Tag Archive: Sandy Hook

Sandy Hook Families File Lawsuit Against Gun Manufacturer






” Nine families of victims killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School and one survivor filed a wrongful-death lawsuit Saturday against the manufacturer of the rifle used in the shooting in Newtown, Conn.

  Adam Lanza shot and killed 20 schoolchildren and six staff members using a Bushmaster Model XM15-E2S rifle on Dec. 14, 2012. The rifle was lawfully purchased by Nancy Lanza, Mr. Lanza’s mother, according to law-enforcement officials.

  The lawsuit, which has been reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, was hand-delivered to a Connecticut state marshal, according to a spokeswoman for the families. The marshal now has 30 days to serve the defendants named in the lawsuit. The lawsuit will be heard in Superior Court in Bridgeport, Conn.

  The suit names as defendants Bushmaster Firearms International, which is owned by Remington Outdoor Co.; Camfour, a company that distributes Bushmaster products; and Riverview Gun Sales, an East Windsor, Conn., gun shop that sold the rifle to Ms. Lanza.

  The lawsuit claims the gun maker, the firearms distributor, and the store that sold firearm are liable for producing and selling a weapon unfit for civilian use.”


Wall Street Journal










Cult Of Firearms Incites Disobedience





” With the arrival this past week of the deadline for registering military style weapons in New York, our gun-carrying comrades appear to be more tightly bound to the code of the gun than to the laws that bind the rest of us in a civilized society.

  How startling to find that the cult of the firearm should monopolize the passions of this group over their responsibility to uphold and follow the law, the same as all others in society do — their wives and children, neighbors and friends and community leaders.

  How discouraging to hear various police chiefs and sheriffs declare they will not enforce the law to arrest those who fail to register their firearms. And how odd it is, as Christian churches prepare for Easter week celebrations with messages of mercy and forgiveness, that the gun lobbies grow more rowdy, preaching defiance and aggression instead.”

Read more

Sandy Hook Shocker: Associated Press Stories & Photos Predate The Massacre




” A blogger named Timothy Hunter gained access to Sipa Press‘ archives through his school. Hunter’s access ended “last semester,” but not before he was able to discover and record stunning evidence that many of the photos the Associated Press (AP) supposedly had taken on the Sandy Hook massacre had dates-of-creation that predated December 14, 2012.

  Sipa Press is a French photo agency based in Paris and the leading photo agency in the world with 20 million pictures in its archives and 12 million in its digital database. Sipa Press distributes up to 6.000 newspictures every day — on politics, economy, entertainment and sports — to customers in more than 40 countries across the world. Sipa’s most important associates are the Associated Press, Rex Features in the United Kingdom and La Presse in Italy.

  This is Hunter’s video, presenting and describing his findings.”


     The DC Clothesline has much more including many screenshots and transcripts for those who prefer to linger of hardcopy.

    While we have not spent enough time going over the reams of data surrounding the Newtown “shooting” to form an intelligent opinion , we will say that given the current state of our politics in America and the endless government corruption on display we do not find it incredulous that our leaders would resort to false flag operations to subvert our liberties .







The Social Construction Of A Mass Shooting Epidemic






” The killings of 20 first-grade students and six adult staff members at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, on December 14, 2012, obviously constitutes a terrible, newsworthy event. But the news coverage did more than report the details of what happened at Newtown. It also sought to classify this incident as an instance of a larger problem. The initial news reports described what had happened as “the second deadliest school shooting,” “another mass shooting,” and a “mass killing” (all in stories in the next day’s New York Times) and as “the second deadliest shooting event in U.S. history” (The Washington Post). The Post’s website ranked the 12 “Deadliest U.S. shootings” (the earliest case on their list occurred in 1949), while the Mother Jones website added Newtown to its page “A Guide to Mass Shootings in America” (which included only cases from 1982 to 2012).”


    The categorization of “mass shootings” , “mass murders” , “workplace violence” or whatever other clever nomenclature that happens to be in vogue are decided upon by the media that reports on the stories and we would do well to remember that the present day media , the so-called mainstream anyway , are anything but dispassionate observers and reporters of fact .


” According to The New Republic, there were 70 mass shootings between 1982 and 2012, leaving 543 people dead. The magazine does not say whether this death toll includes the shooters, who often—but not always—also die. But let us assume that only the shooters’ victims were counted. (Amy Sullivan, the New Republic article’s author, says she believes that is the case.) That works out to about 2.3 incidents and 18 victims’ deaths per year. Last year was an unusually bad year, with 68 people killed in seven mass shootings—a terrible toll, to be sure. But in the context of some 2.5 million deaths from all causes last year, mass shootings, while dramatic, are simply not a major cause of death. And because these events are quite rare, and their number fluctuates from year to year, it is difficult to determine a clear trend. The horrors of 2012 made it easy from some commentators to claim that mass shootings were on the rise, but should there be fewer cases in 2013, it is unlikely that people will note that the problem is growing smaller.”



    As with most any news items today , how events are portrayed in the media is really more an issue of what particular ax the reporting organization has to grind than it is a fair illustration of the facts .














WMAL EXCLUSIVE: 11-Yr-Old Suspended From School For Merely TALKING About Guns



” The father of a middle schooler in Calvert County, Md. says his 11-year-old son was suspended for 10 days for merely talking about guns on the bus ride home.

Bruce Henkelman of Huntingtown says his son, a sixth grader at Northern Middle School in Owings, was talking with friends about the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre when the bus driver hauled him back to school to be questioned by the principal, Darrel Prioleau.

“The principal told me that with what happened at Sandy Hook if you say the word ‘gun’ in my school you are going to get suspended for 10 days,” Henkelman said in an interview with WMAL.com.

The boy was questioned by the principal and a sheriff’s deputy, who also wanted to search the family home without a warrant, Henkelman said. “He started asking me questions about if I have firearms, and [the deputy said] he’s going to have to search my house.  Search my house?  I just wanted to know what happened.












Why College Campuses Should Allow Concealed Carry





” The news is saturated with stories and opinions on guns, and the attention on the issue is heightened with this past year’s dramatic shootings in Aurora and Newtown. Understandably, the response to these horrors involves great emotion. However, in our dialogue about violence and gun ownership, we need to set aside our fears and biases and look at where the facts lead us.

Here in the Bay Area, the general response to gun ownership is an automatic “no,” and the Stanford campus is no exception. Our campus sees minimal violence and our main exposure to firearms is through the news, where killings are stories rather than the cases with peaceful endings.

This anti-gun bias is reflected in campus policy and state law. On its website, Stanford University Department of Public Safety (SUDPS) states that “all [firearms] are prohibited on Stanford Campus … except for sworn police officers,” and California has mandated absolute firearm bans on all college campuses. These policies assume that guns are fundamentally harmful. Remembering that a weapon is simply a powerful tool that can be used for self-defense as well as for harm, we need to reconsider Stanford’s “Gun-Free Zone” policy.

Gun-Free Zones: A monopoly of force

Absolute bans are ineffective, as criminals carry weapons regardless of their legality. Worse, Gun-Free Zones are uniquely attractive targets, as a monopoly of force is in the hands of whoever is willing to break the law, and police response is often too little and too late.

Seung-Hui Cho shot his first two victims at Virginia Tech in 2007, the police unsuccessfully searched for the shooter for two hours. Cho remained in public spaces on campus for that entire time and even went to the post office to mail writings and recordings to NBC News. He then walked to a building of lecture halls at the opposite end of campus, chained the three main entrance doors shut, and killed 30 people in a second attack lasting roughly 10 minutes.

The rampage ended with Cho’s suicide. With over 200 rounds left, “he was well prepared to continue,” said State Police Superintendent William Flaherty. Unarmed, the victims had no hope but to make barricades and wait for the police to arrive, which happened well after the massacre was over.

The shootings at Columbine and Sandy Hook also ended in the perpetrators’ suicide, not police intervention. According to a U.S. Secret Service study into 37 school shootings, “Over half of the attacks were resolved or ended before law enforcement responded to the scene. In these cases, the attacker was stopped by faculty or fellow students, decided to stop shooting on his own, or killed himself.”

It is wrong to disarm an individual when effective protection cannot be provided in compensation, and relying on police officers and security guards has proven to be insufficient. When targets of violence, people have the right to options beyond waiting for help to come.”



Read the whole thing.







After The Obama Surge: A New Rush On Gun Stores







” Gun buyers have long demonstrated a tendency to stock up on weapons and ammunition ahead of possible changes to gun laws, and a so-called “Obama surge” in gun sales kicked off in the lead-up to Barack Obama’s first election victory in 2008.

There was a similar pick up in 2012 as a second Obama victory looked likely, and another rush on stores when it became clear the Obama administration would push for tighter gun control laws in the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting last December.

In fact, the rush beginning in December has been high even by historic standards: the FBI conducted just under 2.8 million background checks on prospective gun buyers in December 2012, the highest number in any single month since records begin in November 1998.  That’s more than triple the number it was running in in December 2002.

And the rush has continued through 2013 so far. Here’s the number of monthly background checks in the first three months of each year since 1998. This year looks set to be the busiest ever.” 







Revealed: The Never-Before-Seen Photo Of Newtown Killer Adam Lanza And The College Records Which Show He Refused To Identify His Own Gender


Documentation shows that Lanza refused to identify his own gender and to describe himself when asked by the college


” A never-before-seen photograph of Newtown killer Adam Lanza has emerged, along with college records which include new information about the gunman including that he refused to identify his own gender when asked to do so in college documents.

Lanza attended Western Connecticut State University for less than a year after his mom withdrew him from Newtown High School when he still only 16.

When asked his gender on a student background information form, Lanza wrote ‘I choose not to answer.’ ”


” Video gaming loner:


Police said they found a smashed computer hard drive and a gaming console in Lanza’s bedroom.

And an unnamed source told investigators that Lanza was an avid gamer who obsessively played video games and was a loner.

The ‘citizen witness’, whose name is redacted in the documents, told investigators Lanza ‘rarely leaves his home’.

They added Lanza was ‘a shut in and an avid gamer who plays Call of Duty, amongst other games.’ ”

” Terrifying Inventory: What police found during their investigation

At the school:

  • 1 Bushmaster .223 caliber model XM15 rifle with a 30-round magazine
  • 1 Glock 10mm handgun
  • 1 9mm Sig Sauer P226 handgun
  • 1 Saiga 12 shotgun with two magazines containing 70 rounds
  • 6 30-round magazines, three of them emptied

At the home:

  • A gun safe that belonged to Nancy Lanza that was open with no evidence that it was broken into to
  • 1,400 rounds of ammunition in different locations across the house
  • Several rifles, handguns and shot guns including an Enfield Albian bolt-action rifle, a Savage Mark II rifle, a BB gun and a .22-caliber Volcanic starter pistol
  • Three Samurai swords, ten knives
  • One seven-foot-long spear
  • One bayonet
  • Three photographs of an unknown dead person covered in plastic and blood
  • A military style uniform inside Lanza’s bedroom
  • National Rifle Association certificate’s for Nancy and Adam Lanza*
  • A holiday card with a check made out to Adam Lanza for the purchase of a CZ-83 handgun (firearm), authored by Nancy Lanza.
  • Seven of Lanza’s personal journals
  • An NRA guide to the basics of shooting
  • A book entitled ‘Look at Me: My Life with Asperger’s and another book, ‘Born on a Blue Day: Inside the Mind of an Autistic Savant’
  • A New York Times article about the 2008 Northern Illinois University shooting
  • A damaged computer hard drive
  • Sandy Hook report card for Adam Lanza
  • His mother Nancy was discovered in her room with one gun shot wound to the head and a rifle lying on the bed next to her “


  * (Editor’s note : What might these alleged certificates be ? As a life/endowment member for over 4 decades I’ve never received any kind of certificate for membership and if they were for some instructional course given by the NRA the reason would be self-evident on the certificates and could be revealed to the press instead of a vague reference to the NRA . 






Newtown Shooting Details Revealed In Newly Released Documents






” Adam Lanza stayed at home mostly, a witness said, playing video games such as “Call of Duty.”

But on December 14, 2012, he went out — armed with 10 30-round magazines for his semiautomatic Bushmaster .223 caliber model XM15 rifle and bullets for his two handguns and a shotgun.

Lanza didn’t make it home alive. Nor did the 26 people — 20 of them schoolchildren ages 6 and 7 — he shot dead in less than five minutes, firing one bullet roughly every two seconds he was at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

These were among the details spelled out Thursday in five search warrants and other material tied to the grisly shooting at the Newtown, Connecticut, school, as well as in a statement from a local top prosecutor. Together, the newly released documents help paint a clearer picture of what happened.

What they don’t explain is why Lanza did it.

Read the documents “


    The timing of this release of new “details” strikes us as especially fortuitous for the gun control crowd coming as it does in the midst of a failing effort to capitalize on the story a la Rahm Emanuel’s ” never let a crisis go to waste”. 





President Obama Appeals to Newtown Tragedy to Push for Stricter Gun Laws



” President Obama gave his weekly address and revisited the Newtown tragedy in an appeal to Congress to pass universal background checks, restrictions on private gun sales, and the assault weapons ban.

Adam Lanza planned his grisly murders for years, and if it weren’t a ‘military-style’ rifle, it would have been something else, like fire or explosives. Are we going to ban fire too? Because in 2009 there were over 58,000 arsons, costing an average of $17,411 each in damage. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, there are an average of 375 deaths each year from arson, which is also more than those killed by all rifles.”




Colt May Leave Connecticut Due to New State Gun Laws





” … President and CEO Dennis Veilleux said the pro-gun control climate that has taken hold in the wake of the Sandy Hook school massacre and other firearm attacks has left him feeling unwelcome in the state his company has called home for 175 years. Proposed laws being debated by the Legislature and pushed by Gov. Dannel Malloy include a new gun offender registry, an expanded assault weapons ban, ammunition restrictions and a ban on bulk purchases of handguns. Veilleux said those measures have put Colt and its nearly 700 employees in the cross hairs. “




The Sandy Hook Shooting No kids got killed proof UPDATE







” How do Connecticut residents feel about the crackdown on the Second Amendment? Well, there are people from both sides making passionate arguments on the issue, however, one gentleman last week was able to make a particularly persuasive case against more gun control and in favor of the U.S. Constitution.

Meet Robert Steed, a resident of Vernon, Conn. who took three days straight off work to attend several gun control hearings in Connecticut. On March 14, Steed was more “aggravated” than usual with lawmakers and he let them know it in his fiery testimony, telling them that they were “coloring outside the lines of constitutional parameters.”

” The reason that your jobs are becoming so difficult is because you’re coloring outside the lines of constitutional parameters,” Steed shot back. “That’s the bottom line. You are trying to marriage up public safety with constitutional rights. The Constitution did not guarantee public safety, it guaranteed liberty. And sometimes what comes with liberty is tragedy, unfortunately.” “






Mark Kelly’s ‘AR-15 Stunt’ Provokes Giffords Photo Leak

Grinnin' Gabbie Goes Gunnin'

” (Breitbart) – Mark Kelly’s campaign against “assault weapons” such as the AR-15 rifle has sparked a local backlash. On March 13, a Tucson, Arizona radio host published a photograph of former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords holding an AR-15 rifle at a gun range. Giffords has since confirmed that the photograph is authentic.

James T. Harris, blogging at the website of “101.4 FM The Truth,” wrote:

What is wrong with this picture? Absolutely nothing, and prior to the aggressive progressive opportunistic fear mongering in the wake of Sandy Hook, this picture would have raised no eyebrows and garnered little public attention.”

Update : Here’s a second picture of Gabbie , armed with the dreaded AK this time :


Political Correctness Gone Wild





20 Years Ago Today(2/28): Operation Showtime




” The Davidians were accused of several transgressions, accusations that helped in their demonization and served to rationalize the raid in the first place. They allegedly had a meth lab, which no one seriously believed, since this was based on the Davidians having reported the remains of a meth lab from years ago when they moved in. But the drug connection allowed for exceptions to the Posse Comitatus Act and the use of military hardware in the siege. They were accused of stockpiling weapons, although at least one Davidian was a licensed weapons dealer. And eventually the focus fell on Koresh’s alleged abuse of children.

As bad as February 28, 1993, should have been for ATF’s public relations, in the long run it didn’t hurt at all. In the midst of Sandy Hook, progressives from Rachel Maddow to John Stewart focused on the ATF’s supposed underfunding and insufficient personnel. Maddow even depicted the agency’s behavior at Waco as heroic.

In the last 20 years, the militarization of domestic policing has only ramped up—the drug war, the terror war, gun confiscations and martial law after Katrina, an explosion in prison populations and spending on local policing, military weaponry in the hands of law enforcement, concentration camps for illegal immigrants, internal checkpoints, SWAT raids unleashed on mostly non-violent Americans about one hundred times a day. Police kill about one American every day, and even if you think 90% of them deserve it, the sheer enormity of this situation deserves unrelenting scrutiny if not revolutionary outrage, not the yawns or outright support that we see instead.

When the LAPD dealt with Chris Dorner earlier this month by surrounding him in a wooden cabin, launching CS gas and incendiary devices, and reportedly blocking his escape, it was carrying out a policy of instant summary execution, and the tactics were all too familiar. The officers had even told the media to look away, and all too many journalists were eager to oblige. And the people seemed glad to have one more killer off the street, unconcerned about the innocents hit in the police department’s reckless rampage to hunt down Dorner and kill him, as though they are properly judge, jury, and executioner.”


    This was emailed to us from a friend and as we assembled the post we came upon the source of the editorial . Rather than toss the piece we decided to post it in it’s entirety with a link to the author and hope that he does not object .



Blood On The Hands Of The LEFT



” I was just about to publish my latest editorial as promised, on Canada’s Supreme Court Decision to suspend Freedom of Speech, in favor of promoting one language over all others.



Next to language issues in Canada, and a failed Judicial System in both of our countries, what happened in Connecticut takes precedence

.I won’t waste words describing my feelings, because how I feel about as many as, and maybe more than 26 people murdered, including 18 children is indescribable.

BUT I WILL TELL YOU WHY IT HAPPENED:It didn’t happen because of the so-called gun culture, or because of poor security at the school.

It happened because of the modern LEFTIST culture that has removed all semblances of personal responsibility and respect.

It happened because of the Hollywood and television types who lecture the Conservatives on how people should live, while they make FORTUNES producing absolute FILTH in their movies and on television programs.

It happened because of reality television shows that demean humanity. And shows that make people laugh at the pain and humiliation of others.

It happened because multi-millionaire computer game producers create UGLY digital scenarios that poison young minds with abject and gratuitous violence.

It happened because the school system doesn’t teach values, and promotes the idea that everything goes. And that all people are equal regardless of the truth. And that no one ever fails.

It happened because LEFTISTS won’t allow concerned and loving parents to discipline their children, or raise their children the way they want to.

It happened because far too many Liberals spend far too much time and effort ridiculing and attacking people who want to live by the lessons of the Bible and the Torah.

In truth . . . this and other horrible acts of violence happen, because our society from our entertainment industry, to schools, to the media, and our governments have created the social and cultural foundation that is eating away at our countries like a cancer.

I know that what I just wrote WILL inflame those on the LEFT, and that’s OK, because if they don’t like it . . . they can ROT in HELL along with the demons of their own creation.

I want my old country values back . . .

. . . when we stood in school when an adult entered the room. When we were really disciplined for bad behavior. When we were measured by our successes and failures. When not everyone had to waste years of his or her life in college studying basket weaving instead of taking a trade course, or going to work right after finishing high school. When your mom was a woman and your dad was a man. And when there weren’t vulgar parades extolling the “virtues” of being gay.

If you want to stop the sickness . . . IT’S TIME TO STOP THE LEFT.

In Sadness . . . Howard Galganov.




Brady State Anti-Gun Ratings



” The map seen above comes from the Brady Campaign, a group pushing for more stringent gun laws. Based on Brady’s scoring system, red states have the most relaxed laws when it comes to gun ownership. Green states are those with the toughest limitations for anyone hoping to exercise their constitutionally guaranteed gun rights.

The Brady group scores states on a variety of topics – things like state license requirements and background checks on all purchases. No state scores a perfect 100 with Brady, but California gets an 81, and that is before any new laws that will get put in place following the Sandy Hook massacre.”

Authorities’ new advice to schools: Confront shooter


” Law enforcement authorities are increasingly advising school officials — and even young students — to physically confront suspects in future campus attacks as a final line of defense.

The advisories, now included in training videos and documents prepared by police, represent a major shift in tactics for law enforcement officials who have traditionally counseled potential victims to flee and hide while waiting for authorities to answer calls for help.”

3D Printed Gun Parts Hit Road Blocks (and Why it Matters)





” As states like Colorado try to make manufacturing some magazines illegal, than legality must be a concern. But regulation is going to be complicated, if not impossible, when people begin printing magazines at home.

But it goes beyond legislation.  After Sandy Hook, many people and corporate entities are distancing themselves from guns. There is the proposed sale of Freedom Group. Even firearms retailers pulled back from controversial guns.

Even Ebay is getting (more) skittish.  They’re paranoid about the mention of “Assault Weapons” in any description.  You can still sell a part that might fit more than one gun, but not if you mention assault weapons, or any of those taboo guns associated with assaults.  Theirpolicy page now reads: “Accessories that fit a variety of different weapons, including assault weapons [can be posted]. But in your listing, you can’t mention any assault weapon compatibility.”

And Thingiverse, the online repository of printable projects associated with MakerBot printers, recently pulled the plans for an AR-15 lower, citing a violation of their service terms (you’re not allowed to store files that can be used to make weapons).

This has to be an expected setback for HaveBlue (aka Michael Guslick), the designer that posted the AR-15 plans.  Similar things are happening to others.  Cody Wilson and the team at Defense Distributed, for example, now seem to be spearheading the printed firearms movement.  They have an SLA Printed 30 round AR magazine.  The only thing that isn’t printed is the mainspring.”

Gun Control Advocates & Liberal Media Bias Evident in Coverage of Mass Shootings





” When you look at recent mass shootings that have occurred recently there is one specific incident that is very rarely if ever mentioned by the liberal media and Gun Control advocates.

The Ft. Hood Shooting is never cited or discussed or even mentioned by the Anti’s and Gun grabbers like Bloomberg, Schumer, Boxer, Feinstein, McCarthy or Cuomo. They only cite the TucsonAurora and Sandy Hook events as reason to restrict law abiding citizens their rights. WHY?

One must make a few assumptions to uncover why they rarely if ever cite the Ft. Hood mass shooting in their quest to deny law abiding citizens their 2nd Amendment rights.

  1. It has not received the attention nor coverage that other mass shooting have received because it occurred on a military installation while Obama was the Commander in Chief.

  2. It has not received the attention nor coverage that other mass shooting have received because the perpetrator was Muslim and it is not politically correct because the President himself sympathizes with the Muslim plight across the world.

  3. It has not received the attention nor coverage that other mass shooting have received because the victims were military personnel and they just don’t have the same impact as civilians and children for good demagoguery.”

52 Percent of Americans Say Sandy Hook Is Being Exploited for Political Gain






” As gun rights and gun control are debated in the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting, a majority of Americans say elected officials are “exploiting” the tragedy.  The new Reason-Rupe poll finds 52 percent of Americans believe that elected officials are exploiting the tragedy for political gain, while 41 percent feel elected officials are acting responsibly.

Democrats differ sharply from independents and Republicans on the issue. Seventy-one percent of Republicans and 60 percent of independents think the tragedy is being politicized, while just 32 percent of Democrats believe so.”


   The poll contains some demographic surprises …


” Democrats, who normally count on the youth vote, may be surprised to find that 70 percent of 18-24 year-olds and 58 percent of 25-34 year-olds say “assault weapons should be allowed.” Similarly, Republicans, who usually rely upon the senior vote, will find that 57 percent of 55-64 year-olds and 61 percent of people over the age of 65 say assault weapons should be prohibited.”



   So despite a two generation stranglehold over the re-education camps called public schools held by the statist crowd it would appear that the younger generation still entertains a healthy respect for liberty .

   If it wasn’t for the fact that the GOP is indeed the “stupid party” we would say that this finding offers the party that supports liberty and freedom a great opportunity to capture the hearts and minds of a here-to-fore loyal constituency of the democrats . 

   Does anyone believe that the republican party is actually capable of capitalizing on this ? We didn’t think so . If there is a way to blow a golden opportunity the RINO party will find it .

Newtown Father Speaks Out On Gun Laws

HT/Before It’s News