Phoenix Man Arrested for Photographing Sandra Day O’Connor…Courthouse Building

Via the website Photography is Not a Crime (PINAC), which documents law enforcement abuses related to taking pictures and videos, comes the story of Raymond Michael Rodden, a 33-year-old man who made the bad decision to photograph some public buildings late at night last week.

Last Thursday at 3 a.m., Rodden was unable to sleep and drove to downtown Phoenix in his boss’ car (he was staying with the guy and had permission) and snapped some shots of government buildings. Then, he told PINAC

He noticed he was being followed by a Phoenix police patrol car. Before he knew it, he was being followed by an additional two marked cars as well as an unmarked car, not to mention a cop on foot.”



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Arizona Man Winds Up Jailed, Unemployed and Homeless After Photographing Courthouse

” “They wanted to know if I belonged to any extremist groups like the national socialist movement or sovereign citizens. They wanted to know what kind of books I checked out of the library.”

Darren Emfinger, the Phoenix police detective and joint task force member who has been featured in the The First 48 television show and who is refusing to return his items, can be reached at  (623) 466-1398 or on his cell phone, (602) 377-9108.

The Arizona ACLU, whom he hopes will help him in this case, can be reached at or 602.650.1854.

Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton can be reached at or 602-262-7111.”