Tag Archive: Soldiers

Secret Army Guards Missouri Courthouse





Published on Nov 22, 2014

” Even with the increased security in the St. Louis area several men dressed in khaki boots and pants stood out from the crowd.

  We can’t say for sure what the men have planned but we’ve previously seen groups wearing similar garb outside of events such as the Boston Bombing and Waco.

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MIT Researchers Discover Possible ‘Vaccine’ For Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder




” It’s a breakthrough that could help thousands of American soldiers returning from dangerous deployments. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology believe they may have discovered a way to create a vaccine that could prevent post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

” What it’s going to do is that they’ll still have perfectly strong memories of the event. They just won’t have the bad health consequences,” said Ki Goosens, an assistant professor of neuroscience with the McGovern Institute for Brain Research.

  The key is a lesser-known hormone produced by the stomach called ghrelin. “









Firepower From The Brigade








The obligatory second sample






Enjoy the rest












Parade Marchers, Soldiers Banned From Carrying Rifles During Local Parade For First Time in 100+ Years





” In Belton, TX, the 4th of July parade is an event with deep and long standing traditions. Since 1850 the town has held an annual parade to celebrate Independence Day. For much of that history, Color Guards and, more recently, civil war re-enactors have marched in the parade with slung or carried rifles.

This year will be different. After the organization, Open Carry Texas, signed up (and was approved) to march in the parade with their rifles, the insurance company is now saying all guns will be disallowed – if the parade wants to keep its insurance that is.”








Spec-Ops Edition

user special forces 920 34 User submit: Special Forces photos (36 HQ Photos)

One more

user special forces 920 12 User submit: Special Forces photos (36 HQ Photos)

Vet Group Responds to Proposed PTSD Gun Limits




” The Disabled American Veterans has written a letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., because of a recent statement she made that post-traumatic stress disorder “is a new phenomenon” and should be a factor in whether a veteran is allowed to own a gun.

In a nearly 900-word letter DAV Executive Director Barry A. Jesinoski said Feinstein’s comments are not accurate and only perpetuate a popular falsehood linking PTSD and violence.

“We ask that you clarify your statement to reassure people that you hold no such bias toward veterans or military service members,” he said.


“We do not believe an assumption should be made based on anecdotal evidence that an individual diagnosed with PTSD should automatically be considered incapable of governing one’s anger and thoughts of violence,” he wrote. “This kind of assumption fosters the social stigma and discrimination that challenges individuals in their efforts towards mental health rehabilitation and recovery.” ”




   Unbelievable . So in dedicating their lives to protect their country , their country in return is going to make that very sacrifice reason to take away one of the soldier’s GOD-given rights . We are sure that will do wonders for enlistment . Colorado has gone absolutely mad .

   But the sentiment is not limited to Colorado Idiots …. California breeds them too … Dianne Feinstein joins the chorus .

Feinstein: Veterans May Have PTSD And Should Not Be Exempt From Assault Weapons Ban

” SEN. DIANNE FEINSTEIN: If I understand this, this adds an exemption of retired military. As I understand our bill, no issue has arose in this regard during the 10 years the expired ban was in effect and what we did in the other bill was exempt possession by the United States or a department or agency of the United States. So that included active military.

The problem with expanding this is that, you know, with the advent of PTSD, which I think is a new phenomenon as a product of the Iraq War, it’s not clear how the seller or transferrer of a firearm covered by this bill would verify that an individual was a member, or a veteran, and that there was no impairment of that individual with respect to having a weapon like this.”

Shameful is right !

Best Of Firepower 2012-Part 1






Another Cool One




carrier from above




 A-10 Gun Run On Taliban


A-10 Gun Run

WTB Soldiers find recovery through competition



  ” GRAFENWOEHR, Germany — Staff Sgt. Joseph Walker has been part of the Warrior Transition Battalion-Europe for a little over a year, rehabilitating a litany of injuries from traumatic brain injury to severe back and joint pain. 

“I’ve been blown up 14 times by IED’s,” said the U.S. Army Garrison Baumholder Soldier. “But that doesn’t stop me from competing.” 

Walker and his fellow A Company Soldiers joined other battalion Soldiers, Oct. 4, for a bike race on the Grafenwoehr Training Area, the second leg in a four-part battalion’s three companies against each other as they vie for the coveted Commander’s Cup. 

After narrowly losing to C Co. in September, Walker is battling once again, bringing new strategies and a bout of revenge to the competition. 

“We lost by one point!” he said grimacing. “We’re here today with vengeance.”

However, for these transitioning Soldiers, cycling competitions aren’t always “as easy as riding a bike.” 

“It sounds easy until you count all of the health issues,” said Walker. “

What’s Wrong With This picture ?


Salary of retired US Presidents ………….$180,000 FOR LIFE
Salary of House/Senate …………………..$174,000 FOR LIFE
Salary of Speaker of the House …………$223,500 FOR LIFE
Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders …… $193,400 FOR LIFE
Average Salary of a teacher ……………. $40,065
Average Salary of Soldier DEPLOYED IN AFGHANISTAN $38,000
I think we found where the cuts should be made!

Well deserved praise for a 21st Century Bob Hope from the American Thinker .

” With the exceptions of Bob Hope and Martha Raye, there may be no other American entertainer who has served our armed forces more. That person is Gary Sinise,actor, director, producer writer, musician, a bit of a down home, foot-shuffling, aw-shucks guy from the Midwest who has probably spent as much time in war zones as many members of our over-worked military,and certainly more than any Member of Congress. Sinise is one of those rare humans who is easy to sum up in quick terms: a really good guy. Or if you wish to add accolades as I’m sure many in the military would: a really damned good guy, among many other unpublishable terms of praise.”

Thanks , Commander