Tag Archive: Secure The Border

From We The People





How can you argue with this ?














Anti-Government Citizen Militia Groups Want To ‘Secure The Border’ In Texas





” A slew of anti-government groups — many of which participated in the standoff at Cliven Bundy’s Nevada ranch — are recruiting armed volunteers to travel to the Texas-Mexico border as a citizen militia to participate in “Operation Secure Our Border,” which aims to stop the surge of immigrants into the country.”


   How did standing up for the Constitution mutate into an anti-government stance ? We of the Patriot/Tea Party movement aren’t “anti-government” … we are anti-corrupt government and anti-Statist government . That puts us in the fine company of our Founders and at odds with the likes of the MSM and Obama/Statists .


  The groups, who identify themselves as “Patriots,” “Oathkeepers” and “Three Percenters,” are using social media, blogs and a 24-hour hotline to recruit and mobilize volunteers that will travel to Laredo, carry firearms and attempt to assist law enforcement agencies on the border.

  However, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said they do not “endorse or support any private group or organization from taking matters into their own hands as it could have disastrous personal and public safety consequences.”


   There is no surprise that ICE and the Border Patrol do not “endorse” private efforts to secure the border , after all how would it look if private efforts turned out to be more effective than the elaborately funded government entities charged with the task ?

   People might start to ask why we are paying staggering sums of money to fund organizations that are complete failures and if they really begin to question that there is certainly no reason to consider only border security . 

Read the rest











Overrun By Immigrants, Border Agents Doing Paperwork Instead Of Patrolling







” “It’s certainly a critical situation,” says Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-Laredo) “Because if you’re just looking at the lower Rio Grande Valley we’re getting about 1,200 people a day. Over 70 percent of them are not from Mexico but from other places and 300 to 400 of them are young people coming in without parents.”

  Cuellar says the major influx of illegal immigrants is also putting a major strain on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. “Almost 40 percent of the Border Patrol Agents are not at the border they’re actually filling out paperwork, transporting, feeding, moving these folks around. “

  Another factor that’s increasing the amount of illegal immigrants trying to reach the border is a rumor among Central Americans that if they reach the United States with young children they will get to stay.”


Read more




    Why can’t we as legal citizens sue the Federal government for their willful failure to secure our borders ? After all , national security is the primary raison d’etre for a people to form a central government in the first place , to wit the preamble of the Constitution reads:


” We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”




   Let us take a moment to explore the meaning of these famous words and compare them with the actions of our current overseers in the District of Corruption , shall we ?




   “We the People” does not mean anyone that can make it over the border by any means possible . It mean the citizens (legal) who make up the electorate and pay for the government and it’s services …

” In other words, those words define that the interaction between the Constitution and the citizens of the United States is direct and immediate … “





Establish justice” is a vague term that could allow for the progressive types to attempt to extend our rights to the whole world , but interpretation falls by the wayside if one accepts the above mentioned meaning of “We the people” . The Founders were clearly referring to justice for the citizens of the US and not the whole world , the phrase referred to the establishment of the court system that oversees US law as affects US citizens .


Establish Justice






The concept  “Insure domestic tranquility” was found to be necessary in order that the central government would have the authority to keep the states from warring with each other …



” One of the concerns of the Framers was that the government prior to that under the Constitution was unable, by force or persuasion, to quell rebellion or quarrels amongst the states. The government watched in horror as Shay’s Rebellion transpired just before the Convention, and some states had very nearly gone to war with each other over territory (such as between Pennsylvania and Connecticut over Wilkes-Barre). One of the main goals of the Convention, then, was to ensure the federal government had powers to squash rebellion and to smooth tensions between states.”






  “Provide for the common defense” should be obvious to all but in today’s America seems to mean the defense of the entire world’s downtrodden . That was never the Founder’s intention . The entire purpose of having a large central government , the idea of which our forefathers abhorred , was/is to protect the states and the people of the states against foreign enemies …


” The federal government is concerned only with issues that affect the welfare of the entire nation. It has the exclusive power, for example, to create an army, to declare war, and to make treaties. Indeed, as James Madison wrote in The Federalist Papers, “the operations of the federal government will be most extensive and important in times of war and danger.”[1] For the Founders, a primary and central job of the federal government was to “provide for the common defense.” “





 “Promote the general welfare” is a tenet of the Constitution who’s interpretation has been corrupted by the political class and used as a veritable carte blanche , in the fashion of the Commerce Clause , to justify just about any action the elites decide they can get away with …


” The preamble clearly defines the two major functions of government: (1) ensuring justice, personal freedom, and a free society where individuals are protected from domestic lawbreakers and criminals, and; (2) protecting the people of the United States from foreign aggressors.

  When the Founding Fathers said that “WE THE PEOPLE” established the Constitution to “promote the general Welfare,” they did not mean the federal government would have the power to aid education, build roads, and subsidize business. Likewise, Article 1, Section 8 did not give Congress the right to use tax money for whatever social and economic programs Congress might think would be good for the “general welfare.”

  It is NOT the government’s business (constitutionally) to “help” individuals in financial difficulty.  Once they undertake to provide those kinds of services, they must do so with limited resources, meaning that some discriminating guidelines must be imposed. (so many who need that kind of help- so little resources to provide it.)

  The Founding Fathers said in the preamble that one reason for establishing the Constitution was to “promote the general welfare.” What they meant was that the Constitution and powers granted to the federal government were not to favor special interest groups or particular classes of people. There were to be no privileged individuals or groups in society. Neither minorities nor the majority was to be favored.  Rather, the Constitution would promote the “general welfare” by ensuring a free society where free, self-responsible individuals – rich and poor, bankers and shopkeepers, employers and employees, farmers and blacksmiths – would enjoy “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence.”





  Secure the blessings of liberty for us and our posterity in the Founder’s view also pertained to the citizens of the nation and was not a right promised to the world as a whole . Everything about our Constitution was written and thought out with the notion that it was the best way to preserve a way of life that the patriots had sacrificed some much for and that those sacrifices should not perish with them , thus preserving those rights for “our posterity”.


” Federal liberty is necessary to prevent the disasters of anarchy and the diseases of natural liberty. Federal liberty is possible without lapsing into totalitarian tyranny only when it is constitutionalized so that there are ordered rules of the game established by agreement among the participants in accordance with prudence and reason. As we all know, the founders believed that liberty could only survive if proper republican institutions were established to both contain and foster it. Federalism offers the means for combining the marketplace and the commonwealth, allowing for fostering both individual and communal liberties in appropriate ways.”





   As one can see from reading the above text and following the included links our Constitution was written to codify , preserve and protect the rights of “the citizens” of this great country , and while the concept of liberty was recognized as a noble goal for all mankind , there is no mandate for America to offer those rights to any and all . Nay , the founding documents , in all instances , pertain to the citizens of these United States and thus form the reason for the existence of a large central government in the first place .

   If , as is now the case , the Federal government fails to uphold the mandate from the people , either through neglect or maliciousness , the people have a right to seek redress . As we see it , that redress can only be achieved in one of two ways , either through the courts created to “establish justice” or through force of arms . 

   Since we are not advocating the overthrow of the Federal government that leaves us with only the courts to seek remedy to a clear abdication of the primary responsibility of the State … the defense of our borders .




“A nation that cannot control it’s borders is not a nation .”














Announcing A Joint Effort From Senior Airman Brian Kolfage &

 Support The Cliven Bundy Ranch



Border Resources Bundy Ranch




Both pages are worthy of your support if you are a Facebook user .








Sen. Mike Lee: Secure The Border Before Discussing Legalization




” Sen. Lee appeared on Fox News on Thursday to stress that the GOP should not be looking to pass comprehensive immigration reform that includes border security but should, instead, be focusing on revamping the nation’s border security before addressing the legalization process.

“In order to reform our immigration code, and I agree that we need to reform it, we need to undertake this in a step-by-step fashion, and the very first thing we need to do is secure the border,” Lee stated. “And we also need to reform our antiquated, outdated visa system – our legal immigration processes.” “


Read on











“Awful word of more violence on the border from Fox News this morning:

Two U.S. Border Patrol agents were shot, one fatally, Tuesday morning in an area in south Arizona known as a major drug-smuggling corridor, authorities said.

The identities of the agents were not immediately released, but the shooting occurred at the Brian Terry Station near Naco, Ariz., which is just south of Tucson. The station was named after an agent who was killed in the line of duty in December 2010. The area is considered a remote part of the state and sources tell Fox News that the shooting occurred about 8 miles from the border.

The injured agent was airlifted to a hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries.”


  Want to control the flow of guns south and drugs/terrorists/illegals north ? The answer is very simple … control the border . 


“A nation without borders is not a nation” — Ronald Reagan


HT/Guns and Patriots