Tag Archive: Sgt Schultz

Cop Uses Stun Gun On Accident Victim






” A Blue Island police officer used a stun gun on the victim of a hit-and-run crash, and the victim says the incident changed his life forever.

  Donald Flores needed help after a June 2012 hit-and-run incident. Instead, he says, police caused him further injury.

  Dazed and covered in blood, he was walking home when he came upon Blue Island Police who had been called to do a well-being check on him.

“The first two officers, they did the right thing,” Flores says.

  But then he encountered Sgt. Schultz. Flores says the sergeant screamed at him, “`Are you out of your effin’ mind? You’re bleeding.'”


Blue Island Police Sgt. Schultz used a stun gun on Donald Flores, the victim of a hit-and-run crash in 2012. (Photo supplied to CBS)



” Stunned, Flores says he yelled back and then it escalated. When the sergeant threatened to use a stun gun on him, Flores said he implored him not to because he has an electronic spinal device to treat a previous injury to his hand.

  When the stun gun was used, Flores says it caused a seizure. “When I was seizing they told me, ‘Stop it. Quit resisting,'” he says.”









Video Evidence Obama Is Related To Sgt. Schultz


” We now have irrefutable proof that President Obama is a distant relative to Sgt. Schultz from Hogan’s Heroes. They both know NOTHING.”

     He knows nothing . He gets his news from the MSM like everybody else , so how could he know about Fast & Furious , Solyndra , the IRS scandal , Benghazi or any other of the “faux scandals” dreamt up in Al Gore’s playground ? It’s not like he has some vast surveillance apparatus at his disposal or anything .