Tag Archive: Ruling Elite

Rebellion Is Brewing Against The Political Elite That Has Ruined Europe







” The EU has always been at heart an elite project. It has been defined by rule from above, made deliberately unintelligible to the average citizen. Its first architects, having lived through the fascism of the Thirties and the horrors of the Second World War, indeed had excellent reasons for distrusting democracy and the popular will.

  This helps to explain the most unlikely feature of the European system: the absence of opposition. Next month’s elections will see a surge of support for anti-European parties, but for the most part they articulate national concerns and do not walk together. Mr Farage’s Ukip, for example will have nothing to do with Mme Le Pen’s National Front. There is no common anti-European agenda – which is an important reason why the established parties will continue to dominate the European Parliament after next month’s elections.”


The Telegraph








Terry McAuliffe Establishes Democrats As Party Of The Elites




” Democrat Terry McAuliffe beat Republican Ken Cuccinelli in Virginia’s governor race, outraising Cuccinelli nearly two-to-one and dominating in the richest part of the state.

First, upper-middle class, white suburbs have marched steadily toward the Democrats for several decades. Montgomery County, Md., and Arlington, Va., switched sides. So did the wealthy New York suburbs in Westchester County, N.Y., and Fairfield County, Conn. Philadelphia’s “collar counties,” once Republican bastions, are now Democratic bellwethers.

Why are the white-collar suburbs moving to the Dems? “I think it’s the social issues,” Bill DuBose tells me at Greenberry’s coffee shop in McLean.

The McLean Greenberry’s is the type of place where everyone knows the name of his state delegate. When I pulled into Greenberry’s, I parked between a Mercedes and a BMW.

Most families in McLean earn more than $200,000, according to the Census Bureau.

McLean has no use for Tea Partiers. If the Tea Party was about grabbing pitchforks and storming the castle, McLean is the castle.

McLean is the home to the ruling class. And Terry McAuliffe is the candidate of the ruling class.”









Leftism Explained



Biden: “We Don’t Have Time to Enforce Existing Gun Laws, Let’s Add New Ones”




“The left is in love with laws and legislation. It adds more and more regulations to a giant pile that no one has any time to read, let alone enforce, so that enforcement is entirely selective.

New laws are passed and then ignored. Everyone is always guilty of something because of the sheer number of laws out there. And when the problem that the laws were created to solve continues, that’s justan excuse for bigger legislative overreaches

But this is classic liberalism. Some laws are important and some aren’t. And their priority changes at a given moment. Enforcing the unimportant ones is ridiculed, but enforcing the important ones becomes a matter of life and death.”



Illustration By Clay Bennett