Tag Archive: Rush Limbaugh







” How refreshing to hear something resembling candor in the Obama administration’s public pronouncements on the threat from Ebola.

  Problem is, the implications of what is being said with this newfound candor are ominous to say the least, a flabbergasted Rush Limbaugh outlined for his radio listeners yesterday. (Audio)

LIMBAUGH: … Some of the highlights from the congressional hearing on Capitol Hill today, House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee hearing on the Ebola crisis, Dr. Thomas Frieden …. Oh he’s got a new answer here …. I don’t believe this, we gotta play this one! I just basically scanned this one. This Frieden guy, he’s got to want to be thrown out of office here. You just gotta hear this! I don’t want to characterize it before I actually here it. I don’t want to tell you what it says and then have it not say that and look like I got egg on my face.

Here’s the setup: Fred Upton, Republican (of) Michigan, is asking Frieden, the director of the CDC, this question — the question I have is, if other countries are restricting travel from these African countries and, as you said, the fundamental job of the US is to protect American citizens, why can’t we move to a similar ban on travel from these other countries? The exposure rate of 14 days or 15 days is well within the 21 days of incubation and in fact knowing that there 150 people coming a day from those countries, we have not 94 percent in terms of screening at US airports. It seems to me it’s not a fail safe system that’s put into place here.

FRIEDEN (testifying before House subcommittee): Right now we know who’s coming in. If we tried to eliminate travel, the possibility that someone will travel over land, will come from other places, and we don’t know that they’re coming in will mean that we won’t be able to do multiple things. We won’t be able to check them for fever when they leave.

LIMBAUGH: OK, that’s one. There’s part two, just hang on. I know that sounds confusing but there’s a part two. He said, right now we know who’s coming in. Don’t forget that. Right now we know who’s coming in. If we tried to eliminate travel, the possibility that some will travel over land and come from other places and we don’t know that they’re coming will mean that we won’t be able to do multiple things. Do you know what he just said there? …. He just threw amnesty overboard! He, he, he just threw amnesty under the bus. He just threw Obama’s precious open borders under the bus. He says if we try to eliminate travel, then they’re going to come here illegally — acknowledging there are others already doing that! If we try to eliminate travel, the possibility that some will travel over land like the Hoof Express through the Rio Grande River. They’ll come from other places and we don’t know that they’re coming in. It’ll mean that we won’t be able to do multiple things! In other words, what’s already happening will continue to happen and yet some of the people coming might have Ebola! Oh no!  He can’t last much longer! The Chamber of Commerce is having a conniption fit right now. (Democrat congressman) Luis Gutierrez is having a conniption fit right now.

So his answer seems to be, if we don’t let them come in on planes, they’ll come by land over our porous border.

FRIEDEN: Borders can be porous, especially in this part of the world. We won’t be able to check them for fever when they leave. We won’t be able to check them for fever when they arrive. We won’t be able, as we do currently, to take a detailed history to see if they were exposed when they arrive. When they arrive, we wouldn’t be able to impose quarantine as we now can if they have high-risk contact. We wouldn’t be able to obtain detailed locating information which we do now including not only name and date of birth but email addresses, cell phone numbers, address, addresses of friends, so that we could identity and locate them. We wouldn’t be able to provide all of that information as we do now to state and local health departments so that they can monitor them under supervision.

LIMBAUGH: Well, uh, ladies and gentlemen, it sounds to me like he’s saying that if we don’t let them come in on planes, what he’s saying is — unbelievable! — do you understand what he’s saying?! If we don’t let them come in under our auspices, they’re going to come in via illegal immigration and we’re not going to know who they are and it’s going to be even worse. Like the 300,000 children that came in and might have brought enterovirus and like the 12 million who are already here that we want to grant amnesty …

This guy, he has swerved into something, folks, that is totally, unless I’m missing something, I didn’t see this coming. This guy is acknowledging that we do not have a closed border. He’s acknowledging we cannot control who comes into the country. This guy is saying, the Centers for Disease Control director Thomas Frieden is saying, that we cannot close airports. We cannot shut down flights to this country because other parts of our border are wide open with thousands already crossing the border! And we don’t know who they are and we don’t know what they have and we don’t know how sick they might be. And we don’t know  and will have no way of knowing. Oh man! “


NewsBusters has more











Lefty Letterman: A Top Ten List Of The Outgoing CBS Host’s Most Liberal Outbursts


Letterman Couric




” David Letterman shocked the late night talk show world, last week, when he announced he was going to retire in 2015. But over the last few years Letterman had been losing the ratings war to his less liberal competitor Jay Leno. While Leno tried to be more even-handed in his jokes against Republicans and Democrats, Letterman took a decidedly leftist turn. A recent study of Letterman’s 2012 campaign jokes found he took more shots at Mitt Romney (44) than Barack Obama (9).

  In the 2000’s Letterman throttled Republicans like George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, questioning if they had any “humanity.” He also conducted his own personal war on GOP women as he called Michele Bachmann a “whacko” and depicted Sarah Palin and her daughter in “slutty” terms. But when it came to Obama, Letterman was positively awe-struck when the President came on his show, as he gushed “how satisfying it is to watch you work.” [Video compilation after the jump]

  The following is a Top 10 List of David Letterman’s Most Liberal Outbursts:” See the rest here

Daily Comedy 3.28.14

Limbaugh: Hit The Road Barack [Parody]





From The Morlock Revolt



” A certain NFL team has been under a lot of fire recently because of a supposed offensive name.  We here at The Morlock Revolt thought that we would give liberals the opportunity to rename all
32 NFL teams.  In one way or another they’re going to offend someone.  So we have here today Kyle. Say Hi Kyle.

Kyle: Hello, I am Kyle Peeleft and I am the Senior Fellow at Senior Fellows Matter for America. I am also a Senior Analyst for Analyzing Senior Fellows in the field of Senior Fellows.

Matt: That seems redundant.

Kyle: We’re very important.

Matt: Ok Kyle why don’t you tell us and our readers what you and your team of “senior fellows” have come up with for liberal renames of the NFL teams.

Kyle: Oh we will, and they’re not just suggestions. This is really going to happen. Just like how we got Rush Limbaugh off the air, we will rename these teams!

Matt: But Rush is still on the air.

Kyle: Shut up you’re a racist! Let’s start with The AFC East! Stupid Racist Bigot.



New England Patriots:

  Ugh, the Patriots?! Are you kidding me? Right off the top we have a jingoistic name that exhibits the ugly pro-Americanism that has destroyed this country and look at the mascot! A tea party guy that holds a gun and shoots peaceful British people. No! This team needs a true hero for it’s mascot! What better way to recognize the true heroism of these non-aggressive non-combatants then by giving them a team. So give it up for your new NEW ENGLAND UN PEACEKEEPERS!”




See the new and improved , politically correct name of your favorite team here .








NewsBusted 5/21/13


Published on May 20, 2013

— Obamacare
— Nancy Pelosi
— Congresswoman Janice Hahn
— New York City Elections
— Non-Citizen Voting
— Pets and Heart Disease
— Radio Host Randi Rhodes
— Sean Hannity
— Rush Limbaugh
— Youth Unemployment in Greece
— Twinkies
— Simon Cowell”







Rush Limbaugh: Don’t Blame Me For WABC’s Declining Ad Sales





” Rush Limbaugh insists it’s not his fault that ad revenue has dropped at his flagship WABC radio station — and if his boss keeps saying it is, Rush just may pack up his megadittoes and leave.

In New York, that would very likely take him to WOR, which would create the biggest shakeup in city talk radio since WOR scooped up Bob Grant after WABC fired him in 1995.

Limbaugh’s contract with WABC expires at the end of the year.

Lew Dickey, the CEO of WABC parent company Cumulus, has said Limbaugh’s controversial comments have diminished ad revenue for the past year — and the slump remains a “residual hangover” for the station.”








Rush: We’re Living in a Dying Country

“The famous right-wing radio host explains why the current economic structure cannot be sustained.”







” Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh on Tuesday said Dr. Ben Carson has the entire Democratic Party “scared to death” for several reasons.

“He is able to articulate and explain conservatism in a way that is persuasive, without raising his voice at all,” Limbaugh said. It sounds like your dad talking to you, not your dad, your best buddy talking to you.”











” From Rush:
RUSH: So now we want to go back to the audio sound bites, and let’s move forward here to audio sound bite number 14.

This is David “Rodham” Gergen last night on Anderson Cooper 69. Question: “It’s kind of boggling the mind here that here we are facing yet another crisis, and congressional leaders aren’t even meeting with the president ’til Friday when the cuts already take effect.”

GERGEN: Americans are turned off and tuned out of what’s going on. They are now increasingly saying, “Look, why can’t both of these sides get together? That’s what we thought we, uhh, voted for back in the election, and it’s — it’s worse now than it was.” I cannot remember a time when we’ve been so leaderless, that nobody is stepping up and taking the reins.

RUSH: Whoa! That would include Obama. You got David “Rodham” Gergen saying that Obama’s is not acting like a leader, and this time around the American people are blaming him, not just the Republicans. That’s what David “Rodham” Gergen is afraid is gonna happen. Here’s what he says it in the next sound bite. Anderson Cooper says, “Is the president crying wolf over all of this?”

GERGEN: No, I don’t think they’re crying wolf. I think they’re quite intentionally allowing cuts to go on that are gonna be painful, and that’s what’s irresponsible. It was this White House that proposed this bill with this rigidities built into it. They now come out and tell us, “Well, it is going to shut down the airline traffic. It’s gonna make it impossible to travel. It’s gonna shut down meat inspectors.” For goodness’ sakes, we gotta keep a carrier in port because of these tiny cuts? My goodness! The role of the president is first and foremost to protect the citizenry. Why put the country through the wringer? I think now the blame is shared on this one. I think the Democrats and the president deserve as much blame as the Republicans do on this one, and they both have a responsibility to get us out of this mess.

RUSH: That was last night on CNN. Has anybody seen David Gergen today? I haven’t. Anybody seen him? This is unheard of. The president of the United States was just called out last night on CNN by David Gergen. He’s basically saying this is not necessary. These cuts are minuscule. This is being done to purposely harm this country. The only saving grace that Gergen can rely on here is that he is sharing the blame. He’s spreading the blame, including the Republicans in this. So that kind of takes Obama off the… well, takes the heat off him a little bit.

But, man, I mean, I don’t think they’re crying wolf. They’re intentionally allowing cuts to go on that are gonna be painful, and that’s what’s irresponsible. It was this White House that proposed this bill with these rigidities built into it, and now they come and tell us, gonna shut down the airlines traffic, impossible to travel. Shut down meat inspectors. For goodness’ sakes, gotta keep a carrier in port because of these tiny cuts? My goodness, the role of the president is to protect the citizenry. Why put the country through the wringer? Then he says, “I think the blame is shared on this one.” Meaning, up until last night it was all the Republicans’ fault. But now David “Rodham” Gergen’s looking at this, and he… Look, the only conclusion you can come to here if you’re gonna look at this honestly. This is all Obama.

Now, he can’t admit that. But on this, this is all Obama. This is Obama’s idea. Obama has discretion over what is and is not cut. It is Obama putting the country through the wringer. It is Obama inflicting pain for his own political gain. He is inflicting pain for the express purpose of seeing to it the Republicans get blamed for it. And Gergen now understands what’s going on. Maybe he’s understood it all along and is just now saying it, because it’s gotten so ridiculous. And for somebody like Gergen who fashions himself as intellectually honest, he may have reached the wall here. He’s no longer able to intellectually defend this from the standpoint of defending Obama.

And folks, he’s dead right on this. None of this is necessary. These cuts are infinitesimal. There are areas of the budget that are filled with waste and fraud that he could cut. There are areas that don’t impact very important things that he could cut, but he’s choosing to say that he’s going to cut these areas that are going to really make life more difficult. The reason he’s doing this is because he knows the Republicans are going to get blamed for it. His sole objective is to eliminate any viable opposition. Mr. Gergen, in the first sound bite, says, “That’s what we thought we voted for back in the election. Why can’t both these sides get together?”

Mr. Gergen, if I may — I don’t know I don’t have any credibility with you and the mainstream media in Washington, but there is no getting together. The Republicans and Democrats have not one thing in common in this sequester or the fiscal cliff or any other budget deal. There’s not one thing the Republicans want that Obama wants, or vice versa. There is no overlapping of interests. And if there is, Obama does move the goalposts so that there isn’t anything that overlaps.

Go back and look. John Boehner gave him as much revenue as he was asking for in one of the fiscal cliff deals, and that’s when Obama upped the ante, wanted $500 billion more in tax increases, and Boehner walked away. There is no common ground. There will be no bipartisanship, because that’s not what Obama wants. Folks, it’s sad to admit this, but I’ve seen enough focus group data. The low-information voters do indeed want cooperation between the two parties. They really do. To them, that’s golden. That’s what they want, and that’s precisely why it isn’t gonna happen, because the ultimate objective of President Obama is continued chaos that he can blame on the Republicans.

At the end of the day he wants the chaos. He wants the unsettledness. He wants the unrest because he wants the Republicans blamed for it. He wants to be seen as the great compromiser. He wants to be seen as the guy trying to fix this. He wants to be seen as the man who’s doing everything he can to fix these problems. But it’s the Republicans. And that’s why they got mad at Woodward, because Woodward accused them of moving the goalposts and making deals impossible. And that’s why Sperling threatened Woodward, because Woodward gave up the game. Woodward explained for anybody paying attention what Obama’s actually do. He’s moving the goalposts. He’s making a deal impossible. That’s why Sperling threatened Woodward. “






Rush Limbaugh slammed Barack Obama today for “opening up the jails” and releasing the criminals like fellow totalitarians.
From the Rush Limbaugh website:

RUSH: I tell you, I’m finding myself in a difficult situation here, because I know that certain words and phrases happen to turn people off in this country. For example — it’s been this way a long time — in this country and in the media today, if you say to somebody, “That person over there’s a communist,” you lose ‘em. That doesn’t work. So you say, “Okay, socialist.” Well, okay, that may make more impact. Call ‘em a totalitarian or a statist, they still don’t want to hear it.

But it’s challenging because that’s exactly what’s happening. Barack Obama is employing tactics that have been used by people like Nicolae Ceausescu, Saddam Hussein, and Fidel Castro. Fidel Castro released hundreds of thousands of just the most horrible characters from his prisons and they infested south Florida in the Mariel Boatlift — and the same thing with Ceausescu and releasing his prisoners. Not all of them are political. Some of them were hardened criminals.

I mean, Ceausescu was trying to pollute Western Europe. He wasn’t sending a bunch of freedom fighters to Western Europe. He was polluting it. Castro was trying to pollute south Florida. He was trying to corrupt it, and the United States in general. Saddam Hussein was trying to corrupt Iraq and Baghdad by letting his most hardened criminals go. It was a punishment, a punishment to the citizens of Iraq for not supporting him, for being complicit in the forthcoming US invasion.

So what happens is, Ceausescu… Well, use the Mariel Boatlift. What happened in this country was the Mariel Boatlift — and, of course, the nice, compassionate people of America welcomed them in at first. “They’re escaping the dungeons of Fidel Castro! These are people seeking freedom, and we are people of freedom.” The same with Ceausescu’s release, and the same thing with Castro’s and Saddam’s. They end up corrupting the places that they go, and that’s the purpose of it.

Just like Barack Obama, Nicolae Ceausescu, Saddam Hussein, and Fidel Castro also released criminal prisoners. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/02/epic-rush-limbaugh-why-totalitarians-release-prisoners-audio/#sthash.dnTYrcF1.dpuf

” Rush Limbaugh slammed Barack Obama today for “opening up the jails” and releasing the criminals like fellow totalitarians.From the Rush Limbaugh website:

RUSH: I tell you, I’m finding myself in a difficult situation here, because I know that certain words and phrases happen to turn people off in this country. For example — it’s been this way a long time — in this country and in the media today, if you say to somebody, “That person over there’s a communist,” you lose ‘em. That doesn’t work. So you say, “Okay, socialist.” Well, okay, that may make more impact. Call ‘em a totalitarian or a statist, they still don’t want to hear it.

But it’s challenging because that’s exactly what’s happening. Barack Obama is employing tactics that have been used by people like Nicolae Ceausescu, Saddam Hussein, and Fidel Castro. Fidel Castro released hundreds of thousands of just the most horrible characters from his prisons and they infested south Florida in the Mariel Boatlift — and the same thing with Ceausescu and releasing his prisoners. Not all of them are political. Some of them were hardened criminals.

I mean, Ceausescu was trying to pollute Western Europe. He wasn’t sending a bunch of freedom fighters to Western Europe. He was polluting it. Castro was trying to pollute south Florida. He was trying to corrupt it, and the United States in general. Saddam Hussein was trying to corrupt Iraq and Baghdad by letting his most hardened criminals go. It was a punishment, a punishment to the citizens of Iraq for not supporting him, for being complicit in the forthcoming US invasion.

So what happens is, Ceausescu… Well, use the Mariel Boatlift. What happened in this country was the Mariel Boatlift — and, of course, the nice, compassionate people of America welcomed them in at first. “They’re escaping the dungeons of Fidel Castro! These are people seeking freedom, and we are people of freedom.” The same with Ceausescu’s release, and the same thing with Castro’s and Saddam’s. They end up corrupting the places that they go, and that’s the purpose of it.Just like Barack Obama, Nicolae Ceausescu, Saddam Hussein, and Fidel Castro also released criminal prisoners. “





Limbaugh Sequestration




See Also :


Did Rush Limbaugh Just Launch A Tea Party Revival Effort?


” Rush Limbaugh opened his show this afternoon proclaiming that for the first time in his career, he was ashamed of his country.

Why? Limbaugh explained that both political parties in Washington refused to stop spending and used alarmist scare tactics every time anyone proposed cuts to government programs.

“To be watching all of this, to have my intelligence – all of us – to have our common sense and intelligence insulted the way it is….it just makes me ashamed,” Limbaugh explained, “Seriously man, here we get worked up over 44 billion dollars – that’s the total amount of money that will not be spent that was scheduled to be spent this year.”

Limbaugh added that the government would continue to spend more money this year than last year in spite of the sequester cuts.”



I Won’t Be Rushed





” Over the weekend, I was quoted in a New York Times magazine feature on the future of the GOP, for a project I’m spearheading to revamp party messaging. I, along with my colleagues in the project, discussed the ways in which we need to take the party back from the old guard, which has failed to adapt to a changing political and technological landscape, allowed undisciplined candidates to define our message and maligned the very groups of voters we’re hoping to attract.

In the piece, we talked about an injurious primary system that pushes candidates to lunge to the far right, and, conversely, the misguided efforts by establishment types to purge tea party conservatives from the movement. From candidate training to policy polishing, adopting new technologies to embracing new demographic realities, we acknowledged the hard work ahead for the GOP. It is important work, nonetheless.

There wasn’t anything earth-shattering in what I said, though you wouldn’t know it from looking at my Twitter timeline, which exploded in apoplexy when news of one quote in particular spread across conservative media. I’d very much like to explain the quote, and respond to my critics who, I think, prove an interesting point.”






” But what of his Republican opposition? That opposition, said Obama, has to be forced to embrace his positions:

And I think if you talk privately to Democrats and Republicans, particularly those who have been around for a while, they long for the days when they could socialize and introduce bipartisan legislation and feel productive. So I don’t think the issue is whether or not there are people of goodwill in either party that want to get something done. I think what we really have to do is change some of the incentive structures so that people feel liberated to pursue some common ground. One of the biggest factors is going to be how the media shapes debates. If a Republican member of Congress is not punished on Fox News or by Rush Limbaugh for working with a Democrat on a bill of common interest, then you’ll see more of them doing it.”


Limbaugh Goes Off On Media For Lack Of Outrage Over Bob Schieffer’s Nazi/Gun Lobby Comment




” On his radio show Thursday afternoon, Rush Limbaugh scolded the media for its lack of outrage over Bob Schieffer‘s “over-the-top” comments comparing President Obama taking on the gun lobby to other difficult struggles like defeating Nazi Germany in World War II.

Limbaugh joins fellow conservative radio host Mark Levin in condemning Schieffer’s remarks and wondering aloud why the media have not expressed outrage over such a comparison.

Schieffer’s comments came immediately after Obama announced 23 new “executive actions” on gun violence. He said on CBS, “What happened in Newtown was probably the worst day in this country’s history since 9/11 […] Surely, finding Osama bin Laden, surely passing civil rights legislation – as Lyndon Johnson was able to do – and, before that, surely defeating the Nazis was a much more formidable task than taking on the gun lobby.” “



Love Him Or Hate Him , Rush Says What Needs To Be Said


Speaking Of Nazis , The MSM Is Nothing More Than A Gaggle Of Josef Goebbels And Leni Riefenstahls , The Propaganda Wing Of The Current Statist Party







MUST LISTEN: Wounded former Navy SEAL calls Rush Limbaugh to thank him for still giving a damn about this country






“This is a rather remarkable call and I wish it went longer than it did. Eight months ago Larry, a former Navy SEAL who did four tours in Iraq and four tours in Afghanistan, lost his right leg, part of his right arm, some of his fingers, and was disfigured on his face.

He told Rush that while he was coming off medication while recouping in the hospital he as able to listen to his radio show on a friends radio. And then he said something profound that I’m sure humbled Rush quite a bit: that while he was giving up on life, listening to Rush was propping him up because he realized there was somebody in this country who still gave a damn. Wow. Just amazing.”









” HBO host Bill Maher’s political views– and his crass way of expressing them– are well known to most.  Every once in a while, though, he takes things a step further than normal.

The mega Obama donor claimed back in March, for instance, that he should be held to a different standard after calling Sarah Palin a “cu**” than when Rush Limbaugh called 30-year-old Georgetown student Sandra Fluke a “slut.”  On Sunday, Maher made another noteworthy claim.

Apparently Andy Williams, the iconic singer of some of the most-loved tunes in history, is to be remembered as a “teabag idiot.” “

The First Thanksgiving


Where There Is Work There Is Plenty 


” “The experience that we had in this common course and condition,'” Bradford wrote. “‘The experience that we had in this common course and condition tried sundry years…that by taking away property, and bringing community into a common wealth, would make them happy and flourishing — as if they were wiser than God,’ Bradford wrote.” This was his way of saying, it didn’t work, we thought we were smarter than everybody, everybody was gonna share equally, nobody was gonna have anything more than anything else, it was gonna be hunky-dory, kumbaya. Except it doesn’t work. Because of half of them didn’t work, maybe more. They depended on the others to do all the work. There was no incentive.

“‘For this community [so far as it was] was found to breed much confusion and discontent, and retard much employment that would have been to their benefit and comfort. For young men that were most able and fit for labor and service did repine that they should spend their time and strength to work for other men’s wives and children without any recompense,'” without being paid for it, “‘that was thought injustice.'” They figured it out real quick. Half the community is not working — living off the other half, that is. Resentment built. Why should you work for other people when you can’t work for yourself? that’s what he was saying. So the Pilgrims found that people could not be expected to do their best work without incentive. So what did Bradford’s community try next? They unharnessed the power of good old free enterprise by invoking the under-girding capitalistic principle of private property.

“Every family was assigned its own plot of land to work and permitted to market its own crops and products. And what was the result? ‘This had very good success,’ wrote Bradford, ‘for it made all hands industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been.’ … Is it possible that supply-side economics could have existed before the 1980s? Yes,” it did. “Now, this is where it gets really good, folks, if you’re laboring under the misconception that I was, as I was taught in school. So they set up trading posts and exchanged goods with the Indians.” This is what happened. After everybody had their own plot of land and were allowed to market it and develop it as they saw fit and got to keep what they produced, bounty, plenty resulted. “

7 Questions That Will Determine the Success or Failure Of Barack Obama’s Second Term




” When British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan was asked what might knock his administration off course, he famously responded, “Events, dear boy, events.” There’s a lot of truth to that. At any point in time, an unexpected event can throw the political world into turmoil. However, more often than not, it’s not the blindside hit that gets you so much as the freight train you’ve seen coming for miles.

When Barack Obama came into office, he had a number of serious challenges to deal with and not only has he effectively addressed very few of them, many of them have worsened on his watch. In fact, the thing Barack Obama has proven most adept at in his first term is pointing the finger elsewhere. He may have been able to shift the blame from himself to George Bush, the filibuster, the Supreme Court, Republicans in Congress, Rush Limbaugh, ATM machines, the economy in Europe and everything under the sun, but after four years and counting in office, more and more of the American people are going to be interested in results rather than excuses. How Barack Obama handles those issues may not only determine how he’s viewed by the American people, it could conceivably impact the reputation of the Democratic Party for decades.

1) When does the economy recover? “



John Hawkins Is Always Worth A Read

  “By now, just about anyone following the race for the 2012 election has heard about Mitt’s ‘gaffe’, concerning what he thinks about the 47% of Americans that are strapped to the US welfare state.  Yes, to a large portion of that 47%, the statement might have seemed difficult to hear; and, the common take on Mitt’s words could make the fight for the White House just a little bit more difficult for the Romney campaign”

Via 100 Percent FED Up’s Page


“MICHELLE: When Barack was a senator and presidential candidate, to me he was still the guy who picked me up for our dates in a car that was so rusted out, I could actually see the pavement going by in a hole in the passenger side door. He was the guy whose proudest possession was a coffee table he found in a dumpster, and whose only pair of decent shoes was a half size too small.

RUSH: Oh, gee, poor guy. And his brother in the hut is still living that way. I wonder if Michelle’s ever seen his college transcripts. Do you think she has? Do you think she knows about his college transcripts or anything that he wrote, Law Review, Harvard. Her parents actually let her get in a car that had rusted out holes in the passenger side door? Do we really believe that Obama’s proudest possession was a coffee table extricated from a dumpster dive? Sorry, folks, I just wasn’t buying.

RUSH: Why were Obama’s shoes a half size too small? We’re supposed to conclude from that: The guy was so poor, had so little, and was barely surviving! His most-prized possession was a coffee table from a garbage Dumpster, and his shoes that were a half size too small. (interruption) He didn’t care about material things? (interruption) So he goes in to buy a pair of shoes and buys them a half size too small because he doesn’t care to buy a pair that fit?

You’re telling me that he didn’t buy the shoes? He had to get those out of the Dumpster, too? Obama was working for a law firm when he started dating Michelle! He wasn’t wearing shoes a half size too small when he was dating Michelle Obama. He was working at a law firm! I don’t care. The point is, it’s tugging at our heart strings. Obama did not grow up in poverty. His grandmother, the “typical white woman,” worked in a bank! (interruption)”

Reviving the War on Women? 

” Sandra Fluke, the free- contraception activist whose claim to fame was getting insulted by Rush Limbaugh, is hitting the campaign trail with President
Obama in Colorado today. But she
started the day off with an anti-Romney column in the Huffington Post (via Daily Caller ):

  The morning of noted contraception activist Sandra
Fluke’s campaign appearance
with President Barack Obama
in Denver, the newly minted
lawyer explained she is “standing with Obama” in an effort to protect women’s health care. “

Ex-Limbaugh sponsor says dropping show during Fluke controversy hurt company

  ” Even though Mr. Limbaugh has now issued an apology, we have nonetheless decided to withdraw
our advertising from his show. We hope that our action, along with the other advertisers who have already withdrawn their ads, will
ultimately contribute to a more civilized public discourse.”

Looks like they made a mistake .

” So how has dumping Limbaugh
worked out for Carbonite? Not so well. Turns out alienating Rush’s fans may have been more damaging than alienating his critics. “