Tag Archive: Standing Ovation

Charlie Hebdo Receives Free Speech Award, Standing Ovation at PEN Gala


” The staff of Charlie Hebdo was honored tonight at the PEN American Center gala, following much controversy, and they received a standing ovation as they affirmed their commitment to free speech and free expression.

  There was a recent controversy when a group of authors refused to participate in the gala because of their opposition to what they perceive as the French publication’s “intolerance.” Salman Rushdie and a whole host of other writers stood up for Charlie Hebdo, defending them from that charge of intolerance and insisting the free speech principle is of paramount importance.

  Well, the gala happened tonight (under heavy security), and they received the award to a standing ovation.”

   The six dhimmi authors who shamefully refused to participate are: Peter Carey, Michael Ondaatje, Francine Prose, Teju Cole, Rachel Kushner and Taiye Selasi .

Mediaite has more


Watch How Vastly Different West Point Cadets React Between Hearing Presidents Obama and Bush



” Even the pundits at CNN had to agree – President Obama’s reception at West Point was nothing short of “icy.” His graduation speech has been slammed as being less “Commander in Chief” and more “policy wonk playing defense.” And the way the audience reacted supports it.

  He receives a standing ovation from about a fourth of the audience who has come to see the the West Point class of 2014 graduate and commission as 2nd Lieutenants, and throughout his speech, he receives only mild applause from the graduates and their friends and families.”




” Compare that to the speech President George W. Bush gave to the corps of cadets in 2008 in his last military academy speech as President:”

” Do the two seem a little different to you?

  President Bush says, “There are many honors that come with the Presidency, but none higher than serving as Commander in Chief in the greatest Armed Forces on Earth.” If President Obama believed and lived by that truth, he would be having a very different presidency.”

Thanks to Independent Journal Review

Sheriff David A Clarke Jr NRA-ILA Leadership Forum FULL SPEECH




” Sheriff David Clarke Jr. may not be a household name…yet. But he’s well on his way after his rousing speech at the 2014 NRA convention. Consider the standing ovation he received after revealing the seven words he would add to the Second Amendment: “Keep your hands off our guns, dammit.”

Thanks to the Federalist Papers

This 80 Year Old Ballroom Dancer Has Everyone Yawning. And Then Something Incredible Happens And Leaves Everyone In Shock.





Published on Apr 12, 2014

” See more from Britain’s Got Talent at http://itv.com/talent

  Simon’s not strictly in the mood for ballroom, but Paddy & Nico have much more in store than first appearances suggest. Watch the energy-shift in this electric pairing’s performance.”









NJ Officials Couldn’t Have Been Prepared For What 9-Year-Old Competition Shooter Had To Say About Proposed Gun Control Bill







” Speaking before the New Jersey Law and Public Safety Committee in Trenton, N.J., on Thursday, 9-year-old competition shooter Shyanne Roberts spoke in opposition to a proposed bill that would further limit magazine capacity to 10 rounds.

  In her speech, which earned thunderous applause from the audience, she presented the simplicity and common sense nature of the pro-gun argument in a way only a kid can.”





“ I am not a ‘gang banger or domestic terrorist’ as a certain vocal supporter of this bill claimed two weeks ago in the Star Ledger,” Roberts said. “This bill, if it becomes law, will severely impact me and a million other gun owners.

” The 9-year-old girl explained that she is a 4th-grade honor roll student and competitive shooter in multiple styles with numerous local, state and national sponsors.”

“ I have worked and trained very hard to get to the level I am at and if A2006 becomes law, I will be forced to choose between giving up on a very great and promising future in a sport that I love or asking my dad to move to another state. I will not be giving up my sport.”

  She said many of the firearms she hopes to use in the next level of her young competitive shooting career will be made “illegal” if the proposed gun control bill, known as A2006, becomes law.”




This video presents young Miss Roberts in action …







    If you like what Shyanne has to say and what she stands for you may want to visit her Facebook page and give her a like or perhaps help fund her shooting competition , we all know how expensive that can get , by purchasing a T-shirt .





     Sadly , the original goal with the sale of the T-shirts was not met and so production was not initiated but we have included the link anyway as we have a feeling that after this young lady’s stellar performance in front of the pols gets recognized , that business will soon be booming . 



   The Blaze has more on Shyanne’s knock-em dead speaking performance as does NorthJersey.com including much more biographical information on the young champion :



” Shyanne and her father, who live in Gloucester County, came to Trenton to speak against a bill that would limit the magazine capacity of firearms to 10 rounds, down from the current 15-round maximum. They and other opponents of the measure said legislation should target criminals without affecting legal gun owners. Similar arguments were made against several other gun-control bills the Legislature passed last year, most of which were ultimately vetoed by Governor Christie.

  The bill passed the committee along party lines, 5-3, after more than three hours of testimony.

  Shyanne, who has won several national sponsorships, has placed highly in several shooting competitions, including a second-place finish at the New Jersey State Ruger Rimfire Challenge. Her father said she entertains hopes of someday competing in the Olympics. “









Rep. Huelskamp Suggests Speaker Boehner Retire Gets Standing Ovation



Boehner Should Retire




” Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS), a solid conservative from flyover country, was giving a speech and the line was, “Isn’t it high time we retire John Boehner’s biggest excuse, we only control one half of one third of the government,” was interrupted with a standing ovation. The interruption came just before the word “biggest”.”


Story continues








Rep. Mike Kelly Receives Standing Ovation at Ways & Means Hearing on IRS Scandal



Romney on Obama’s Foreign Policy

“In dealing with other nations, he has given trust where it is not earned, insult where it was not deserved and apology where it was not due.”