Tag Archive: St. Louis

Attack On Bosnian Woman Near Bevo Mill Is Called A Hate Crime






” St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson has called in the FBI to help investigate what he is calling a hate crime because a woman assaulted by three black teens is Bosnian.

  The Friday morning attack occurred in the Bevo Mill neighborhood where earlier this week a Bosnian man was killed with a hammer by a group of teens.

  In Friday’s case, the woman, 26, told police that she was driving in the 4600 block of Lansdowne Avenue about 5:25 a.m. when three men in their late teens to early 20s walked in front of her vehicle.

  When the woman attempted to drive around the young men, at least one of them pulled a gun and ordered her to stop. One of the men struck the windshield with an object police said could have been a crowbar. The woman was pulled from the vehicle while another of the men opened the passenger door and went through the woman’s purse, saying it was empty. One of the men threw her cellphone to the ground and stomped on it.

  One of the men asked where the woman was from. She said she was European.

“ You’re a (expletive) liar. You’re Bosnian. I should just kill you now,” Dotson said of the woman’s account.”

St Louis Post-Dispatch

Exclusive: Hammers Attack Video From South St Louis




” St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter Joel Currier’s article about a Bosnian immigrant being murdered by hammer-wielding teenagers fails to mention the possibility that at least some of the teens were black until deep into the article. Conversely, a video shot by a resident of South St. Louis’ Bevo Mill neighborhood reveals heretofore-unpublished details about what happened near the intersection of Gravois Avenue and Itaska Street before the attack that left Zemir Begic, 32, dead.

  At the 45-second mark, the woman who recorded the video — whose name I will not share for reasons of her personal safety — says, “And, of course, it’s a white kid, right after black people running up and down the street saying, ‘Eff the white people, kill the white people.’ This is what we have.” “

Bob McCarty has the details

Bosnian Community In St. Louis Outraged Over Fatal Hammer Attack In Bevo Mill Neighborhood






” St. Louis Bosnians outraged about a deadly hammer attack in the city’s Bevo Mill neighborhood spilled into the streets Sunday night to voice frustrations over violence touching their community.

“ We’re just angry because we’re trying to protect our community,” said Mirza Nukic, 29, of St. Louis. “We’re just trying to be peaceful.”

  Nukic was among at least 50 people, mostly, if not all Bosnians, who briefly blocked Gravois Avenue at Itaska Street on Sunday night to protest the killing. The intersection was near where Zemir Begic, a Bosnian man who moved to St. Louis this year, was attacked by at least three teens with hammers early Sunday.

  Police said Begic was in his vehicle about 1:15 a.m. in the 4200 block of Itaska when several juveniles approached and began damaging his car. Police said Begic got out to confront the juveniles, who began yelling at him and hitting him with hammers.

  Begic, 32, who lived in the 4200 block of Miami Street, suffered injuries to his head, abdomen, face and mouth. He died at St. Louis University Hospital.”

St Louis Post-Dispatch

The 50 Most Violent Cities In The World




” Murder is more common in Latin America than in any other part of the world.

  That’s the most striking takeaway from a ranking of the most violent cities compiled earlier this year by Mexico’s Citizens’ Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice. The ranking doesn’t count deaths in war zones or cities with unavailable data.

  Thirty-four of the 50 worst cities were located in the region, including repeat murder capital of the world — San Pedro Sula, Honduras — which saw 187 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants in 2013 and is getting steadily worse. A full one-third of global homicides occur in Latin America even though the region has just 8% of the world’s population, according to United Nations data.

  Drug trafficking, gang wars, political instability, corruption, and poverty combine to cause the region’s elevated violence.

  US cities also made the list, led by Detroit at No. 24 and New Orleans at No. 26. “



     If readers are looking for a common thread in the violence of the US cities look no further than the local governance of each one . Baltimore hasn’t seen a republican mayor since 1967  and Detroit since 1962  . The last time New Orleans elected a republican leader was in 1872 and St Louis has been led by the Democrats since 1943 . Surprised ? I didn’t think so .

   Elections have consequences …


Business Insider












Anger Follows Police Shooting In St. Louis Suburb







” The fatal shooting of a black teenager by police sent hundreds of angry residents out of their apartments Saturday in a St. Louis suburb, igniting shouts of “kill the police” during a confrontation that lasted several hours.

  The shooting occurred around noon Saturday at the Canfield Green Apartment complex. Ferguson police confirmed it was one of their officers who opened fire.

  Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson told the Post-Dispatch that the officer involved has been placed on paid administrative leave.

  Family members identified the shooting victim as 18-year-old Michael Brown. Desiree Harris, who says Brown is her grandson, says she found his body in the middle of the street minutes after he was expected to arrive at her home in suburban St. Louis neighborhood.”


USA Today












Police: Dad Shoots, Kills Man Who Held Gun To Teen Daughter







” An attempted home invasion turned into a murder investigation Tuesday morning.  One suspect is dead and another is in critical condition after allegedly holding a gun to a teen’s head. St. Louis police are releasing chilling details of a late night shooting in south St. Louis that left one person dead, another injured and a neighborhood shaken up.

  St. Louis police say a 17 year old girl was outside of her home getting something from a car when two armed men confronted her and demanded that she return to her home.

  The girl`s father saw the suspects walking his daughter toward the home. That`s when police say the teen`s father, a 34 year old man, got his gun and fired several shots at the suspects, hitting both of them. The girl`s mother, also 34, got another gun and fired a round as well, not hitting either suspect.

  The first suspect was pronounced dead at the scene. The second suspect ran away, got into the first suspect`s car and contacted his brother to take him to the hospital.
Police identify the suspect who was killed as 31 year old Terrell Johnson from north St. Louis. The second suspect- a 33 year old man- is hospitalized in critical but stable condition with gunshot wounds to his chest and both thighs.   Police say he will face charges.”


KTVI St Louis
















” Tiffany Thompson got her wish: Demetrius Murphy met the “Right Person” and he will not be playing the Knockout Game any more. Ever. St. Louis homeowner shot Murphy dead late last week during a burglary. And a whole lot of people in St. Louis feel relieved, if not safer. Murphy was a member of a group that is credited with making the Knockout Game a St. Louis tradition, then a national pasttime.

  The rules of the Knockout Game are simple: Begin with a bunch of black people. Anywhere from three to 30.

  You can play anywhere, but “vibrant and culturally mixed” neighborhoods are probably the best. That is where the victims are: Asians, “gays,” artists, yuppies, seniors , college students – people who won’t fight back. Over the last two years, hundreds of people around the country have become victims. Some say over 100 in St. Louis alone. Some died. Others, like Murphy’s victim Matt Quain, suffered broken bones in his face and jaw.

  Last week, four members of the national Championship Alabama football team were arrested after three played the game two times, and the fourth tried to use a debit card taken during the attacks. Many of these cases of black mob violence are documented in the book “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return racial violence and how the media ignore it.”


Good riddance .









Mystery Of The Massive Fire Which Ravaged St Louis – America’s Most Prosperous Ancient City




” A mysterious fire which destroyed North America’s greatest ancient civilization has led to fascinating discoveries about social tensions, violent tendencies and religious practices within the society.

The city of Cahokia, whose secrets lie underneath where St Louis, Missouri now stands, was ruined by a huge blaze around the year 1170 CE. 

Following the disaster, the Native American city changed dramatically – defense walls were built, buildings fortified and a sun symbol incorporated into designs. 

The significant changes have led to one nagging historical mystery – just how did the fire start?

Cahokia, pictured in this illustration, was originally a vast city encircled by 120 pyramids, stretches of farmland and wealthy communities. 

Those who built the model city were known as the Mound Builders because of the earthen structures similar to Mayan Temples.”









Have We Heard This Before?





  ” Hostess Brands Inc., maker of Twinkies and Wonderbread, said today it would shut down three of its factories, firing 627 workers, as a wave of strikes hit its plants across the country.

About two-thirds of its plants are being picketed by almost 6,000 union workers upset at a new contract; Hostess CEO Gregory Rayburn says worse it to come if the strike doesn’t end. From the WSJ’s Rachael Feintzeig:

Mr. Rayburn said Monday afternoon that Hostess is permanently shutting down plants in Seattle, St. Louis and Cincinnati as a result of the work stoppage, and 627 jobs will be lost. “We don’t have the manpower to maintain them during the strike,” he said.

He also said that the company didn’t have much more wiggle room in terms of shutting down additional plants and that the next step would probably be a complete shutdown.

That sounds pretty serious — except we’ve heard something similar before. Here’s Mr Rayburn back in late September, setting the scene for votes by the company’s two biggest unions on new labor deals:

The chief executive of Hostess Brands Inc. said the troubled maker of Twinkies and Wonder Bread will immediately liquidate if union members don’t sign on to the final labor deal it has offered them.”




Update : Hostess Sets Deadline To Strikers: Thursday, 5 p.m, Or It’s Over