots combined,” explains Medea Benjamin in her book Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control. Benjamin cites Mark Maybury, chief scientist for the Air Force, who said in 2011, “Our number one manning problem in the Air Force is manning our unmanned platform.”

But more important is that the use of drones to carry out missions in far-flung countries has enabled the Obama administration to avoid any formal declaration of war while raining down lethal force from the skies–a clear attempt to skirt both U.S. and international law regarding war. As Nick Turse writes in The Changing Face of Empire: Special Ops, Drones, Spies, Proxy Fighters, Secret Bases and Cyberwarfare:

Take the American war in Pakistan–a poster child for what might now be called the Obama formula, if not doctrine. Beginning as a highly circumscribed drone assassination campaign backed by limited cross-border commando raids under the Bush administration, U.S. operations in Pakistan into something close to a full-scale robotic air war, complemented by cross-border helicopter attacks, CIA-funded “kill teams” of Afghan proxy forces, as well as boots-on-the-ground missions by elite special operations forces.

The U.S. has now deployed drones armed with lethal force in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia and Libya. Some 60 bases throughout the world are directly connected to the drone program–from Florida to Nevada in the U.S., from Ethiopia and Djibouti in Africa, to Qatar in the Middle East and the Seychelles Islands in the Indian Ocean.

According to Turse, for the last three years, Xe Services, the company formerly known as Blackwater, has been in charge of arming the fleet of Predator drones at CIA clandestine sites in Pakistan and Afghanistan.”










Swarm Of 30 Million Locusts Hit Egypt 2013

” A plague of locusts descended Saturday on agricultural farms in Giza and on Cairo. Egyptian Agricultural Minister Salah Abad Almoman said the swarm is comprised of an estimated 30 million insects and was causing great damage.

In Cairo, residents burned tires to create a black fog to keep the locusts from settling in the city. Swarms were also reported to have reached Egypt’s Red Sea city of Zafarana, some 200 kilometers (124 miles) from Cairo, and then the Upper Egyptian city of Qena where locusts appeared in at least three major villages.

The Al-Ahram daily reported that since January, swarms of the insects – originating from Sudan have been spotted along the Red Sea coast in south-eastern Egypt, north-eastern Sudan, Eritrea and Saudi Arabia.

In 2004, Egypt witnessed one of the most serious locust infestations in recent history, when farmers in 15 out of the country’s 27 governorates suffered extensive crop damage. The Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture issued a statement saying it had set up task forces to deal with the locust plague.

A professor at Cairo University’s Faculty of Agriculture said the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations warned of the locust danger last November, but the Ministry of Agriculture dismissed the warnings as rumors and refused to examine the issue.

Professor Nader Nur al-Din claimed that over the past few months he had also warned the ministry of the locust threat. Thanks to Oleg Karapishenko.”



35 Pyramids Found In Sudan Necropolis


Clustered Pyramids

Credit: Photo copyright B-N Chagny, SEDAU/SFDAS



” At least 35 small pyramids, along with graves, have been discovered clustered closely together at a site called Sedeinga in Sudan.

Discovered between 2009 and 2012, researchers are surprised at how densely the pyramids are concentrated. In one field season alone, in 2011, the research team discovered 13 pyramids packed into  roughly 5,381 square feet (500 square meters), or  slightly larger than an NBA basketball court.

They date back around 2,000 years to a time when a kingdom named Kush flourished in Sudan. Kush shared a border with Egypt and, later on, the Roman Empire. The desire of the kingdom’s people to build pyramids was apparently influenced by Egyptian funerary architecture.”

Surreal Satellite Imagery of Planet Earth [22 Pics]



” Our planet is a thing of beauty, and looking from space is no exception. Take a look at this collection of satellite imagery that we compiled from NASA archives.”



Byrd Glacier, Antarctica

Byrd Glacier In Antarctica



One more , then see the rest at ILTWMT






President Obama’s War Report: War on Terror in Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, “Various Other Locations,” U.S. Forces in Central Africa, Egypt, Kosovo, on the
High Seas


” The U.S. forces deployed last year to
Uganda to fight Joseph Kony’s Lord’s
Resistance Army, meanwhile, have
expanded out to the Central African
Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo
(where local rebels for a period of time
recently took over one of its largest cities,
Goma), and the newly independent South
Sudan (which has had a tense relationship
with Sudan , from which it broke off last
year, with war sometimes appearing
imminent). ”

Good thing that Evil ” Bushy McHitler” is gone or we might be mired down is endless warfare and petty tribalism .

More Of The Fruits Of Our ” Smart Diplomacy “



” With all the fighting going on, sometimes it’s important to take a step back and look behind the scenes.  One of the most curious aspects about this current conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians is the fact that Hamas has been able to acquire highly sophisticated rockets.  In earlier conflicts, these rockets were never able to penetrate as deeply into the Israeli countryside …but in this case, Hamas has been able to strike Tel Aviv and Jerusalem with telling consistency.  The Washington Free Beacon reports:

The Israeli Defense Forces’ (IDF) principal objective in Gaza is to rid Palestinian terrorists of sophisticated Iranian-produced rockets that are capable of striking deep into Israel’s heartland, including Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. “