Tag Archive: Rotherham

Britain’s Cultural Problem





Published on Nov 7, 2014

” We’re paralyzed by Islam.

1400 cases of “appalling” sexual exploitation revealed in UK report

UK Christian street preacher charged for offending Islam.

Football fans convicted for tearing pages from the Koran

Ex-soldier jailed for burning the Koran

Election candidate arrested for Churchill speech

My previous video about the Rotherham child rape scandal and the sinister Common Purpose organisation

Rotherham child abuse investigator “had data stolen”

Police put a cap on number of arrests. Dozens of child rapists are still on the street

Back in 2006 Manchester police were told to avoid Ramadan arrests while gang rapes were going on all around them

Rotherham’s Joyce Thacker follows Common Purpose’s progressive agenda

Rotherham Council spent thousands of pounds on Common Purpose training for staff

Common Purpose

A secret society?

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Rotherham Child-Sex Victim Confronts Her Alleged Abuser In The Street… But SHE Is Arrested By A Van Load Of Police








” A victim of Rotherham’s child sex abuse scandal confronted a man she says groomed her – but was left shocked when she was the one arrested.

  The woman was shocked when she saw the man walking through the town’s centre on Friday and decided to challenge him over the allegations.

  But she was tackled by two police officers and pushed up against a wall during her ‘thuggish’ arrest, a witness has said.

  A damning report released last month detailed how 1,400 children were sexually exploited in the area over a 16-year period.

  The Times reported that a woman whose case is being investigated by authorities – but has not yet been interviewed – was arrested after tackling a man she says groomed her when she was 15.

  A witness accused the police of ‘acting like insensitive thugs’, telling the paper: ‘A police van came and six male officers piled out.

‘ Two of them dragged her away, handcuffed her, put her against a wall and then shoved her into the back of the van.’

  South Yorkshire Police told today how they had been hoping to interview the woman in the weeks before the arrest, after they were told of the historic allegations by another organisation.

  But they only realised that she was the woman they had been trying to speak to after her arrest, and have now released her on bail.”

Story continues here

Rotherham: In The Face Of Such Evil, Who Is The Racist Now?

” The Yorkshire town where 1,400 girls have been sexually abused by Asian men is a byword for depravity – all because people wouldn’t rock the multicultural boat

  Let’s start with a riddle. If South Yorkshire Police can mount a raid on Sir Cliff Richard’s home in pursuit of evidence linked to a single allegation of child sex abuse 30 years ago, why were South Yorkshire Police incapable of pursuing multiple allegations against multiple men who raped 1,400 children over 16 years?

  One thousand four hundred. Consider the weight of that number, feel its tragic heft. Picture 50 junior-school classes of little girls in Rotherham, once a respectable northern town, now a byword for depravity. We have seen child-grooming cases before, but the disgusting stories revealed in the report by Professor Alexis Jay amount to evidence of abuse on an industrial scale. ”

The Telegraph



 ” A UK couple had their three foster children taken away after social workers decided that the couple’s support for the supposedly “racist” policies of the UK Independence Party (Ukip) made them “unsuitable” caregivers, The Telegraph reports.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Ukip, it’s the conservative wing of British politics. If you want an understanding of the group’s principles, look no further than Nigel Farage, founding member and party leader:

“It is total and utter failure. This ship, the euro Titanic has now hit the iceberg and sadly there simply aren’t enough life boats,” said Farage, an infamously skeptical critic of the eurozone, to the European Parliament.

The Ukip advocates lower taxes, limited government, freer markets, and immigration reform. However, to certain social workers in the Labour-controlled Rotherham borough, supporting the above makes you an “unsuitable” foster parent.

The parents claim they were made to feel like criminals and that they had a “black mark” on them for supporting the conservative group. And now it has culminated in the loss of their foster children, one boy and two girls. “