Tag Archive: Spec Ops Training

‘Jade Helm 2015’ 8-Week Summer Special Ops Exercises Prep For End Game And ‘Mastering The Human Domain’






” From July 15th to September 15th of 2015, the US Army’s Green Berets, US Navy Seals, US Marines Special Ops Command and US Air Force Special Ops Command will be taking part in ‘Jade Helm 15’, 8 weeks of night time drills in 7 states in the southwestern portion of America in which the states of Texas and Utah are both labeled ‘hostile’ territory in the ‘drills’ as outlined in more detail in the US Army Special Ops Command documents embedded below. “







” While US Army operations planner Thomas Mead tells mySouTex.com “this allows our soldiers to get a better training environment” and “you only get so much in a military environment”, his disclaimer is “you don’t get a true interaction with the public” which leads us to ask these questions: How much interaction do they expect with the public between the hours of 11 pm and 4 am, when these exercises will be taking place? Maybe even more importantly, what exactly is ‘mastering the human domain‘, the exercise tag line seen in the image at the top of story? “



Read all about the latest preparations for martial law at the All News Pipeline














Black Choppers Rattle Dallas Skyline In Urban Training Drills



Dallas Black Ops



” Dallas residents have taken to social media to express alarm over a swarm of black helicopters that have descended upon their neighborhoods, part of a US Special Forces drill to prepare for future engagement in urban areas.

  Beginning Monday morning, Dallas residents went online to report a surreal spectacle that seems more consistent with conspiracy-theory lore than reality: Black helicopters with their lights switched off buzzing the rooftops of this Texas city of 1.2 million people.

  Unbeknown to many residents, the sinister-looking sight was the initial phase of US Special Operations Forces training in “realistic urban sites” scheduled to run for the next two weeks.

  According to local news reports, the training missions may move beyond Dallas.

“ North Texas police departments are letting the forces conduct urban training across the region over a two-week span,” The Dallas Morning News reported.”


Russia Today