Tag Archive: Stings

Editorial: ATF Gone Wild






” When President Obama rewrote inconvenient parts of his very own Obamacare law, he undermined more than health care. The attitude of “we can do what we want” trickles down to the lowliest federal agencies. That’s what several federal judges are saying about the schemes of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

  The ATF is the Rodney Dangerfield of law enforcement; among its peers it “don’t get no respect.” So the agency devises creative ways of proving itself, if only to itself. For example, ATF agents posing as cocaine couriers in poverty-stricken neighborhoods of Los Angeles boasted of big plans to steal the narcotics they were supposed to deliver. They did this to goad “small-time crooks” into joining a high stakes fake “stash house” raid to obtain fake cocaine. The hoods would then be arrested.

  Agents are allowed to infiltrate a criminal enterprise, but this sting constituted what a federal judge called an outrageous fishing expedition. “In these stash-house cases,” said U.S. District Judge Otis D. Wright II, “the Government’s ‘participation in the offense conduct’ is what makes them particularly repugnant to the Constitution. Everything about the scheme — and therefore almost everything bearing upon a defendant’s ultimate sentence — hinges solely on the Government’s whim.”

  Threatened with stiff drug penalties, few perps challenge the charges, and federal prosecutors add easy convictions to their trophies. No drugs were taken off the street. “That’s the problem with creating crime,” observed Judge Wright, “the Government is not making the country any safer or reducing the actual flow of drugs.” The judge dismissed all charges against defendants, saying: “The time has come to remind the Executive Branch that the Constitution charges it with law enforcement — not crime creation.” “


Read the whole thing and ponder a life under a government of lawbreakers








“The Continued Lack Of Accountability At ATF Is Disturbing”







” In January 2013, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel dropped a bombshell report showing ATF Agents who attempted to set up a storefront in the city, ended up damaging the building, owing the landlord money and lost a machine gun on the streets after it was stolen out of a government vehicle.

  But the effort to date has not snared any major dealers or taken down a gang. Instead, it resulted in a string of mistakes and failures, including an ATF military-style machine gun landing on the streets of Milwaukee and the agency having $35,000 in merchandise stolen from its store, a Journal Sentinel investigation has found.





 ” When the 10-month operation was shut down after the burglary, agents and Milwaukee police officers who participated in the sting cleared out the store but left behind a sensitive document that listed names, vehicles and phone numbers of undercover agents.

   And the agency remains locked in a battle with the building’s owner, who says he is owed about $15,000 because of utility bills, holes in the walls, broken doors and damage from an overflowing toilet.”



      This episode ties in with the widespread attempts by ATF to use mentally challenged individuals across the country in efforts to entrap alleged drug dealers and arms traffickers .



” Despite ATF’s claims these were isolated incidents, they weren’t and now, Senator Grassley and Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Darrell Issa have sent a letter to ATF Director Todd Jones demanding answers about how many times these tactics were used around the country.”


Senators Grassley and Issa are demanding answers from Todd Jones , head of ATF .



” According to the letter, ATF has failed to be forthcoming with information about the cases.

The continued lack of accountability at ATF is disturbing,” the letter states, adding that many of the agents managing these cases have been promoted. “Around the conclusion of Operation Fearless in the fall of 2012, ATF management promoted Bernard Zapor, the Special Agent in Charge during the pendency of Operation Fearless, to ATF headquarters as Deputy Assistant Director of the Office of Field Operations — Central Region.” 


More obfuscation and prevarication on the part of the “most open , honest and transparent” administration ever .








ATF Using Mentally Disabled Teens To Run Drug-and-Gun Stings






” If you thought the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) couldn’t stoop any lower, you’d be wrong. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that the agency responsible for setting off the events that led to Waco and were at the center of the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal are using mentally disabled teenagers to advertise businesses that are actually fronts for ATF sting operations.

  Earlier this year, when the Journal Sentinel reported on an ATF sting operation in Milwaukee involving a “low IQ” informant, authorities wrote it off as an isolated act of rogue agents. The Journal Sentinel documents at least half-a-dozen stings from around the country that use the same “rogue” tactics of creating fake storefronts and using low IQ people to set stings in cities such as Pensacola, Florida, Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Wichita, Kansas.”


    How convenient … everything wrong with State actions is attributed to the actions of “a few rogue agents” when in reality we are being oppressed by a rogue government . What sort of moral depravity encourages the “authorities” to enlist the mentally impaired as their stooges ? Fast & Furious was blamed on a few rogue agents as is the IRS/Tea Party scandal , the Secret Service hooker scandal . 

    Every time there is a scandal in the Obama administration it is blamed on “a few rogue agents” . Apparently in this White House the buck stops , oh I don’t know , oh yeah , over there . There is no assumption of responsibility at all in Obamaworld … everything is someone else’s fault . If this is the best kind of leadership and oversight we can expect from Dear Leader and his merry band of Chicago thugs we’d be better off without any president at all .