Tag Archive: Romney Campaign


 ” As Republicans try to explain their Election Day losses in terms of policy, tactics, and strategy, one factor is emerging as the essential difference between the Obama and Romney campaigns on November 6: the absolute failure of Romney’s get-out-the-vote effort, which underperformed even John McCain’s lackluster 2008 turnout. One culprit appears to be “Orca,” the Romney’s massive technology effort, which failed completely.

A source within the Romney campaign agreed to share his reflections on Project Orca with Breitbart News:

It’s easy to point fingers after a loss and I wouldn’t normally do it, but consider what happened.

Project Orca was supposed to enable poll watchers to record voter names on their smartphones, by listening for names as voters checked in. This would give the campaign real-time turnout data, so they could redirect GOTV resources throughout the day where it was most needed. They recruited 37,000 swing state volunteers for this.”

Project ORCA



  ” The Democrats like to think that their “ground game” is the tie-breaker that will give them the edge in a tight election, but this year there is reason to believe that the Democrats’ efforts will be equaled, if not exceeded, by those of the Romney campaign. The Romney campaign is not only well-funded, but is run by one of the best organizers and managers of his generation, the candidate himself. Whom would you count on to organize anything, Mitt Romney or David Axelrod? Tonight the Romney campaign, for no obvious reason, sent out this description of Project Orca, which is just one weapon in its Election Day arsenal:

Project ORCA is a massive undertaking – the Republican Party’s newest, unprecedented and most technologically advanced plan to win the 2012 presidential election.

The project operates via a web-based app volunteers use to relay the most up-to-date poll information to a “national dashboard” at the Boston headquarters. From there, data will be interpreted and utilized to plan voter turnout tactics on Election Day.

Project ORCA enhances and magnifies the impact of the turnout operation. To date, we have more than 34,000 volunteers throughout the target states, and we will have more than 800 volunteers at headquarters in Boston, who will serve as a sort of “help desk,” making sure volunteers in the states have everything they need to get their job done.


  Project ORCA will also allow us to filter out Romney supporters who have already voted from all of our GOTV lists. So all volunteers, whether physically at a phone bank or calling online will no longer be calling several supporters who have already cast a vote. Instead, we’ll see an unprecedented efficiency among volunteer turnout efforts where virtually no phone calls or time is wasted calling those who have already voted.”




Remind us again , which is the tech-savvy , cool , forward party? 




  You Lie !

“Usually, presidential candidates dance around accusations of lying by saying stuff like, “My opponent isn’t being truthful,” and so forth.
Maybe the word “lie” doesn’t poll well, I dunno. But if any one person in living memory has been proven to be a shameless liar, even for a
politician, it’s Barack Obama. ”

Good for Romney ….. Calling a spade a spade …

Someone needs to hold him to account as obviously the media won’t do it .