Tag Archive: Stock Market Crash

Ten Warning Signs Of A Market Crash In 2015






” The FTSE 100 slid on the first day of trading in 2015. Here are 10 warning signs that the markets may drop further.

Vix fear gauge

  For five years, investor fear of risk has been drugged into somnolence by repeated injections of quantitative easing. The lack of fear has led to a world where price and risk have become estranged. As credit conditions are tightened in the US and China, the law of unintended consequences will hold sway in 2015 as investors wake up. The Vix, the so-called “fear index” that measures volatility, spiked to 18.4 on Friday, above the average of 14.5 recorded last year.

Rising US Treasury yields

  With the Federal Reserve poised to raise interest rates for the first time in almost a decade, and the latest QE3 bond-buying programme ending in October last year, credit markets are expecting a poor year for US Treasuries. The yield on two-year US Treasuries has more than doubled from 0.31pc to 0.74pc since October.”


Read the rest at The Telegraph , if you dare











Daily Video 10.9.13

Evidence: Stock Market Crash is Coming



Published on Oct 1, 2013

” We’re getting very close to a stock market crash. In this video we go into the technical evidence.
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History of Federal Reserve & JFK’s Executive Order 11110 Pt 1.

History of Federal Reserve & JFK’s Executive Order 11110 Pt 2.