Tag Archive: South Texas

Border Agents Bracing For New Immigrant Surge



Families of Central American immigrants turn themselves in to U.S. Border Patrol agents after crossing the Rio Grande River from Mexico on September 8, 2014 in Mission, Texas. Although the numbers of such immigrant families and unaccompanied minors have decreased from a springtime high, thousands continue to cross in the border illegally into the United States. The Rio Grande Valley sector is the busiest area for illegal border crossings, especially for Central Americans, into the U.S.  (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) Photo: John Moore, Getty Images

John Moore, Getty Images



” On a recent evening near the banks of the Rio Grande, a group of five Guatemalan immigrants, among them two girls, ages 8 and 10 without a parent or guardian by their side, turned themselves over to U.S. Border Patrol agents. 

  It is a familiar scene to law enforcement agencies in South Texas that witnessed nearly 50,000 unaccompanied children and families, mostly from Central America, illegally streaming across the border here last year.

  While far fewer immigrants have been detained in recent months than during the same period a year ago, thousands are still crossing the Rio Grande illegally, and border agents are bracing for thousands more in the months ahead.

  Already, 15,647 minors and 13,911 families have been detained since the beginning of the fiscal year in October, along the whole Southwest border, most of them in Rio Grande Valley. With the historically busy April, May and summer months ahead, it is conceivable that apprehensions this year will surpass all but the unprecedented surge of 2014.”


Houston Chronicle












Immigrant Detention Center Has Hair Salon For Women





” Federal immigration officials on Thursday sought to show the softer side of immigrant detention, complete with cartoon wall murals, stuffed animals, playgrounds, snacks and a hair salon at a South Texas facility that will house women and their children who crossed the border illegally.

  With a surge in illegal immigration in recent months, especially children traveling alone and parents bringing in children from Central America, authorities moved to convert an all-male detention facility about 50 miles Southeast of San Antonio into one that could temporarily house families.

  The Karnes County Residential Center is the third such family center in the nation, with the others in the New Mexico and Pennsylvania, and more could be on the way.

  The facility will start receiving immigrants on Friday and can house up to 532 people at a cost of about $140 a day per person.

  The Karnes County local government contracts the day-to-day operation with the private prison company The GEO Group .”



   Doing the math the operating costs for just one of the facilities is $74,480 per day , $521,360 per week and a whopping $27,110,720.00 , yes that’s right … TWENTY SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS per year .

   Now add to that staggering cost the blatant , arrogant lies of Obama’s “Homeland Security” chief …



” “ Our borders are not open to illegal immigration; if you come here illegally and don’t have a legal basis to stay under our laws, we will send you back,” Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson said in a statement. “The opening of this additional facility represents our continued commitment to provide temporary facilities for adults with children while they undergo removal proceedings.” “



… and it should be obvious to all that we are being taken to the cleaners by our own government and being forced to fund our own demise .


Read more












Hoping For Asylum, Migrants Strain U.S. Border








” Border Patrol agents in olive uniforms stood in broad daylight on the banks of the Rio Grande, while on the Mexican side smugglers pulled up in vans and unloaded illegal migrants.

  The agents were clearly visible on that recent afternoon, but the migrants were undeterred. Mainly women and children, 45 in all, they crossed the narrow river on the smugglers’ rafts, scrambled up the bluff and turned themselves in, signaling a growing challenge for the immigration authorities.

  After six years of steep declines across the Southwest, illegal crossings have soared in South Texas while remaining low elsewhere. The Border Patrol made more than 90,700 apprehensions in the Rio Grande Valley in the past six months, a 69 percent increase over last year.

  The migrants are no longer primarily Mexican laborers. Instead they are Central Americans, including many families with small children and youngsters without their parents, who risk a danger-filled journey across Mexico. Driven out by deepening poverty but also by rampant gang violence, increasing numbers of migrants caught here seek asylum, setting off lengthy legal procedures to determine whether they qualify.

  The new migrant flow, largely from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, is straining resources and confounding Obama administration security strategies that work effectively in other regions. It is further complicating President Obama’s uphill push on immigration, fueling Republican arguments for more border security before any overhaul.

  With detention facilities, asylum offices and immigration courts overwhelmed, enough migrants have been released temporarily in the United States that back home in Central America people have heard that those who make it to American soil have a good chance of staying.”


   NY Times … Of course this wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that virtually no one gets sent back under Obama’s Border patrol policies or the impending immigration reform bill amnesty . Nah , only a cynic would think like that .