Tag Archive: Slate

A Look At The Most Common Causes Of Death By State



   Cancer and heart disease are the leading causes of death in all states as the author shows in another table , but he also provides numerous other maps showing deaths from other causes relating to each state . Interesting reading and certainly worth a bit of  your time 








” Two months ago, I wrote about the fun and the pitfalls of viral maps, a feature that included 88 simple maps of my own creation. Since then I’ve written up a bunch of short items on some of those maps, walking through how they can both illustrate great information and hide important details. At one point, I said I was done with these. Well, I wasn’t. Here’s another, on death. Enjoy!

  The data used to create the table below are from a 2008 CDC report that’s based on numbers from 2005. Ideally, we’d have more up-to-date information, but their page on mortality tables indicates that there’s nothing more recent on state-by-state causes of death.”











The Microbiology Of Zombies, Part I




” For Walking Dead fans and readers of this blog, you probably know why I was all excited about some of the plot elements that have been included thus far this season: possible zoonotic disease, and in particular, a potential influenza outbreak that may have originated in pigs. I muse about this and other infections in an article for Slate.com, and will have additional thoughts about zombies and infectious disease more generally in the coming days.”

See also:

Part II: ineffective treatments and how not to survive the apocalypse

Part III: “We’re all infected”

Part IV: hidden infections



Here are some links about the Doctor including her website , University Bio and blog .








Saletan: Almost everything I thought I knew about Zimmerman was wrong

” Don’t take this excellent and self-effacing essay from Slate’s William Saletan as an endorsement of George Zimmerman’s actions.  Instead, it’s an indictment of the sensationalist media coverage that distorted or outright manufactured narratives in the case, and of the activists on all sides of the ledger who have exploited a tragedy for political gain.  Only after informing himself by watching the actual trial, evidence, and closing arguments did Saletan have his epiphany (via Amy Alkon):

   “Trayvon Martin is dead, George Zimmerman has been acquitted, and millions of people are outraged. Some politicians are demanding a second prosecution of Zimmerman, this time for hate crimes. Others are blaming the tragedy on “Stand Your Ground” laws, which they insist must be repealed. Many who saw the case as proof of racism in the criminal justice system see the verdict as further confirmation. Everywhere you look, people feel vindicated in their bitter assumptions. They want action.

   But that’s how Martin ended up dead. It’s how Zimmerman ended up with a bulletproof vest he might have to wear for the rest of his life. It’s how activists and the media embarrassed themselves with bogus reports. The problem at the core of this case wasn’t race or guns. The problem was assumption, misperception, and overreaction. And that cycle hasn’t ended with the verdict. It has escalated.” ”


The TSA Is So Incompetent, It Can’t Even Make A URL





” In the latest bout of brilliance handed down from the Transportation Security Administration, more frequent fliers and other elite passengers will soon be eligible for something called “expedited screening benefits.” Features include special screening lanes and the luxury of not having to remove your shoes and belt like a common terrorist.

OK, all of that is rather uninteresting—unless you’re the kind of person who thinks programs like the Cedar Point VIP Tour are grossly classist.* (I do.) What’s interesting about TSA Pre✓™—which launched on a small scale in 2011 but is now expanding—is that it’s nearly impossible to go directly to the website by typing in the site’s Web address—because the checkmark and trademark characters are actually part of the URL.”






” It doesn’t matter what Obama meant . Here’s why.”

  “Conservatives suspect that President Obama sees government as the solution to everything. Only someone who thinks government is the answer would describe a stimulus program that cost at least $185,000 per job as successful. I can’t think of a starker difference between the liberal and conservative worldviews than the Life of Julia slide show. Liberals look at that video and see a woman
aided by a social safety net. Conservatives look at it and are creeped out by the fact that liberals
think the very-capable-seeming Julia can’t do anything without government help.

That same sentiment comes through in the “You Didn’t Build That” speech. Obama’s words
contain an undertone that business owners are selfish, that they are ungrateful toward those teachers who helped them along the way. And that is where Obama’s misunderstanding of small business, real or perceived, shines

The Ryan Boost

” Mitt Romney made a “bold” choice and is “placing a bet” that ideas will win the election. That’s how the campaign is selling it. As Mark Halperin has expertly detailed , the Romney team produced a nearly flawless Ryan roll-out. The
pitch is that these two men are a kind of Geek Squad for the nation: efficient problem solvers who love numbers and analysis. Romney has the executive skills and Ryan knows every inch of the budget, so together they will turn around the
country. The pitch spans the generations: Romney, who seems like a man of the ’50s, linking up with the first man on a national ticket from Generation X. “

  Contrary to what the media/progressives would have us believe , mass murder is hardly a new phenomena .

  Brian Palmer of Slate provides a very informative article on the subject . It is a must read.

  ” The U.S. mass murder rate does not seem to rise or fall with the availability of automatic weapons. It reached its highest level in 1929,
when fully automatic firearms were expensive and mostly limited to soldiers and organized criminals. The rate dipped in the mid-1930s,
staying relatively low before surging again in the 1970s through 1990s. Some criminologists
attribute the late-century spike to the potential for instant notoriety: Beginning with Charles Whitman’s 1966 shooting spree from atop a University of Texas tower, mass murderers became household names. Others point out that the mass murder rate fairly closely tracks the overall homicide rate. In the 2000s, for example, both the mass murder and the homicide rates dropped to their lowest levels
since the 1960s.”

The previous post with the story of Canadian anthropologist Felix Pharand’s 13 year labor of love documenting global development reminded me of a story I read some months back . This task also represents a stellar achievement in the annals of individual effort .

” David Imus worked alone on his map seven days a week for two full years. Nearly 6,000 hours in total.”


As with Pharand’s video this map , also created by a private citizen ,  offers an attention to detail and a desire for perfection that no government bureaucrat could hope to match and so to me speaks of all that is right with liberty and the freedom to choose how to pursue ones goals .