Tag Archive: Starbucks

The Week In Starbucks



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” As John noted yesterday, without question the most obnoxious story of the week was Starbucks proposing to have its baristas engage customers in a “conversation” about race, even though all such “conversations” amount to “agree with us or shut up.” I suspect underneath this is confirmation of my thesis that most majors in ethnic & gender studies find that Starbucks is their best employment opportunity with said degrees, so why not.  Glenn Reynolds suggests we take them up on it, but do so at the drive-through window at peak rush hour times with a long line of cars behind us.”



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” Meanwhile, a Facebook pal in Colorado sends this note:

  If you take the total population of the zip codes in Denver where Starbucks are located (using the starbucks.com locator), those populations are about 6.0% black. According to the 2013 American Community Survey, Denver as a whole is 22.4% black.”





   If you needed further proof of Starbucks’ hypocrisy on the race issue a quick look at their management shows a stunning lack of color . Continued at Powerline











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Federal Government Made $20 Billion In Secret Purchases In Recent Months


Federal Starbucks Secret purchases



” The federal government has spent at least $20 billion in taxpayer money this year on items and services that it is permitted to keep secret from the public, according to an investigation by the News4 I-Team.

  The purchases, known among federal employees as “micropurchases,” are made by some of the thousands of agency employees who are issued taxpayer-funded purchase cards. The purchases, in most cases, remain confidential and are not publicly disclosed by the agencies. A sampling of those purchases, obtained by the I-Team via the Freedom of Information Act, reveals at least one agency used those cards to buy $30,000 in Starbucks Coffee drinks and products in one year without having to disclose or detail the purchases to the public.

  A series of other recent purchases, reviewed by internal government auditors, include wasteful and inappropriate purchases by government employees — including a gym membership and JC Penney clothing — that were not detected or stopped until after the purchase was completed.”

Read more

See The So-Called ‘Honest’ Slogans Poking Fun At Some Of The World’s Biggest Firms





The Bic lighter must be the most pocketed item ever created … 






Who hasn’t experienced the giant bag of scented air posing as a flavored snack ?






Everybody’s a jock nowadays …




If only we could get this kind of truth in advertising in our politicians , then maybe we could institute some real change .


See more at the Daily Mail and follow the source at Honest Slogans















John Hawkins at RightWing News

” Contrary to what you hear from liberals, the biggest flaw conservatives have is being overly tolerant. Really? Seriously? We’re “overly tolerant?”


 Conservatives will listen to a Hollywood star trash us as intolerant and then we’ll go watch his movie anywayMusicians will openly support Obama and call us racists; yet we’ll still buy their albums. Corporations will bend over backwards to undermine everything we hold dear and then we’ll turn right around and buy their products. Conservatives make up 40% of all Americans and if we start letting our values dictate where we spend our money, we can transform America’s culture in a hurry. Our money spells the difference between a blockbuster and a flop, a hit single or a bust, and a corporate CEO ending up on the cover of Business Week or looking for a new job. You want to even the playing field in America? Then stop propping up corporations that want to destroy everything you hold dear. When a company does something you don’t like, close your wallet until management gets the idea. When your money talks, corporations listen. Here are five easy ones to get you started. “







By Staying Neutral In The Battle Over Gun Control Is Starbucks Pro-Gun By Default? (VIDEO)




” On Friday, it was “Gun Owners Support Starbucks Day” all across Virginia, according to gun rights activist Ed Levine, the founder of Virginia Open Carry.

Unlike some of its competitors, Peet’s Coffee for example, that have posted “No Guns Allowed” signs in states that permit law-abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms for self-defense outside the home, Starbucks has made the conscious decision to remain apolitical, to simply follow local laws.

To Starbucks credit, gun control advocates have not made it easy for them to remain neutral.  On several occasions, organizations like The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence have made Starbucks the target of a national boycott.

In fact, as reported by the CS Monitor, efforts to boycott Starbucks are still ongoing, the latest is being led by the National Gun Victims Action Council, a Chicago-based pro-gun control organization.”