Tag Archive: SOTU

The Minimum Wage Debate



Facts About Minimum Wage Hikes

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” President Obama has made raising the minimum wage a centerpiece of his campaign against “income inequality.” In his most recent State of the Union Address, he called for raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 per hour over the next 3 years. He also announced plans to unilaterally increase the minimum wage for federal contractors. Meanwhile, numerous governors are also pushing to increase their state minimum as well.

Over the last several years, Cato scholars have written extensively on the pitfalls of raising the minimum wage.”



More at Cato.org









Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – Obama Take Can That Pen

Published on Feb 1, 2014

” Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – Obama Can Take That Pen &… SOTU, Keystone, Iran, Little Sister “









Incredible Video! Black Chicago SOTU Response




” So the GOP gave a State of the Union response. The Tea Party gave a State of the Union response. Well, hat tip to Rebel Pundit, for hands down the best SOTU response from Black Chicago grassroots activists. Memo to GOP and Tea Party, stop using politicians and start using real everyday Americans to address the faults, failures, and shortcomings of progressive socialist policies.”

Read more from Col. West


CNN Poll: 67% Oppose Obama’s Executive Agenda




” During his speech last night, Obama unveiled a raft of executive orders and also promised to enact gun control measures “with or without Congress.”

  However, viewers reacted negatively to Obama’s plan to bypass lawmakers. They were asked, “In general, would you rather see Barack Obama attempt to reach a bipartisan compromise with Congress on major issues, or would you rather see Obama take unilateral action without Congress to make changes in government policy that are not supported by Republicans?”

  Just 30% said they want Obama to take unilateral action, with 67% opposing his executive agenda, which U.S. House Rep. Randy Weber last night described as the behavior of a “socialist dictator”. “

InfoWars has more

Allen West Offers His Thoughts On The State Of Our Union



Allen West SOTU Response










Rand Paul Gives The Tea Party Response To The President’s State of the Union Address – 2/12/2013







” The former Army staff sergeant who was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Barack Obama Monday is declining the first lady’s invitation to be her guest at Tuesday’s State of the Union address.

Clint Romesha, who was awarded the prestigious medal for uncommon valor in Afghanistan, told CNN that he has decided to spend the evening with friends from his former unit, Black Knight Troop, 3-61 CAV, his wife Tammy — with whom he celebrates a wedding anniversary Tuesday — and their families.

“It’s such a great honor to be invited to the State of the Union,” Romesha, 31, told CNN. “I really feel bad about not being able to go. But a lot of these guys I haven’t seen a really long time and I’d like to hang with them just a little bit more.”

Romesha said he also wants “to be there with the family, especially on the 13th wedding anniversary of me and Tammy,” his high school sweetheart.”





From The Looking Spoon


ABC, CBS, NBC Slant 8 To 1 For Obama’s Gun Control Crusade




” At next week’s State of the Union Address, President Barack Obama is likely to continue his ongoing push for more gun control. It’s a push first  spurred on by Obama’s gun control allies in the liberal media. In the wake of the horrific school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks quickly moved to exploit the tragedy to push for more gun control legislation while mostly ignoring solutions that respect gun owners’ Second Amendment rights.

CBS was the most stridently anti-gun rights network. By a whopping 22 to 1 ratio, CBS aired more stories that favored gun control (44) to those that supported gun rights (2), with 37 neutral pieces. ABC aired almost six times as many stories that favored gun control (29) to those that favored gun rights, with 25 neutral stories. NBC pushed for more gun control in 26 of their stories to just 5 that tilted in favor of gun rights for a 5 to 1 ratio, with 43 neutral segments.”