Tag Archive: State By State Guide

Does Your State Protect Your Privacy In The Digital Age?


Privacy Rights In The Digital Age




” New technologies make it possible for state and local law enforcement agencies to engage in surveillance that used to be prohibitively expensive and/or effectively impossible. The ACLU has been working with legislators across the country to put in place rules to ensure that we can take advantage of these new technologies without becoming a surveillance society in which our every movements are tracked, monitored, and scrutinized by the authorities. Much of our work to that end focuses on: law enforcement access to electronic communications content, location tracking,automatic license plate readers, and domestic surveillance drones.

  If we can address these four issue areas, we will go a long way toward protecting privacy in the digital age. This map provides a snapshot of the states that have already provided privacy protections for some or all of them. Of course, the devil is in the details of these laws, and we encourage you to review the bill text or to check out the ACLU’s blog for more information on just how much protection there is in your state.”


Thanks to the ACLU













US Knife Laws By State – How To Stay Legal






   Read more here and click the image below to be taken to an interactive map with detailed information on the possession and carry laws for knives in all fifty states .




” KnifeUp provides, for free, knife law guides for all 50 states. Below is a map of the US, click on the state you are interested in to read about it’s knife laws. I try to keep these guides as up-to-date and accurate as possible but, for the law changes a lot, please leave a comment if you see something wrong.”


Choose Your State














Legal Pot Coming Soon?




” The march towards good sense and marijuana freedom continues apace. To give a glimpse of what’s in store for 2014, here’s a 50-state guide to legislation and ballot measures that are in the works thus far this year.

  By my count, 13 states may follow Colorado and Washington State’s lead and legalize recreational use—either at the ballot box or in state capitols. Medical marijuana is on the table in 16 states. Five states may decriminalize possession, replacing criminal penalties with civil fines.

  Of the 20 states that do not have a push underway this year, 12 have already OK’d medical marijuana or decriminalization. Additionally, activists in at least three states with nothing currently underway are organizing 2016 initiative drives.

  The following leans heavily on reportage from The Daily Chronic and an ACLU report, The War on Marijuana in Black and White.”


   Regardless how you may feel about the wisdom of legalizing pot , if you are a lover of the Constitution you must acknowledge the fact that every state that enacts any kind of relaxation to their marijuana laws is striking a blow for nullification and state’s rights by disputing the pre-eminence of Federal law . That cannot help but be a good thing . Get the state by state details at Reason










” Alabama is the most “conservative” state in the U.S., with roughly 50 percent of its residents “identifying their ideology as conservative,” trailed closely by North Dakota and Wyoming (both 48.6 percent), according to a recent survey by Gallup.”



Gallup Reports on the Most Conservative & Liberal States