Tag Archive: Shame

Young People Will Hit The Polls In 2016, And They Want Hillary


MassiveMillennialPoll_Charts_Q13_Name US Senator




” Young people are planning to turn out the vote in 2016. And they have a clear choice at this point about who they want to be the nation’s next president.

  Those are some of the highlights from Fusion’s Massive Millennial Poll, which surveyed 1000 people aged 18-34 about everything from politics to dating to race issues. The poll provides a barometer of millennials’ priorities and preferred candidates ahead of the 2016 presidential election. (Click here for more poll stories.)

  For one thing, they say they’re increasingly engaged ahead of the all-important election — but it’s also clear they’re not very well-informed. And they think government can help them, particularly in an area where they’ve struggled to get ahead — in their jobs.

  Right now, young people want former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to become the nation’s first female president in 2017.”



   These youth are so “engaged” with politics that they are certain of the need for a President Hillary Clinton yet nearly 80% cannot even tell the pollsters who represents them in the Senate . That inspires confidence . Read the rest here . They actually believe that the State will help them with unemployment . Such ignorance …











Detainee Swapped For Bergdahl Suspected Of Militant Activities







” The U.S. military and intelligence community now suspect that one of the five Taliban detainees released from Guantanamo Bay in return for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in May of last year has attempted to return to militant activity from his current location in Qatar by making contact with suspected Taliban associates in Afghanistan, multiple officials tell CNN.

  The development has led to an ongoing debate inside the administration about whether there is a new threat from this man, and potentially the other four.

  This is the first known suggestion that any of the detainees involved in the exchange may be trying to engage again in militant activity. It comes at a politically sensitive time as the administration has quickened the pace of prisoner release in an effort to encourage the closure of the Guantanamo, and the Army must decide in the coming weeks whether and how to punish Bergdahl for leaving his post .

  Several U.S. officials across different agencies and branches of the U.S. government have confirmed key details to CNN. The White House referred CNN to the Pentagon. (Typical buck passing)

  The officials would not say which of the five men is suspected. But an ongoing U.S. intelligence program to secretly intercept and monitor all of their communications in Qatar turned up evidence in recent months that one of them has “reached out” to try to encourage militant activity, one official said. The official would offer no further details.”


Why Elites Think ‘Pro-America’ Is So Last Century






” Ibn Warraq, renowned scholar of Islam, recently spoke at Yale about U.S. foreign policy:

“ We are engaged in a war of ideas, with our principal enemy: an ideology….  Islamic terrorism is not caused by poverty, lack of education, sexual deprivation…or lack of economic opportunity…. There are two kinds of Jihad: terrorism, and slow penetration of Western institutions subverting Western laws and customs from within. Ignorance, naivety, arrogance, political correctness, sheer laziness, sentimentality…have led to Islamic successes in penetrating the universities, from the Voice of America, the Pentagon…PBS, to the universities and colleges where Islamic propaganda is shamelessly and openly disseminated.”

  He likens the battle against Islamic radicals to the Cold War. But, he is mistaken in one sense. It was a proud and patriotic America that confronted the USSR. In the decades following World War II, most people in the United States were happy to celebrate our contributions to the defeat of Nazism and the liberation and restoration of Europe. Americans believed in themselves and their country.

  Today, we have a president, and a younger generation, that views the U.S. through a different prism – one clouded by Vietnam, racial discord, and now the war with Iraq. It is “cool” to distrust and disdain the U.S., and the media feeds the skepticism. In covering the U.S. engagement in Afghanistan, for instance, news organizations have seldom reported on the military’s successes in building schools and providing basic services in that country; they prefer to zero in on instances of civilian casualties and misdeeds by our soldiers. The coverage leads us to doubt our military, and our morals.”



Read Liz Peek‘s entire column at the Fiscal Times













Students Forced To Expose Underwear For Inspection






” In Gustine, population 457, what happens at the schoolhouse affects nearly everyone. And something happened Monday that is causing a big controversy in this small town.

“I felt uncomfortable, and I didn’t want to do it,” said 11-year-old Eliza Medina. “I felt like they violated my privacy.”

  She was one of about two dozen elementary students who were rounded up in the small town 90 miles southwest of Fort Worth.

  Eliza’s mother, Maria Medina, said boys were taken to one room, girls to another, and they were ordered “to pull down their pants to check them to see if they could find anything.” “


Read more













Courtesy Of Sen Mike Lee



” In 2014, 3,291 pages of new laws were passed by Congress – the branch of government with the constitutional authority to make law – and signed by the president. During this same period, unelected bureaucrats at dozens of federal departments and agencies issued 79,066 pages of new and updated regulations.

  These rules – many that are are inefficient, ineffective, and excessive – continue to limit the ability of small businesses and workers to succeed, rig the system to benefit connected insiders, and hurt hardworking American families through higher costs and limited options in the marketplace. Yet, despite the very real negative effects on our economy, the American people are unable to hold the unelected bureaucrats who make these rules accountable.

Congress cedes far too much lawmaking authority to the executive branch. I look forward to turning this trend around in the 114th Congress to ensure that the ones making the laws are the ones who can be held accountable by the American people.

Visit www.lee.senate.gov to share your ideas for regulatory reform. “

Muslim Brotherhood-Aligned Leaders Hosted At State Department




” The State Department hosted a delegation of Muslim Brotherhood-aligned leaders this week for a meeting about their ongoing efforts to oppose the current government of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi of Egypt, who rose to power following the overthrow of Mohamed Morsi, an ally of the Brotherhood, in 2013.

  One member of the delegation, a Brotherhood-aligned judge in Egypt, posed for a picture while at Foggy Bottom in which he held up the Islamic group’s notorious four-finger Rabia symbol, according to his Facebook page.”


Free Beacon












Meet The People Who Want Obama To Repeal The Bill Of Rights





Published on Jan 26, 2015

” Meet the Americans who want Obama to repeal the Bill of Rights in order to keep the country safe from terrorists. Political prankster Mark Dice asks Obama supporters if they would support Obama’s plan to repeal the Bill of Rights to protect Americans from terrorists. *SUBSCRIBE* for more great videos! Click “Like” “Favorite” and sound off in the comments.

  Mark Dice is a media analyst, author, and political activist who, in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture and the role the mainstream media and elite secret societies play in shaping our lives.

  Mark’s YouTube channel has received over 95 million views and his viral videos have been mentioned the Fox News Channel, CNN, the Drudge Report, TMZ, the New York Daily News, the Washington Times, and other media outlets around the world.”













We’re Gonna Need A Longer Motorcade…






” The broker America gets, the longer its presidential motorcade gets. If you don’t got it, flaunt it, baby! But President-in-Waiting Hillary Rodham Clinton is already giving out signals that a mere 40-car motorcade may no longer be enough. This week she gave a speech in Saskatoon, which is a town in Saskatchewan, which is a province of Canada. The speech was for the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, which is “under investigation from the United States for helping wealthy Americans offshore money in the bank’s Caribbean accounts to avoid paying federal taxes”. I’m on CIBC’s side on that one: By comparison with other western nations, Americans labor under a regime of ever tighter banking constraints that are a disgrace to a supposedly free people.

  So if she wants to cozy up to foreign banksters (as they say in Britain), you go, girl! Nevertheless:

  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave a couple paid speeches in Canada yesterday. She was reportedly accompanied by 65 agents of the United States Secret Service to at least one of the events.

  The agents were presumably on hand to help keep the former first lady safe…

  It’s unclear what part, if any, of the security tab was picked up by Clinton — and what part was paid for by U.S. taxpayers. “


Read it all 













Illinois Says Rule-Breaking Students Must Give Teachers Their Facebook Passwords






” School districts in Illinois are telling parents that a new law may require school officials to demand the social media passwords of students if they are suspected in cyberbullying cases or are otherwise suspected of breaking school rules.

  The law, which went into effect on January 1, defines cyberbullying and makes harassment on Facebook, Twitter, or via other digital means a violation of the state’s school code, even if the bullying happens outside of school hours.

  A letter sent out to parents in the Triad Community Unit School District #2, a district located just over the Missouri-Illinois line near St. Louis, that was obtained by Motherboard says that school officials can demand students give them their passwords. The full letter is embedded below.

” If your child has an account on a social networking website, e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, ask.fm, etc., please be aware that State law requires school authorities to notify you that your child may be asked to provide his or her password for these accounts to school officials in certain circumstances,” the letter says.”


Story continues












UK Decision To Lower Flags After Death Of Saudi King Stirs Debate






” The government’s decision on Friday to lower British flags following the death of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah has stirred controversy, with critics pointing to the kingdom’s poor human rights record.

  Tributes from world leaders have poured in for the late monarch, seen by some as a cautious moderniser in a turbulent region, but criticised by others as not having done enough to reform an absolute monarchy adhering to a severe form of Islam.

  Saudi law, which forbids women from driving and punishes apostasy with death, is derived from Wahhabi Islam, an ultraconservative sect whose clergy have provided Saudi rulers with religious legitimacy.

” Your flag flying insults every woman in the United Kingdom, HOW DARE YOU,” tweeted former Conservative lawmaker Louise Mensch.

  Lawyer and journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted: “UK orders flags flown at half-mast for King Abdullah. Will return to lecturing the world about democracy tomorrow.” “


Yahoo News












Journalism School Dean: The First Amendment Ends At Insulting Mohammed




” Unusual, not because it’s rare to see an American journalist bowing to Islamic sensibilities on depictions of Mohammed but because typically they don’t go so far as to demand legal limits on their own profession. When the New York Times refuses to run a cartoon goofing on Islam, they don’t want the reason to be government censorship. They prefer to be censored by more sympathetic agents, like violent Muslim radicals.

  To be precise here, though, DeWayne Hickham, the dean of Morgan State’s J-school, isn’t demanding a “Mohammed exception” to the First Amendment. He’s demanding an exception for all speech that would make the audience so angry that they might react violently — exactly the sort of slippery slope on censorship that people like you and me worry about when images of Mohammed are suppressed. Actual line from this op-ed, regarding the new cover of Charlie Hebdo: “The once little-known French satirical news weekly crossed the line that separates free speech from toxic talk.”

  The most current issue of Charlie Hebdo again has Mohammed on its cover. This time, he appears crying under a headline that reads: “All is forgiven.” Well, apparently not. Ten people have been killed during protests in Niger, a former French colony. Other anti-French riots have erupted from North Africa to Asia. In reaction to all of this, Pope Francis has said of the magazine, “You cannot make fun of the faith of others.”… “


Read it all at Hot Air












Why Police Are Maiming, Killing With ‘Grenades’





” Following a drug tip, nearly 20 cops stormed a small apartment outside Atlanta in 2010. Invading officers found only a little weed, but managed to seriously injure resident Treneshia Dukes with a flashbang grenade—a police device that’s drawing increasing attention and controversy, Pro Publica reports. Cops often toss the flash-and-bang devices to disorient suspects during drug raids, but critics note that the grenades’ flash is more hot than lava.At least 50 Americans, including children and cops, have been killed, maimed, or injured by flashbangs that landed near them or went off too soon. Even Bill Nixon, an Arkansas man who used to make flashbangs for police (before an officer lost a hand demonstrating one to Boy Scouts) doesn’t get why cops use them regularly. “It boggles my mind,” he says.”







” Police in Little Rock, Ark., used them on 84% of raids from 2011 to 2013, although the raids usually just turned up minor drug paraphernalia. But a police rep defends flashbang use, saying that “what we see is a large service of warrants without gunfire.” Still, horror stories include a 19-month-old Georgia baby who suffered severe facial injuries during a drug raid when a flashbang landed in her crib, WOKV reports. A grand jury didn’t indict the officers involved but suggested two ideas that are going around: better police training (there are no national flashbang training standards) and fewer “no-knock” warrants that permit police raids. Meanwhile, Dukes—who suffered second-degree burns over her body—has filed a civil suit alleging excessive police force. “My skin is ugly, and I feel like I’m ugly,” she says. “When I talk about it, I just get angry.” “


Thanks to Newser












Mother And Daughter Weigh A Total Of 43 Stone And Get £34k A Year Handouts, But Refuse To Diet






” A mother and daughter who get £34,000 a year in handouts because they are too fat to work say they’d rather be happy and on benefits than depressed and thin

  Janice and Amber Manzur weigh a total of 43 stone and are so overweight they have to use mobility scooters as their weight means to get around.

  But both women refuse to diet and mother-of-two Ms Manzur, 44, insists: “I’d rather my daughter live life on benefits being fat and happy than depressed and thin.”

  Ms Manzur lives in a three-bedroom house that has been customised by the council to accommodate her disability and drives a Fiat Quibo disability car worth around £15,000.

  Ms Manzur said: “There’s no point in dieting, it doesn’t make a difference.”



    This is the inevitable result of the culture of dependence fostered by the Leviathan State … and for those who inhabit the world of the pound , a stone is equivalent to 14 pounds or 6.35 kilograms … do the math and you get 602 lbs between the two layabouts .

Read more at The Telegraph












March Of The Parisiens




” World leaders march in solidarity with France at a rally for free expression following the Charlie Hebdo attack, but U.S. representatives are curiously absent. (7:07)  “

     Jon Stewart skewers the Obama administration for it’s complete absence at the massive rallies in Paris following the Charlie Hebdo “workplace violence” attacks . There is nearly five minutes of shots at the French and their culture prior to the comedian getting around to Obama’s empty chair appearance so if that is your main interest skip to about 4:45 to see Stewart’s caustic response .

Son Jailed For Defending Abused Mum With Hammer Attack On ‘Jekyll And Hyde’ Dad




” A son who battered his abusive father with a hammer in a bid to stop him from attacking his mother has been jailed for six years.

  Benjamin Wilson grabbed the heavy weapon and raced upstairs at the family home after hearing crashing, shouting and commotion coming from the bedroom.

  Wilson, 22, then went into the room and beat his 46-year-old dad Craig with the weapon after claiming he was defending his mother.

  Teesside Crown Court heard how the young man could have been locked up for 12 years or more for the assault, which left his dad with brain damage and holes in his head and face.

  Instead he was given a reduced sentence after the judge considered provocation by the victim – who was described as a “violent nasty drunk”.

  But thousands have signed a petition calling on Wilson to be freed, saying the exceptional circumstances should have kept him from being locked up at all.”


The Mirror has the story











Hollande Asked Netanyahu Not To Attend Paris Memorial March




” French President Francois Hollande conveyed a message to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the weekend asking him not to come to Paris to take part in the march against terror on Sunday, according to an Israeli source who was privy to the contacts between the Elysees Palace and the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem. The fact that this message had been conveyed was first reported by Channel 2.

  After the French government began to send invitations to world leaders to participate in the rally against terror, Hollande’s national security adviser, Jacques Audibert, contacted his Israeli counterpart, Yossi Cohen, and said that Hollande would prefer that Netanyahu not attend, the source said.

  Audibert explained that Hollande wanted the event to focus on demonstrating solidarity with France, and to avoid anything liable to divert attention to other controversial issues, like Jewish-Muslim relations or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Audibert said that Hollande hoped that Netanyahu would understand the difficulties his arrival might pose and would announce that he would not be attending.”













$60 Meth Bust Led To Shooting Of Officer






” It was an undercover operation to bust two men for selling $60 worth of methamphetamine, but things didn’t go as planned.

  An Albuquerque police lieutenant shot a fellow officer who was working undercover in a McDonald’s parking lot near Central and Tramway just before noon Friday.

  Albuquerque Police Chief Gorden Eden said Saturday the male officer remained in critical condition at University of New Mexico Hospital. He is in the intensive care unit and has undergone multiple surgeries.

  Police haven’t released the name of the officer who was shot, the lieutenant who shot the officer, or the identity of another officer who suffered minor injuries during the operation. Criminal complaints filed in Metropolitan Court against the two targets of the investigation identify the undercover officers as detectives Holly Garcia and Jacob Grant.”

Albuquerque Journal

Second Jihad Attack In Paris: Female Police Officer Shot Dead, Male Colleague Injured in New Slaughter






” Last week Muslims attempted to kill police officers in Paris – today they succeeded in yet another jihad attack in less than 24 hours.  The assailant identified the assailant as “North African” mediaspeak for Muslim.

  The man opened fire with a machine gun… It happened at the start of the morning rush hour, with an M5 assault rifle believed to have been used.

  The Mirror is reporting that the gunman did escape the scene. There are conflicting reports as to whether a suspect has been arrested.

  Some French media claim one gunman was apprehended at the scene and is in custody, while another fled via the Metro.

  The man is 52-years-old and was wearing a bulletproof vest, and had a handgun and a machine gun, sources suggest.

“ Around 8:09 he shot towards the police officers who were at the scene for a road incident,” said Mr Cazeneuve. 

“ The police woman – who is in very critical condition – was shot in the back.”


  The France and the UK better start arming their cops. That is madness. Sheer madness. The citizenry needs to be armed.”



The female officer has since succumbed to her wounds . Read more from Pamela Geller .












Police Officer Killed Trying To Defuse A Bomb As Bystanders Film It On Their Phones







” An Egyptian police officer has been killed while trying to defuse a bomb outside a petrol station in Cairo.

  Three employees were also wounded when the device, hidden in a flower pot, exploded near a police station on Al-Harram street. A video posted on the website of Egyptian daily Youm 7 shows the officer dressed in protective gear being thrown metres away as the device explodes in his hands.”


Read on











State Dept. Wishes ‘RIP’ To Living Captives Of Terrorists





” The year began on a rough note for the U.S. State Department’s Think Again, Turn Away anti-terror program. On January 1, the State Department used the program’s official Twitter account to tweet a photo collage accompanied by the message, “Entering 2015, taking time to honor some of terror’s many victims of 2014 and their families – RIP.” However, none of the individuals appearing in the photos are believed to be dead, but rather held captive by terrorists.

  The tweet, since deleted, appeared as follows, and is archived here: “


DoS Fail



” The photo collage was part of a feature on December 17 on Al Arabiya New’s English website entitled “Remembering 2014’s captives still held by extremists.” Per the caption on the photo that accompanied the article, those included in the collage (a collection of Reuters, AFP, and YouTube images) are (clockwise from top left): Nigerian school girls, a captive Lebanese soldier’s mother, American journalist Austin Tice, British journalist John Cantlie, and Yazidi women and children. 

  The State Department’s error was apparently first noted by the Daily Beast‘s senior national security correspondent Nancy Youssef, who tweeted the following two messages to the State Department within a day of the original tweet:

@ThinkAgain_DOS Thanks for the post post but Austin Tice, in the upper right, is alive and needs his govt’s help to secure his release.

— Nancy Youssef, نانسى (@nancyayoussef) January 2, 2015

@ThinkAgain_DOS Also,John Cantlie, in the bottom right, is a Brit and alive. Perhaps you could post photos of Somers, Foley, Sotloff, Kassig

— Nancy Youssef, نانسى (@nancyayoussef) January 2, 2015 “



Weekly Standard











“Peaceful Protesters” Disrupt Ceremony For 100 Yr Old War Veteran






” 100 year old U.S. Navy veteran Dario Raschio was scheduled to receive some long overdue medals for his service in World War II this weekend at a town hall in Portland, Oregon arranged by Senator Ron Wyden. The veteran of five campaigns in the Pacific Theatre was the subject of many stories, having done multiple observational flight runs, taken gunfire from the Japanese and even being shot down once, finding himself stranded in shark filled waters. The multiple medals he was to receive were all in recognition of various aspects of his service to our nation. Unfortunately, before the proceedings could get fully underway, things took a turn.


  While the disrespect shown for Mr. Raschio is beyond the pale, this is fairly characteristic of the latest rounds of anti-cop, “peaceful protests” going on around the country. One of the defining characteristics of these schemes is that they are so completely outside the realm of the issue they are purportedly out there to correct. If you are angered about perceived injustice by police against minorities, what could that possibly have to do with Mr. Raschio? This theme is repeated in the so called Black Brunch protests in Oakland and New York City this weekend. Protesters invaded various businesses to disrupt service and dining in what they referred to as “white spaces.” “


Read more at Hot Air











Elders React To Kim Kardashian




Published on Jan 1, 2015

” Kim Kardashian Bonus vidon the REACT channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xhWt…
Watch all main React episodes (Kids/Teens/Elders/YouTubers): http://goo.gl/4iDVa
Support TheFineBros channel! FREE ANIME! http://crunchyroll.com/FineBros & FREE VIDEO GAMES!http://gamefly.com/FineBros
Subscribe to TheFineBros Channel! New videos Sun/Thu/Sat: http://goo.gl/aFu8C
Subscribe to the React Channel too for MORE shows: http://goo.gl/47iJqh

The Elders React to the controversy surrounding Kim Kardashian’s recent photo shoot. “











Federal Student Loan Debt Tops $800 Billion



Student Loan Debt




” From November 2013 through November 2014, the aggregate balance in the federal direct student loan program–as reported by the Monthly Treasury Statement–rose from $687,149,000,000 to $806,561,000,000, a one-year jump of $119,412,000,000.

  The balance on all student loans, including those from private sources, exceeded a trillion dollars as of the end of the third quarter, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

” Outstanding student loan balances reported on credit reports increased to $1.13 trillion (an increase of $8 billion) as of September 30, 2014, representing about $100 billion increase from one year ago,” the bank said in its latest report on household debt and credit. “



   The article goes on to explain just how this scheme is rigged to benefit the universities and not the students . Just another example of cronyism at the highest levels …



” By doling out a net average of about $100 billion per year in student loans, the federal government allows even the nation’s wealthiest universities to charge students more than they and their families can pay without going into debt.

  That makes colleges richer and students poorer.

  The federal government already has programs in place to forgive or payoff the student loans of Americans who engage in government-approved activities, or who do not do well enough financially in their after-college years to pay off their own loans.”


CNS News












In Sweden, The Land Of The Open Door, Anti-Muslim Sentiment Finds A Foothold



” As Khalif Samantar knelt for afternoon prayers at the Eskilstuna Islamic Dawa Center on Christmas Day, he sensed a growing heat and a low, rushing sound coming from a nearby hallway. He focused his mind on the ritual, only to realize seconds later that someone was shouting, “The mosque is on fire!”

  Mr. Samantar sprang through an open window and rushed through the snow in his stocking feet for help. Though about 70 people were inside the mosque at the time, no one was injured.

  The fire, which gutted the Dawa center, was the worst of three suspected arson attacks on mosques in Sweden over the last 10 days. In the same period, two freighters bearing hundreds of asylum seekers were abandoned by their crews off the coast of Italy, adding to a surge of more than 200,000 migrants to Europe in 2014.”

   The NY Times offers their usual dhimmi view of Sweden’s growing “intolerance” of their “religion of peace” adherents … Considering that , thanks to their “open door policy” Sweden is now the rape capitol of Europe one wonders what took them so long to start fighting back .