Tag Archive: Rightwing News

Rightwing News

   ” With unemployment at record high levels , I’d like to give 12 million illegal aliens the right to compete with you for jobs .”

Hmm , now what could his motive be ? Purely humanitarian , no doubt .

Right Wing News

















Rightwing News
























RightWing News






 Freedom to blunder or free stuff to plunder … the choice is yours … but there’s no going back …










Right Wing News






From Rightwing News




RWN Milwaukee War On Dogs

For the doubters and excuse makers read this from RealClearPolitics

” Police officers receive extensive training about the use of force when it is applied against humans. But how many departments provide training on dealing with pets? Very few, says the Humane Society. This despite the fact that, according to a Justice Department paper (“The Problem of Dog-Related Incidents and Encounters”), 39 percent of U.S. homes have dogs.

  More than half of dog owners “consider their dogs family members,” it continues, “and another 45.1 percent view them as companions or pets.” Less than 1.5 percent view them as property.

  Do we really need systematic training to combat a few isolated incidents, however unfortunate? The question rests on a false premise. Civil liberties writer Radley Balko notes that over a nine-year period, Milwaukee officers killed 434 dogs — about one every eight days. And that’s just one city. Across the country, according to Justice, “the majority of (police) shooting incidents involve animals, most frequently dogs.”

  But surely those shootings occur because the animals themselves pose a serious threat, right? Nope. The Justice Department says not only that “dogs are seldom dangerous” but that even when they are, “the overwhelming majority of dog bites are minor, causing either no injury at all or injuries so minor that no medical care is required.” “








Right Wing News



Moochelle Vacas









5 Ways America Is Creating A Generation Of Wimps





” Americans rode in wagon trains across this country, tossed the Brits’ tea in the Boston Harbor, outfought the superpower of the 18th century to get our freedom, pounded the Indians, Mexicans, and Spanish into the ground to fulfill our Manifest Destiny and then for an encore, we saved the planet in WWI, WWII, and the Cold War. Our pioneer-pilgrim, hard-fighting, gold-mining, wagon-training, gun-fighting ancestors were so hard, Kid Rock’sAmerican Bad Ass should have played when they walked into a room. We conquered a continent, built the Hoover Dam, went to the moon, and not only did our Olympic athletes refuse to dip our flag to Hitler during the 1936 Olympics, we made the most evil man who ever lived kill himself in fear before we could get to him.

  That’s the stock that Americans come from, which begs an obvious question: What the hell happened to us?

  How did the toughest, most independent society since Sparta turn into a wuss factory full of people who’ve never had an adventure in their life outside of a video game? We now have an entire grievance industry full of losers who spend all their time complaining that they’re “offended” by everything from the name of the Redskins to the “Patriarchy” to politicians using “violent language” like “crosshairs” and “job killing.” Can you imagine a member of the Greatest Generation complaining because a Japanese soldier called him a mean name? Do you think the wagon trains on the Oregon Train were more worried about “isms” or trying to avoid dying of dysentery and being scalped?

  So back to that central question: How did Americans get so soft, so fast?”


Find the answers here






From John Hawkins At RightWing News




” You have to give liberalism a certain amount of credit. It doesn’t work, destroys lives, and pits people against each other, but that’s not to say that there are no advantages to being a liberal. Sure, you may end up sleeping in a tent in Zuccotti Park, reading Noam Chomsky’s laughably ignorant books, or having to watch Rachel Maddow babble incoherent nonsense on MSNBC, but the fringe benefits cannot be beaten!

1) If you’re a politician, no matter how dumb you are or how poor your decision- making is, the press will still never question your intelligence.

2) You can claim to personally speak for everyone in your gender or racial group, like you’re their leader, and the press will take you seriously.

3) You can feel completely superior to people who are more admired, more influential, richer, happier, more successful, and just generally better than you in almost every way (like Sarah Palin) because they’re conservatives.

4) You can declare that other people should have their money taken away and given to the government and still get credit for being “compassionate” even if you give nothing yourself.”


Read the rest









From RightWing News


What if all of America were liberal … here is that scenario as envisioned by John Hawkins




” 1) America’s credit rating would get so low that it would force President Dennis Kucinich to petition the UN for donations to pay for Social Security, Medicare, and his newly implemented 350 weeks of unemployment plan.

 2) There wouldn’t be a Pledge of Allegiance said in schools, no one would sing the Star Spangled Banner before any sporting event, and no one would celebrate the 4th of July.

 3) Gas would cost $9 a gallon. Liberals would consider this a plus because it would cause more people to get tax credits to buy government subsidized $40,000 electric cars.

 4) Seven year olds would be able to vote. Free candy and endorsements from cartoon characters would become a staple of campaigning.

 5) The corporate tax rate would be 15 percent higher, most American workers would be unionized and tax rates would soar. As a result, our economy would be stagnant and our unemployment rate would permanently be in the 10-20% range.”


For the other 20 examples of an Progressive America go here .


” Also see,
25 Examples of What America Would Be Like if We Were All Christian Conservative Tea Partiers “












10 Awesome Pro-Gun Graphics






One more , then check out the rest 




From VtheK by way of John Hawkins







” 4. “Hey, Big Bird still has a job. Isn’t that the important thing?”

5. “I am sure Obama cares deeply about your situation. Maybe he’ll send you a postcard from Hawaii.” “





Visit and read them all for a good chuckle 

From John Hawkins


 ” There are twelve days left until the election and the few people who haven’t made up their minds yet are independent voters. So, rather than preaching to the choir, it seems like a good time to explain to those remaining undecided voters why Mitt Romney should be their choice.”



Via John Hawkins 


A Drop In The Bucket

14 of the most egregious lies, policies, and law-breaking activities of this Administration

  ” With the first of three Presidential General Election debates having taken place last night, it seems like a good time to remind the American people of some of the worst aspects of the Obama Administration. But rather than focus just on the policy aspects of what President Obama has signed into law, this piece will look at some of the many political manipulations and lies made since January 20, 2009.”


Here are a couple of highlights , be sure to read the rest 


 “1. Signed a health care law that changes the traditional and legal relationship regarding contract law in America through the individual mandate and makes medical rationing by the federal government a fully supported legal process.

2. Required religious institutions to violate their First Amendment rights…or go out of business.”


Two years left to curb climate change, Government warned


 ” Er, Warmists math skills are about on par with their ability to practice what they preach

The Government has been accused of being “reckless and short-sighted” over green policies, as it was warned there were just 50 months to take action to prevent catastrophic climate change.

The heads of organisations from Greenpeace to the Women’s Institute, business leaders and experts called on politicians to grab the opportunity to deal with climate change, which they said was one of the greatest threats to human progress”

” 7 Examples That Show Voter Fraud Is A Huge Problem”

  “Here’s an excerpt from the column.

After George W. Bush defeated Al
Gore at the ballot box and in a
rare show of fortitude for a
Republican, didn’t stand by
haplessly wringing his hands
when Gore tried to lawyer his way
into the White House, liberals
were outraged. Sure Gore has
never been ahead at any point,
but OBVIOUSLY voter fraud had
cost Democrats the election.
Afterwards, Democrats
DEMANDED that we do more to
insure the integrity of our
elections. Republicans agreed and
for a while, we finally had an issue
where there was genuine
bipartisan agreement. Then came
the 2004 elections and many of
the same liberals who had
demanded better, more accurate
voting machines claimed the very
machines they wanted were being
used for fraud because they didn’t
get the result they wanted. That
marked the end of the left’s
interest in stopping fraud at the
ballot box.
On the other hand, Republicans
have continued to try to make our
elections honest and fair. Towards
that end, one of the measures the
GOP is pushing for is voter
identification. If you need a
picture ID to get on a plane, cash
a check, buy alcohol, rent a car,
get a marriage license, or to get
into the Democratic National
Convention, then asking for a
photo ID to vote is a no brainer.
However Democrats believe that
they benefit from voter fraud, so
they oppose any sort of attempts
to verify that voters are who they
say they are.


25 Examples Of What America Would Be Like If Everyone Was A Liberal

  “1) America’s credit rating would get so low that it would force President Dennis Kucinich to petition the UN for donations to pay for Social Security, Medicare, and his newly implemented 350 weeks of unemployment plan.

2) There wouldn’t be a Pledge of Allegiance said in schools, no one would sing the Star Spangled Banner before any sporting event, and no one would celebrate the 4th of July.

3) Gas would cost $9 a gallon. Liberals would consider this a plus because it would cause more people to get tax credits to buy government subsidized $40,000 electric cars.

4) Seven year olds would be able to vote. Free candy and endorsements from cartoon characters would become a staple of campaigning.

5) The corporate tax rate would be 15 percent higher, most American workers would be unionized and tax rates would soar. As a result, our economy would be stagnant and our unemployment rate would permanently be in the 10-20% range.”

John Hawkins too can’t be silent today .

  ” Many of you have probably been
following the Brett Kimberlin saga.
Certainly, if you read Right Wing News regularly, you would have at least seen the daily links that have been going up since this whole saga caught people’s attention.

    Today is supposed to be a “A National Blogger Day Of Silence.” Ace from Ace of Spades HQ came up with the idea in order to draw more attention to this whole issue (Unfortunately, I’ve never been all that good at shutting my mouth; so no day of silence for me). “