Tag Archive: San Antonio

Twins, 7, Attack Carjacker With Fists And Rubber Snake








” A car thief was forced to pull over after a couple miles in the stolen vehicle because twin boys, age 7, who were in the car attacked him, police said.

“ One of the boys was punching the man in the face; the other was hitting him with a rubber snake,” Sgt. Javier Salazar of the San Antonio Police Department told ABC News.

  The car was swiped from in front of the home of Lucia Lozada Thursday as the mother was standing just feet from the vehicle. Her twin sons and a 1-year-old were buckled into the car as the family readied to go to church. The father had gone back into the house to get the baby a bottle.

“ Lucia saw the man before he took the car,” said Herminia Segovia, the children’s grandmother. “She recognized him from around the neighborhood and even waved to him. Before she could do anything he jumped into the car and drove away.” “


ABC News has more








Teenage Assassin Who Beheaded Four Men For Mexican Drug Cartel Freed In U.S.


” The release of Edgar Jimenez Lugo, also known as “El Ponchis,” from a Mexican detention center to the U.S. is a nightmare. He has beheaded multiple people. Lugo is a teenage serial killer. At only seventeen, he has committed more crimes than most people on death row put together; heinous, hideous crimes for the South Pacific drug cartel, including decapitation, kidnapping, and torture. In 2010, at the age of 14, he was captured by authorities and admitted to killing for the cartel. Under Mexican law, Lugo could only be held for three years. The teen is now in a San Antonio rehabilitation center, staying as a guest. Born in San Diego, Lugo could soon be free to walk the streets and kill again.”



” Edgar Jimenez Lugo is a monster. When he was first captured by Mexican authorities at the age of 14, he looked like a harmless schoolboy, but this teen is a cold blooded killer. The notorious “El Ponchis” is a U.S. citizen by birth, but this baby-faced killer started working for the South Pacific Cartel at age 11. That was when he made his first kill.”


   This monster served three years in Mexico for numerous killings and now he is our problem . Thanks Mexico , that is typical of how your country deals with it’s problems … send them north over the border to the US . According to the law both here and in Mexico this vermin has paid his debt to society and upon turning 18 will be free to walk the streets of America unmolested and unmonitored . 









Predator Cop Accused Of Raping A Teenage Girl In The Back Of His Cruiser




” When a cop has a history of sexual misconduct, one would think he’d either be let go or assigned a responsible partner to babysit him during his duties.

  That was not the case in San Antonio, Texas. Officer Jackie Len Neal had all the warning signs of a predator who abused his authority, but last week he reportedly tailed a teenage girl until she pulled over, then handcuffed her and raped her in the back of his cruiser.


Why is a cop with a history of sexual misconduct still patrolling the streets ?


” On Friday morning, according to an arrest warrant affidavit, Neal allegedly tailed a woman until she pulled over on Betty Street and stepped out of her vehicle. He turned on his overhead lights and requested that she get back inside. The woman complied with the order but left her door open, the report said.

  During the pat-down, the affidavit said, Neal groped the woman, placed her in handcuffs and moved her to the back of his patrol car. The document said he then raped her and instructed her not to tell anyone.

  This is not the first time that Neal has been accused of inappropriate behavior with young women. At least two other incidents are on the record.”


Drip , drip , drip goes the respect American’s held for authority … right down the drain .










Investigators Stumped By What’s Causing Power Surges That Destroy Equipment



” Chronic electrical surges at the massive new data-storage facility central to the National Security Agency’s spying operation have destroyed hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of machinery and delayed the center’s opening for a year, according to project documents and current and former officials.

There have been 10 meltdowns in the past 13 months that have prevented the NSA from using computers at its new Utah data-storage center, slated to be the spy agency’s largest, according to project documents reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.”











Epic High School Food Fight Lays Waste To A San Antonio Whataburger



” In a hard-fought football game earlier in the evening, Brandeis had defeated O’Connor by a score of 12-10.

Whatever the case, things escalated into utter chaos amazingly quickly. Students hurled drinks, trays, fries and pretty much everything else. They also shrieked and took cover, inasmuch as taking cover is possible inside a Whataburger.

Naturally, students recorded the food fight on a cellphone. At least one sent it into the world via Instagram, reports local ABC affiliate KSAT.”


Police Tase Man For Trying to Rescue His Baby From Fire – Baby Does Not Make It




” On June 2nd, there was a large house fire at Morningview drive, in San Antonio, Texas. 3 children were staying at their grandparents house, when a fire started from an unknown cause. The grandparents managed to rescue 2 children from the house, and accidentally left a nine month old boy.

Shortly thereafter, the father of the children arrived, and immediately attempted to go inside the burning house to rescue his nine month old son. However, police interfered with his will in this life or death situation, and went as far as to tase him for trying to save his own son. He was tased, and sadly, the infant did not make it.”












” An alleged former Hezbollah commander who was attempting to infiltrate the US Defense Department has been arrested in San Antonio, Texas, according to the FBI. The alleged Hezbollah commander’s name is Wissam Allouche.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, FBI Spokesman for the San Antonio division, Special Agent Erik Vasys, confirmed that the individual was trying to obtain a sensitive government position.

An online search of the name “Wissam Allouche” reveals the suspect was possibly already working as a linguist for the US ARMY. The ARMY CID’s involvement reinforces this likelihood.”









San Antonio Educators Learn To Take Down A Shooter, Save Lives




” SAN ANTONIO — Teachers, administrators and other school workers got physical this weekend at a free self defense course focused on taking down a gunman.

Inside the STW Krav Maga studio on the city’s northwest side, Bridget Lopez crouched behind a barrel and quietly waited. When the mock gunman entered the room, she jumped on him from behind and drove her elbow into the back of his head.

“This system and these seminars have changed my life,” Lopez said, “because I have become more aware.” “










December 2012 Defensive Gun Use Report



DGU December 2012




” As always with the Defensive Gun Use Report, we go past gun statistics to show real word examples of everyday citizens using guns in self defense.

Some quick ground rules and limitations regarding what we do and do not cover in the report for those of you reading for the first time:

We can only cover stories the stories we find
Despite the fact that they happen every day, Defensive Gun Use stories are often hard to find. They typically get only local coverage, sometimes as little as a small blurb in the local paper. If you see a Defensive Gun Use story and would like to help make this report as comprehensive as possible, send it to us through the Contact Us form below, through Gmail (easybakegunclub@gmail.com), or through Twitter or Facebook.

We only include clear cut self defense cases
Yes, we leave some stories off because they are ambiguous or simply don’t have enough information to call them defensive gun uses. It’s that whole, they barely get covered issue.

On to the report!

The past month has been marked with more gun news than any month in I can remember. From the Clackamas Mall Shooter in Portland, the gunman at the Mayan 14theater in San Antonio, and the tragedy of Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown to the push for gun control measures that have no bearing on these attacks it’s been quite the month.”





More Armed Citizens … Everywhere You Look Nowadays


Shooting In Stone Oak Adds To Dialogue On Guns

San Antonio police work at the scene Tuesday January 15, 2013 where a suspected burglar was shot and crashed the car he was driving. The suspected burglar was killed and another suspected burglar was shot in the chest by a Stone Oak resident who told police he caught the men breaking into his SUV outside his home near Lightstone Drive and Stonepath Drive about 1:50 a.m. . Photo: JOHN DAVENPORT, San Antonio Express-News / ©San Antonio Express-News/Photo Can Be Sold to the Public



” Set against the backdrop of a national debate over gun control, a shooting early Tuesday in a Stone Oak-area subdivision that left one burglary suspect dead and another critically injured didn’t just spark talk about the incident itself but about the best way to keep from becoming a victim.

Life on Lightstone Drive had returned to normal Tuesday afternoon for the neighbors of Roger Bond Pemberton, who shot at the two men he believed were trying to take his SUV, police said.

The crime scene tape no longer blocked access to his neighbors’ homes. The detectives, evidence technicians and patrol officers all were long gone. But the 1:50 a.m. shooting still was the talk of the street.

“If it was a legitimate theft I support what he did,” neighbor Michelle Harms said.

Rise Of The Police State? Judge Says School Can Force Students To Wear RFID Locator Chips




” A federal judge made a ruling this week that has a decidedly Orwellian touch to it.

US District Judge Orlando Garcia ruled on Tuesday that the San Antonio Northside School District can require that its students wear devices with RFID locator chips embedded in them while on school premises. The decision has raised privacy concerns among conservative and liberal privacy-rights groups.

The saga began when 15-year-old magnet school student Andrea Hernandez refused to wear the device while attending Jay High School. School officials expelled the sophomore for not complying with the rule that is required of all students on campus. The case ended up before Garcia who also refused to block the student’s expulsion pending review by the courts.

The Rutherford Institute of Virginia represented the student in federal court. The institute said that the ruling was clearly in violation of the student’s privacy rights and it would appeal the decision.

“We don’t want to see this kind of intrusive surveillance infrastructure gain inroads into our culture,” ACLU senior policy analyst Jay Stanley said. “We should not be teaching our children to accept such an intrusive surveillance technology,” said Stanley, according to Reuters. ”




Remember , The Schools Are Tools Of The Government , Not Of The People 

  ” After a student protested a pilot RFID tracking system in San Antonio, lawyers are now moving to stop expulsion.

John Jay High School sophomore Andrea Hernandez was expelled from her high school after protesting against a new pilot program which tracks the precise location of all attending 4,200 students at Anson Jones Middle School and John Jay High School, according to Infowars.

Under the “Smart ID” program, ID badges have been issued with a tracking chip, which students must wear when attending school. The school badges, worn like a necklace, contain a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip and links to their social security number. This allows the school to track the student’s location after leaving campus and for as long as the badge is on the student’s person.

The scheme is now in full swing and all students must wear it, according to a letter sent by the school district to the student’s parents and made public. The notice says:

“This “smart” ID card will transmit location information of students to electronic readers which are installed throughout the campus. This is so that we always know where the students are in the building.

After all, parents, you expect school staff to always know where your children are during the school day.” “