Tag Archive: Saudi Arabia

Pentagon Creates Essay Contest To Honor Saudi King, Muslim World





” President Obama couldn’t go to France to stand for freedom of speech in the wake of the Islamic slaughter of the editorial staff of a French weekly magazine but he’ll fly to Saudi Arabia for the King of shariah and then force feed this dung down the throats of our schoolchildren.

  We are under siege, my fellow Americans. Jihad in the White House. Dhimmitude and submission at the most senior levels .

TR: The Pentagon announced Monday that Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey has come up with a way to honor the recently deceased Saudi monarch, King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz: an essay contest.

  Despite Saudi Arabia’s abysmal record on human rights, the contest, to be hosted by the National Defense University, is intended to “to honor the memory of the king, while also fostering scholarly research on the Arab-Muslim world.”

  Here is the complete text of the Department of Defense’s announcement:

  WASHINGTON, Jan. 26, 2015 – The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has established a research and essay competition in honor of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz hosted by the National Defense University.

  The king, who died Jan. 23 at age 90, oversaw the modernization of his country’s military during the time he spent as commander of the Saudi Arabian National Guard, a position he held from 1963 until he became king in 2005.

  Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey said the essay competition is a fitting tribute to the life and leadership of the Saudi Arabian monarch.

Lifetime Supporter of U.S.-Saudi Alliance

  The king was a lifetime supporter of his country’s alliance with the United States. Abdullah ruled Saudi Arabia from 2005 to his death, and served as regent of the country from 1995. He is succeeded by King Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz.

“ This is an important opportunity to honor the memory of the king, while also fostering scholarly research on the Arab-Muslim world, and I can think of no better home for such an initiative than NDU,” Dempsey said in a statement announcing the competition.

  The competition will focus on issues related to the Arab-Muslim world and is designed to encourage strategic thinking and meaningful research on a crucial part of the world. The program will be in place at NDU for the next academic year, officials said.

‘A Man of Remarkable Character and Courage’

  Dempsey first met Abdullah in 2001, when he was a brigadier general serving as the U.S. advisor to the Saudi Arabian National Guard. “In my job to train and advise his military forces, and in our relationship since, I found the king to be a man of remarkable character and courage,” Dempsey said.

  Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Frederick M. Padilla, the president of the National Defense University, welcomed the opportunity to challenge future students while honoring the late king.

“ This scholarly research competition presents NDU students with a unique opportunity to focus their research and writing efforts on relevant issues at the intersection of U.S. security interests and the Arab-Muslim world,” he said.”



Read more on Defense Department dhimmitude from Pamela Geller 














UK Decision To Lower Flags After Death Of Saudi King Stirs Debate






” The government’s decision on Friday to lower British flags following the death of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah has stirred controversy, with critics pointing to the kingdom’s poor human rights record.

  Tributes from world leaders have poured in for the late monarch, seen by some as a cautious moderniser in a turbulent region, but criticised by others as not having done enough to reform an absolute monarchy adhering to a severe form of Islam.

  Saudi law, which forbids women from driving and punishes apostasy with death, is derived from Wahhabi Islam, an ultraconservative sect whose clergy have provided Saudi rulers with religious legitimacy.

” Your flag flying insults every woman in the United Kingdom, HOW DARE YOU,” tweeted former Conservative lawmaker Louise Mensch.

  Lawyer and journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted: “UK orders flags flown at half-mast for King Abdullah. Will return to lecturing the world about democracy tomorrow.” “


Yahoo News












King Abdullah Of Saudi Arabia Dead At 90, Half-Brother Succeeds Him




” King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, the powerful U.S. ally who joined Washington’s fight against Al Qaeda and sought to modernize the ultraconservative Muslim kingdom has died at 90, according to Saudi state TV.

  His successor is his 79-year-old half-brother, Prince Salman, who recently has taken on the ailing Abdullah’s responsibilities.

  The announcement came in statement read by a presenter on Saudi state TV, which aired video of worshippers at the Kaaba in Mecca.

  Saudi state TV said he died after midnight Friday.

A former American diplomat close to the Saudi royal family told Fox News the death of King Abdullah, coupled with the collapse of the government in Yemen, is a “worst case scenario” for the U.S. because current events are allowing Iran to extend its reach and influence in the region.

  With the collapse of President Hadi’s government in Yemen, the former diplomat said Teheran’s influence is now seen in at least four Middle Eastern capitals – Sana’a in Yemen, Baghdad in Iraq, Damascus in Syria, and to a lesser extent in Beirut, Lebanon.”


Fox News












Woman Beheaded In Broad Daylight In ‘Moderate’ Muslim Nation




” Here’s just another normal day in Saudi Arabia. Warning: Graphic video.

  In this graphic video taken in Saudi Arabia near the city of Mecca, a woman is punished for having committed what her husband alleges is the murder of his 7-year-old daughter.

  The convicted woman is led out before a crowd in broad daylight and beheaded in the middle of a lot. It is unknown whether or not she was afforded due process during her defense, but the Saudi justice system is typically discriminatory against female defendants.

  Such is the state of “justice” in Saudi Arabia, a U.S. ally and one of the worst nations in the world for women’s rights.”



Thanks to Clash Daily











Saudi Husband Tells His Bride He Wants A Divorce During Their Wedding After Seeing Her Face For The First Time




” A Saudi groom has divorced his bride on their wedding night after seeing her face for the first time when the photographer asked them to pose for pictures.

  The couple, from the Western Saudi town of Medinah, had agreed to marry each other despite having not met face to face – a popular custom in certain Middle Eastern countries.

  But when the bride removed her veil and smiled for the camera, her new husband leapt to his feet in disgust. 

‘ You are not the girl I want to marry,’ he declared. ‘You are not the one I had imagined. I am sorry, but I divorce you.’ “

Read more

Massive Sandstorm Overruns Saudi Capital


riyadh sand storm



” A massive sandstorm overran Saudi Arabia’s capital Riyadh on Wednesday followed by heavy rain, bringing traffic to a halt and forcing people to stay indoors.”




This is a sand storm from 2012 just to give the reader some idea of what they are like .




” Khaled Zaqaziq, a weather expert, told Al Arabiya News that the impact of the sandstorm was slowed by the rain in the capital. But when the storm moved to a dry area to the south, it picked up again.”


Al Arabiya










Bizarre Things That Have Been Banned By Various Governments (25 Photos)





    Here we have a collection of bizarre bans instituted at one time or another by States around the world . Have a look and a laugh …



objects-banned-by-governments-Denmark Baby Names





    We can easily envision some of the more totalitarian states around the globe proscribing certain names , as a matter of fact Saudi Arabia just issued an edict banning certain “Christian” names , but Denmark ? The land of anything goes , in the “tolerant” EU ? 

     Here is one more example , again from a “tolerant” EU country , this time France … 




France Bans Ketchup



    Yes readers , apparently French culture is such a delicate flower that the authorities felt the need to protect their citizens from the well known effects of addiction to the famous American condiment . We guess the “haughty French looking” Senator , er , Secretary of State John “Heinz” Kerry does not wield the clout his shrew of a wife would prefer .


   Along with these two bizarre bans the reader can see which countries felt the need to ban such other mundane items as chewing gum , the color yellow , Scrabble and even Valentine’s Day . Visit the Chive to see more .












Undercover Mosque



” This documentary undertakes an extensive investigation into a number of British mosques to reveal how a message of hatred and segregation is being spread throughout the UK. Filming undercover at mosques run by key organisations, whose public faces are presented as moderate and mainstream, our reporter finds preachers condemning the idea of integration into British society, condemning British democracy as un-Islamic and praising the Taliban for killing British soldiers.

  The investigation examines how such extreme messages are influenced by the religious establishment of Saudi Arabia and reveals how the influence of Wahabism extends to influential organisations that advise the British government on inter-community relations and prevention of terrorism.”









… And Most DON’T Want The Face Covered


Survey: Chart shows how people from seven different countries with a majority-Muslim population believe women should dress



” The way Muslim women should dress in public has been a strongly debated topic in recent months.

  But a new study has now revealed what the citizens of different Muslim countries believe is appropriate female dress – and how widely views differ between them. 

  The survey was conducted across seven countries – Tunisia, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey – which all have a majority Muslim population.

  And the research from the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research found that most residents in these countries prefer women to cover their hair with a traditional hijab, al-Amira or head scarf rather than cover their entire face with a full burqa or niqab. “










Iran Nuclear Deal: Saudi Arabia Warns It Will Strike Out On Its Own




” A senior advisor to the Saudi royal family has accused its Western allies of deceiving the oil rich kingdom in striking the nuclear accord withIran and said Riyadh would follow an independent foreign policy.

  Nawaf Obaid told a think tank meeting in London that Saudi Arabia was determined to pursue its own foreign and policy goals. Having in the past been reactive to events, the leading Sunni Muslim nation was determined to be pro-active in future.

  Mr Obaid said that while Saudi Arabia knew that the US was talking directly to Iran through a channel in the Gulf state of Oman, Washington had not directly briefed its ally.

  “We were lied to, things were hidden from us,” he said. “The problem is not with the deal struck in Geneva but how it was done.” “


   Another ally , albeit an ally of convenience , sold down the river by the incompetents in the Obama administration .Are there any allies left that he hasn’t alienated or stabbed in the back ?









Israel Said To Be Working With Saudi Arabia On Iran Strike Plan




” Israel is working on coordinating plans for a possible military strike with Saudi Arabia, with Riyadh prepared to provide tactical support to Jerusalem, a British newspaper reported early Sunday.

The two countries have both united in worry that the West may come to terms with Iran, easing sanctions and allowing the Islamic Republic to continue its nuclear program.

According to the Sunday Times, Riyadh has agreed to let Israel use its airspace in a military strike on Iran and cooperate over the use of rescue helicopters, tanker planes and drones.

The Saudis are furious* and are willing to give Israel all the help it needs,” an unnamed diplomatic source told the paper. “

* Who do you suppose they are furious with ? Obama’s foreign policy , or lack there-of , has brought about “change we can believe in” . But will it bring “peace in our time” ? The outlook is bleak .

   It is truly an upside down world when the Israeli’s have to count on France and Saudi Arabia to protect them from the idiocies of the American government . Did you ever think you would live to see the day that , as an American , you were more proud of the super socialist French leader Francois Hollande and the terror financing House of Saud than you were of your own “beacon of freedom” in DC ? 

John Kerry Throws Freedom-Seeking Women Under The Bus



” It’s confirmed: The “F” in John. F. Kerry stands for “Feckless.” Women around the world no longer need to wonder whether America’s secretary of state will stand boldly with them in defense of their basic rights. He won’t.

On Monday, Kerry was in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Anyone with a phone or an Internet connection inside and outside the country knows what’s been going on there. The kingdom has been rocked by women of all ages protesting the Muslim nation’s retrograde ban on female drivers. Over the past two weeks, the protesters and their supporters have taken to social media to pressure the oppressive sharia-enforcing regime. It is the only country in the world that won’t allow its women — 20 million of them — to obtain driver’s licenses.

. “I was wondering,” the journalist asked, “what your take is on women driving in Saudi Arabia?” Kerry’s take was … to take cover. “With respect to the issue of women driving here in Saudi Arabia,” he filibustered, “it’s no secret that in the United States of America we embrace equality for everybody, regardless of gender, race or any other qualification.” And then came the “but.” The crapweasel “but.”

But it’s up to Saudi Arabia to make its own decisions about its own social-structure choices and timing for whatever events. I know there’s a debate. We actually talked about this at lunch,” Kerry ducked. What he “actually talked about” he wouldn’t say. “There’s a healthy debate in Saudi Arabia about this issue, but I think that debate is best left to Saudi Arabia, the people engaged in it, all of whom know exactly where we in the United States of America stand on this issue.” “


   It’s “comforting” to know that the women of the world can expect exactly the same amount of loyalty and support from the present administration as can the rest of US allies around the globe … which is to say , none .










The U.S.-Saudi Crackup Reaches A Dramatic Tipping Point





” The strange thing about the crackup in U.S.-Saudi relations is that it has been on the way for more than two years, like a slow-motion car wreck, but nobody in Riyadh or Washington has done anything decisive to avert it.

The breach became dramatic over the past week. Last Friday, Saudi Arabia refused to take its seat on the United Nations Security Council, in what Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi intelligence chief, described as “a message for the U.S., not the U.N,” according to the Wall Street Journal. On Tuesday, Prince Turki al-Faisal, a former head of Saudi intelligence, voiced “a high level of disappointment in the U.S. government’s dealings” on Syria and the Palestinian issue, in an interview with Al-Monitor.

What should worry the Obama administration is that Saudi concern about U.S. policy in the Middle East is shared by the four other traditional U.S. allies in the region: Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Israel. They argue (mostly privately) that Obama has shredded U.S. influence by dumping President Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, backing the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohamed Morsi, opposing the coup that toppled Morsi, vacillating in its Syria policy, and now embarking on negotiations with Iran — all without consulting close Arab allies. “


   Say what you will but we are finally seeing Obama as the acclaimed “uniter” that we were told to expect . Who else could get the Saudis , Egyptians , Jordanians and the Israelis to be on the same side . Not to mention all of the past US allies that he has managed to drive into the arms of the Russians or the Chinese .

   All we can say is it’s a good thing that unilateralist cowboy Bush isn’t still running things or we’d be in a right bloody mess .







Syria Is Jihad Central: 6,000 Terrorists Flood New al Qaeda Training Ground



” Thousands of foreign terrorists traveled to Syria over the past several months to wage jihad, or holy war, in what U.S. officials say is fast becoming a new international terror training ground.

Most of the foreign terrorists are fighting for the al Qaeda-linked group the al-Nusra Front and are coming from around the world, mainly from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Libya, and Tunisia, by crossing the Syrian border with Turkey. The al-Nusra Front is the most well organized and ideologically motivated armed opposition group after the secular Free Syrian Army.

“The Syrian opposition is benefiting from a steady flow of foreign fighters who seem to be joining a variety of Islamist-oriented brigades or, on a smaller scale, starting up nationality-based units,” said one U.S. official familiar with internal reports on the region.”

Saudi Preacher Who ‘Raped And Tortured’ His Five -Year-Old Daughter To Death Is Released After Paying ‘Blood Money’




” A ‘celebrity’ Saudi preacher accused of raping, torturing and killing his five-year-old daughter has reportedly been released from custody after agreeing to pay ‘blood money’.

Fayhan al-Ghamdi had been accused of killing his daughter Lama, who suffered multiple injuries including a crushed skull, broken back, broken ribs, a broken left arm and extensive bruising and burns. Social workers say she had also been repeatedly raped and burnt.

Fayhan al-Ghamdi admitted using a cane and cables to inflict the injuries after doubting his five-year-old daughter’s virginity and taking her to a doctor, according to the campaign group Women to Drive.

Rather than getting the death penalty or receiving a long prison sentence for the crime, Fayhan al-Ghamdi served only a few months in jail before a judge ruled the prosecution could only seek ‘blood money’.”



Here is your real “War On Women” Libs 






Leak Ended Informant’s Rare Opportunity, U.S. Officials Say





” Saudi-born Briton had gained the trust of terrorists in the Yemeni branch of Al Qaeda and helped foil a bomb plot, they say, but his work was cut short by Associated Press and newspaper reports.

His access led to the U.S. drone strike that killed a senior Al Qaeda leader, Fahd Mohammed Ahmed Quso, on May 6, 2012. U.S. officials say Quso helped direct the terrorist attack that killed 17 sailors aboard the U.S. guided-missile destroyer Cole in a Yemeni harbor in October 2000.

The informant also convinced members of the Yemeni group that he wanted to blow up a U.S. passenger jet on the first anniversary of the U.S. attack that killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. They outfitted him with the latest version of an underwear bomb designed to pass metal detectors and other airport safeguards, officials say.”




     This would seem to be another case of projection on the party of the present administration . As we recall , Obama outed the spy , and Britain was rightfully outraged , in order to take credit for foiling a terror plot . 

   This particular “revelation” appears to be an attempt to deflect attention away from DoJ’s blatant intrusion into the AP phone records and a justification of that policy . 










Seven Foreign Chem Engineers Caught Trespassing At Boston’s Water Reservoir





” Just after Midnight Tuesday night, seven people – five men and two women – were caught trespassing at the Quabbin Reservoir.  The Quabbin is one of America’s largest man made water supplies, and delivers most of Boston’s drinking water.

So, no big deal, right?  It’s probably just some kids who decided to sneak in and have a few beers at the water’s edge.

The problem is all seven were from either Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, or Singapore.  All of them live in either Boston or New York, and all of them are recent college graduates with chemical engineering degrees.  They told police they wanted to see the reservoir due to “their education and career interests.”

Which, of course, means you sneak in after midnight.

So we have seven chemical engineers, all from countries with long histories of producing terrorist activity, caught at midnight lurking around one of our nation’s largest water supplies, which the FBI has long warned are prime terrorist targets.”












Surprising Ad-Campaign In Saudi Arabia Against Domestic Violence






” Riyadh – A charity run by the family of an ex-king in Saudi Arabia has begun a campaign against domestic violence with a well designed advert showing a battered women dressed in a niqab. The text says ‘Some things can’t be covered.’

The King Khalid Foundation is a charity established by the family of the late King Khalid, who ruled the country from 1975 until his death in 1982. While the charity has various projects it finances and brings to fruition, this latest campaign against domestic abuse of women is not the first concerning this problem. Earlier, the foundation was also involved with promoting a Women and Child Abuse Prevention Law.”

U.S. Currently Fighting 74 Different Wars … That It Will Publicly Admit






” Linda J. Bilmes and Michael D. Intriligator, ask in a recent paper, “How many wars is the US fighting today?”

Citing a page at US Central Command’s (CENTCOM) website, they highlight the “areas of responsibility” publicly listed:

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) is active in 20 countries across the Middle Eastern region, and is actively ramping-up military training, counterterrorism programs, logistical support, and funding to the military in various nations. At this point, the US has some kind of military presence in Afghanistan, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, U.A.E., Uzbekistan, and Yemen.

US Africa Command (AFRICOM), according to the paper, “supports military-to-military relationships with 54 African nations.”

[Gosztola points out that the U.S. military is also conducting operations of one kind or another in Syrian, Jordan, South Sudan, Kosovo, Libya, Yemen, the Congo, Uganda, Mali, Niger and other countries.]

Altogether, that makes 74 nations where the US is fighting or “helping” some force in some proxy struggle that has been deemed beneficial by the nation’s masters of war.


A Congressional Research Service (CRS) provides an accounting of all the publicly acknowledged deployments of US military forces

But those are just the public operations. “








EXCLUSIVE: Saudi Arabia ‘warned the U.S. IN WRITING about the threat from Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev last year after rejecting his application for an entry visa to visit Mecca in 2011’


Chaos: The bombing left thousands running for their lives and sent more than 200 to hospitals, including some whose limbs were torn off their bodies by the force of the blasts


” The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia sent a written warning about accused Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in 2012, long before pressure-cooker blasts killed three and injured hundreds, according to a senior Saudi government official with direct knowledge of the document.

The Saudi warning, the official told MailOnline, was separate from the multiple red flags raised by Russian intelligence in 2011, and was based on human intelligence developed independently in Yemen.

Citing security concerns, the Saudi government also denied an entry visa to the elder Tsarnaev brother in December 2011, when he hoped to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, the source said. Tsarnaev’s plans to visit Saudi Arabia have not been previously disclosed.” 







Suspected Saudi Terrorist Al-Harbi Visited White House Numerous Times




” Saudi national Abdul Rahman Ali al-Harbi, who was briefly held as a “person of interest” in the Boston bombings and then downgraded in less than 24 hours to a witness, visited the White House on numerous occasions since 2009, The Rightscoop reports today.

The startling allegation follows an earlier report indicating that al-Harbi was visited in the hospital by First Lady Michelle Obama after he allegedly sustained injuries from one of the explosives placed at the Boston Marathon.

Blogosphere sleuths subsequently put their hands on a photo definitively placing Obama at the hospital.

The Department of Homeland Security confessed today that al-Harbi was on a terror watch list, although DHS boss Napolitano attempted to minimize this revelation by stating that he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”









Beck Explains New Information on Alharbi, Saudi National Once Person of Interest in Boston Bombings

” “While the media continues to look at what the causes were of these two guys, there are, at this hour, three people involved,” he said.  “The first one is the one we are going to address.”

Beck proceeded to highlight the background of the Saudi national first identified as a “person of interest” in the Boston bombings, Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, noting that the the NTC issued an event file calling for his deportation using section 212, 3B which is proven terrorist activity.

“We are not sure who actually tagged him as a ’212 3B,’ but we know it is very difficult to charge someone with this — it has to be almost certain,” Beck explained.  “It is the equivalent in civil society of charging someone with premeditated murder and seeking the death penalty — it is not thrown around lightly.”

Beck continued, noting that after Secretary of State John Kerry met with Saudi Foreign Minister Saud on Tuesday, the FBI began backtracking on the Saudi national from suspect, to person of interest, to witness, to victim, to nobody.

Then, on Wednesday, President Obama had a “chance” encounter with Saudi Foreign Minister Saud and Saudi Ambassador Adel al-Jubeir.

Congressman Duncan has detailed information about the Saudi national in his possession, and he and other members of the House Homeland Security Committee have sent a formal letter of request (which we have a copy of) to Napolitano for a classified briefing on the Saudi national and the deportation order. 

Beck proceeded to highlight more key points: The Saudi national was allegedly once flagged on a terror watch list and granted a student visa without being properly vetted.”


BREAKING NEWS: Obama Boston Bombing & Benghazi Cover Up Linked!

” Is this what Patriot Glenn Beck is going to expose on Monday? There seems to be a massive cover up of the truth about both Benghazi and The Boston Bombing and they appear to both be Linked! The common connection besides Obama is Saudi Arabia. Read about it here and watch the video and pass it along please…”

Obama Covering Up Saudi Link To Boston Bombing?



The attempt to cover up a possible Saudi connection to the Boston attack could explain why authorities are scrambling to get their official narrative straight after photos emerged yesterday on the Internet showing numerous suspects carrying large backpacks, some of them middle eastern in appearance and two of the individuals having been almost certainly identified as employees of private military/security firm Craft International.

The FBI had set a press conference for 5pm EST yesterday afternoon but the event was cancelled hours after the photos were seen by millions of people online. The federal agency blamed the media for erroneous reporting, stating, “these stories often have unintended consequences.”

CNN also had to backtrack after they announced that a suspect had been arrested, a report that was subsequently denied by authorities. Reports of a “dark skinned man” being arrested were later mothballed.

According to terrorism expert Steve Emerson, 20-year-old Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, the Saudi national first suspected of being involved in Monday’s twin bomb attack, is being hastily deported. Alharbi was put under armed guard in hospital after the bombing, was visited by Saudi diplomat Azzam bin Abdel Karim, and later had his apartment raided by federal and state law enforcement agents.

“I just learned from my own sources that he is now going to be deported on national security grounds next Tuesday, which is very unusual,” Emerson told Fox News last night.” 

RELATED: Source: Government Trying to Make Boston ‘Lone Wolf Terror’ To Spare Saudis

      While we are not prone to rumor-mongering and fomenting conspiracy theories we must admit that an awful lot of things smell fishy here and deserve to be further explored , especially given the “transparent” nature of our present administration and our government’s past dealings with the kingdom of Saudi Arabia . Questions need to be put forth … and answered .