Tag Archive: School Board Meeting

Exclusive: Father Arrested For Speaking Out Against Sexually Explicit Book As Required Reading (Graphic Content)

” A father of a high school student was arrested at a school board meeting Monday night after protesting the school’s sexually explicit required reading assigned to his 9th grade daughter at Gilford High School.

  The book in question, ”Nineteen Minutes” by author Jodi Picoult, is about a school shooting taking place in a fictitious New Hampshire town, and it contains themes of student violence, bullying, and sexual aggression. There is one particularly provocative and graphic depiction of violent, drunken sex between two teens in the story on page 313. Click here to read the passage (warning: graphic language and explicit sexual content).”




Below is a full video of the arrest showing all that WMUR failed to cover from Free Keene .







” William Baer came to the meeting to voice his opposition to the school’s failure to send home notification alerting parents of the graphic content. “I’m outraged that Gilford High School would require my daughter to read this kind of material,” Baer told the Laconia Daily Sun.”

Ben Swann has more














Kenneth Ye Farragut Student Dec 4th School Board



Published on Dec 11, 2013

” Brilliant analysis of Common Core by another Farragut High School student. Sadly, when he asks for an additional minute to speak, Chair Lynne Fugate refuses. However, Chair Fugate did allow a pro-McIntyre speaker additional time.”



See also fellow Farragut High student Ethan Young’s impassioned speech condemning Common Core from November .