Tag Archive: Schadenfreude

At Retreat, Dem Staffers Escort Reporters To Restroom




” Reporters covering the House Democrats’ retreat in Philadelphia this week are having a much different experience than when they’re on their home turf on Capitol Hill. 

  Reporters are being escorted to and from the restroom and lobby and are being barred from entering the hotel outside of scheduled events, even if they’ve been invited by a member of Congress. 

  During Vice President Joe Biden’s remarks at the retreat Friday, reporters were required to have a staff member, usually a junior member of the press team, escort them when going to the bathroom or to the lobby. The filing center for reporters was at a separate hotel from where the retreat was taking place, so access was limited to members of Congress specifically made available to the press.

It was a police state. It was absurd how heavy handed the capitol police and Democratic staff were in trying to control everywhere the press went,” New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters said in an interview.”


Read more about the media being shut out by their own home team here . The irony is delicious .























Reality Comes To Low-Information Voters




” If you go on Twitter you’ll find lots of stuff like this. The clueless-cool set who voted overwhelmingly for Obama are now wondering how come he said taxes weren’t going to go up on 98 percent of the American people when here’s their first paycheck and taxes went up.

Call it Schadenfreude if you like. It’s a nasty habit. But considering that Obama managed to get himself re-elected despite a record more suited for the guillotine by playing Santa Claus, and considering that the media has rightly cast the fiscal cliff deal as a victory for the president and a loss for the Republicans, there’s a valuable silver lining here.

You can’t blame this on the GOP. Obama owns this.


Sure, the media will spin this as John Boehner trying to cut taxes for rich people and screwing Joe Six Pack. But nobody’s going to buy that. Not when they’ve got to stay home and dine on Mac & Cheese rather than get a burger at Applebee’s this weekend and every other weekend for the foreseeable future; this is Obama’s fault.

And that’s actually good. It’s good medicine for people who didn’t think there were personal consequences to voting for Obama without a clue what they were voting for. Maybe some of these drones will develop a little empathy for people whose taxes went up a hell of a lot more than two percent this week. ”




