Tag Archive: Rio de Janeiro

Rio Revels In ‘Greatest Show On Earth’

” More than a million Rio Carnival revellers laid aside bitterness at Brazilian leaders to join wild festivities Saturday in what has been dubbed “the greatest show on Earth.”

” Many participants said they had resolved to forget — at least until festivities end Tuesday — about lingering protests over corruption and the cost of hosting the World Cup.”

” The Rio tourist board said 1.3 million people joined the fray to cavort as the Marvelous City’s oldest bloco or street party group Cordao da Bola Preta danced to a raucous samba beat. A total of four million are accepted during the entire five-day event.”

” But there was a reminder of some of Brazil’s social problems as festivities in the northern city of Salvador were tainted by the fatal shooting of a young man.”

” Rio’s flamboyantly dressed residents were adamant that, for now, they had spent enough time demonstrating — and wanted to let loose instead.”

“Carnival is carnival. Celebrate! Protests can wait — at least for now,” shouted Christophe Land, one of 50 men decked out in black “Spiderman” outfits.”

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Biggest Protests In 20 Years Sweep Brazil




” As many as 200,000 demonstrators marched through the streets of Brazil’s biggest cities on Monday in a swelling wave of protest tapping into widespread anger at poor public services, police violence and government corruption.

The marches, organized mostly through snowballing social media campaigns, blocked streets and halted traffic in more than a half-dozen cities, including Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and Brasilia, where demonstrators climbed onto the roof of Brazil’s Congress building and then stormed it.

Monday’s demonstrations were the latest in a flurry of protests in the past two weeks that have added to growing unease over Brazil’s sluggish economy, high inflation and a spurt in violent crime.”













Brazilian Man Miraculously Survives Shooting Self In Eye While Cleaning Speargun



The spear entered the head of Bruno Barcellos de Souza Coutinho through the corner of his left eye — penetrating almost six inches before lodging itself on the top part of the brain.



” If he did not take fishing safety seriously before, this time he got the point.

Bruno Barcellos de Souza Coutinho, 34, miraculously survived accidentally shooting a 12-inch spear into his face.

The miserable harpoon mishap occurred Sunday night while the fisherman was cleaning his spear gun in Petrópolis, a city in the Brazil state of Rio de Janeiro.

The spear hit the corner of his left eye, broke through his skull, traveled six inches into his head and lodged itself deep into his brain for more than 10 hours, reported Portuguese language news site O Correio News.”