Tag Archive: Skyrocket

Uh Oh !

The Scariest Chart Of The Quarter: Student Debt Bubble Officially Pops As 90+ Day Delinquency Rate Goes Parabolic

Read The Whole Thing 

Scary Is The Word

” We have already discussed the student loan bubble, and its popping previously, most extensively in this article. Today, we get the Q3 consumer credit breakdown update courtesy of the NY Fed’s quarterly credit breakdown. And it is quite ghastly. As of September 30, Federal (not total, just Federal) rose to a gargantuan $956 billion, an increase of $42 billion in the quarter – the biggest quarterly update since 2006. “

Read it and weep :


Candles and Luddites , That’s the Dems future .

“Under my plan… electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.” Barak Obama

This needs to be endlessly repeated from now til November . The voters need to be reminded that this has been his goal all along .
This and his ” green energy ” stimulus plan/payback  Solyndra, Fast and Furious/Gunwalker , Lightsquared, GeneralGovernment motors , and other ,should be  scandals , small and large should be garuanteeing him a journey to prison and not just a possible spot in the unemployment line .

Posted by John Galt