Pew: Americans Say Obama Is A “Good Man” Who Is “Incompetent”





” As President Obama finishes the touches on his seventh State of the Union Address, to be delivered tonight at 9 P.M. Eastern Time (come to for live blogging and tweeting), here’s something he can chew on: Pew Research asked Americans to sum him up in one word.

  The most popular choices? “Good/Good man” and “Incompetent.” Intelligent is well represented as is “idiot/dumb/stupid,” honest, dictator, liar,awesome, and arrogant.

  In the interest of #realkeeping, George W. Bush was viewed similarly at this point in his presidency:

  At a comparable point in his presidency, incompetent, arrogant and honest were frequently used descriptions of George W. Bush. Bush’s approval rating was lower than Obama’s (33% for Bush then, 47% for Obama today) and negative terms were used more frequently to describe him.”



Shifting Impressions of Barack Obama



Read more from Reason and view the poll results here