Tag Archive: Sally Gifford Piper

Sally Gifford Piper Of Hit Photoshop Video Gets An Extreme Holiday Makeover

Watch this …


Before the makeover: Here is the already-altered body of American actress, Sally Gifford Piper



Become this … 



Sally Gifford Santa




” The woman who featured in the viral Photoshop video that stormed the internet this fall has now been transformed into a ‘fat Santa’ in the run-up to Christmas.

  Victors & Spoils, a Colorado-based advertising agency, decided to give the already-altered image of Sally Gifford Piper – showing her as a bikini-clad blonde bombshell – a seasonal revamp. 

  A 36-second-long time-lapse clip shows how they went about adding hundreds of pounds to her stomach, arms and legs and shortening her petite frame to make it more stocky.”




Regular readers may remember our post about Ms Gifford from a while back . This is the reprise . 

Merry Christmas and a Ho , Ho , Ho 








CNN Asks Is This Photoshop Editing Gone Too Far ?


    CNN has produced a video showing in time-lapse speed how model Sally Gifford Piper’s photo was drastically altered to produce a picture that is really less her and more photoshop . See what you think as you watch her transformation and listen to her commentary .

   Below you can see the video transformation in it’s entirety , uninterrupted by the commentary provided by CNN along with the video description provided by the poster , Tim Scott , the model’s husband .



Published on Nov 2, 2013

Viral video of a model changed using photoshop. 
KICKSTARTER: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/p…
This video shows a girl transformed in time-lapse with make-up lights and of course photoshop. Amazing viral video was aired on Entertainment Tonight, ABC news, GMA, the Today Show and more. Visit Dove’s Facebook page for more videos on the subject.
A video by Tim Piper (pirovision.com) with Emma Hack and Mike Annese starring Sally Gifford for the purpose of public education and supporting the idea on globaldemocracy.com that images with distorted bodies should have disclaimers. 
Music published by MonkeyDream LL through ASCAP, title Body Evolution Track, artist: Friends of Monkeys. For more work from Tim Piper visit provision.com
© Tim Piper 2012