Tag Archive: Royal Marines

World’s Deadliest Sniper: Royal Marine Has 173 Confirmed Kills






” The world’s deadliest military sniper is a Royal Marine with 173 confirmed kills, including 90 members of the Taliban in just one day, it has been reported.

  The Briton, who has not been named, had served in the Royal Navy’s elite unit for more than a decade and recorded most of his kills during a six-month tour of Afghanistan in 2006/7, having also served in Iraq.

  The figure puts the corporal, reportedly married with two children and from southern England, ahead of US Navy SEAL commando Chris Kyle, who had 160 confirmed kills to make him the most lethal US sniper.

  Kyle’s exploits are the subject of a new film called American Sniper, starring Bradley Cooper. 

  According to The Sun, the British sniper is said to have hit 90 Taliban fighters in a stronghold in just one day. It is thought his total number of ‘kills’ could be even higher than 173 if unconfirmed strikes were taken into account. 

  A source told The Sun: ‘He is not interested in scores or kill counts. He took no satisfaction in the job he had to do.

‘ Because he saw the enemy as humans he has not struggled emotionally or psychologically with what has happened.

‘ He had a unique job at a unique time. He must be the most lethal sniper in the world. But that is not a title he would seek out or revel in.’ “

    While both Kyle and the unnamed Royal Marine are/were extremely good at their jobs , no one can surpass the king of all snipers , “The White Death” , Finnish soldier Simo Hayha , who logged over 500 kills during the “Winter War” against the Soviet Union in WW II .

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Glencore Chief Simon Murray Launches Private Navy



Navy boat



“BRITAIN’S first private navy in almost two centuries is being created by a group of businessmen to take on the Somali pirates who are terrorising an expanse of the Indian Ocean.

Its armed vessels – including a 10,000-ton mother ship and high-speed armoured patrol boats – will be led by a former Royal Navy commodore. He is recruiting 240 former marines and other sailors for the force.

It will escort its first convoy of oil tankers, bulk carriers – and possibly an occasional yacht – along the east coast of Africa in late March or April.

Typhon, the company behind the venture, is chaired by Simon Murray, a millionaire businessman who joined the French Foreign Legion as a teenager and walked unsupported to the South Pole aged 63.”