Tag Archive: Scotland Yard

Put CCTV In Every Home: Householders Should Help Us Trap Burglars, Says Scotland Yard Chief





” Homeowners should consider fitting CCTV to trap burglars, the country’s most senior police officer declared yesterday.

  Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe said police forces needed more crime scene footage to match against their 12million images of suspects and offenders.

  And he called on families and businesses to install cameras at eye level – to exploit advances in facial recognition technology.

  But privacy campaigners condemned the Metropolitan Police Commissioner’s suggestion.

‘ The proposals on increasing the amount of privately owned CCTV cameras are quite frankly Orwellian and risk turning members of the public into an extension of the police,’ said Renate Samson of Big Brother Watch.

‘ Private CCTV is completely unregulated. Recommending greater use of CCTV to gather more images of people’s faces – often innocent people’s faces – undermines the security of each and every one of us.’

  She pointed out that a House of Commons committee had on Saturday released a report on the problems with facial recognition.”

Thus Britain nears the endgame of civilian disarmament and total dependence on the State … Read the rest .

Pictured: Met Police Seize Arsenal Of Weapons Including Assault Rifles, Sawn-Off Shotguns And Uzis





” The remarkable haul marks one of the biggest-ever firearm seizures in the force’s history, and was taken in by Waltham Forest Gangs Task Force.

  A deadly arsenal of weapons described as one of Britain’s biggest ever gun hauls has been seized from a suspected gang hideout.

  Assault rifles, sawn off shotguns, an Uzi and a Thompson machine gun were discovered on a raid by Scotland Yard’s anti-gang squad.

  Thirty firearms and ammunition were found this morning by the Waltham Forest Gangs Task Force in east London following in what cops describes as “an intelligence led operation”.

  It emerged today that criminals are using a legal loophole to import guns into Britain for use in street shootings and robberies.

  A legal loophole allows some weapons to be considered as “antiques” under the law.

  All handguns were banned in the UK in 1996 after the Dunblane school massacre.

  However, the anomaly revolves around section 58 of the 1968 Firearms Act, which gives an exemption to “antique” weapons if they are considered as “curiosities or ornaments.”

  Campaigners say the Act fails to define “antique” but leaves the matter to the police and courts to decide.”


Visit The Mirror for more details








Gang Of 12 Arrested For Hacking Bank Computers In London’s Most Sophisticated Plan



” A group of twelve hackers have been arrested by the police for hacking into the computers of Santander bank branch in London after taking control of bank computers remotely.

The plan was highly sophisticated and well planned as one of the hacker faked his identity as bank’s maintenance engineer is said to have installed a keyboard video mouse device (KVM) on branch’s computer, allowing transmission of the entire desktop content of computer over the network.”








Former Head Of Royal Protection ‘Mystified’ by New Diana Information




” His comments follow news that Scotland Yard has launched an investigation into new claims that Diana, Princess of Wales was murdered by a member of the British military.

The police headquarters said that it had asked specialist detectives to examine new allegations and evidence passed to it “recently”. The move was approved by Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, its most senior officer.

The claims were given to the force by the Royal Military Police, after surfacing during the trial of Sgt Danny Nightingale, the SAS sniper convicted of illegal weapons possession.

The dossier is said to include a claim that the SAS “was behind Princess Diana’s death”. Scotland Yard declined to confirm the content or origin of the material.”







MI5 Admit They KNEW About Fanatics Who ‘Slaughtered Soldier’


A map of events in Woolwich death


” Two men who allegedly slaughtered a soldier in a Woolwich street were known to security services, it emerged today.

David Cameron revealed that authorities were looking into what was already known about  Drummer Lee Rigby’s alleged killers,  but it is not thought they were considered to be an immediate threat.

One of the men, believed to be Michael Adebolajo, is believed to have been arrested after he went to Somalia to join banned Islamist group al Ahabaab.

Eyewitness Jamie France, 29, said that his mother had seen Adebolajo preaching as recently as last week.

He said: ‘She said she’d seen him last week preaching in Woolwich town centre. She said she remembers him because he’d been really angry and was saying all this political stuff.’

In an extraordinary day of events, Scotland Yard announced that another 1,200 police officers were being put onto the streets and several houses were raided as part of the investigation.”