Tag Archive: Right Turn

Jennifer Rubin


  ” So how about it, Mr. President — who called off a rescue and why?
President Obama, a little more than a week before the election, won’t
tell Americans what happened. Well, why should he — the press
doesn’t hound him, the liberal elite still rushes to his defense, and
his White House attack dogs bark “Politics!” whenever legitimate
questions are asked.

  Meanwhile, the father of slain SEAL Tyrone Woods is furious with
the administration, demanding to know why his son wasn’t saved
when “apparently even the State Department had a live stream and
was aware of their calls for help. My son wasn’t even there. He was
at a safe house about a mile away. He got the distress call; he heard
them crying for help; that’s why he and Glen risked their lives to go
that extra mile just to take care of the situation. And I’m sure that
wasn’t the only one received that distress call — you know, ‘Come
save our lives.’” ”

Posted by John Galt

The race for 270 from Jennifer Rubin

“For all these reasons you can readily see why the liberal narrative that the race is over is aspirational and not factual. Arguing that the “polls are real” or pointing to the
latest gaffe is satisfying for the anxious liberal pundits, I suppose, but neither is an argument to vote for Obama. Neither phenomenon is any guarantee that Obama’s
“lead” is any more lasting than his
”recovery” (which lasted less than the length of an NBA season). “

Jennifer Rubin

  ” It is a measure of how skewed the reporting is and how intellectually inconsistent is most of the “analysis” from the mainstream media that while Mitt
Romney’s comment on the embassy attacks held the attention of the press for days (when in fact he had correctly surmised that the administration was trying to make
excuses for the embassy attack by
expressing regret over an anti-Muslim video), there has been comparatively little concern with a much more critical story:
Did the Obama team intentionally lie to voters (or just shoot first and aim later) for a week about what it knew, and did the deaths of four Americans result, in part, from defective security and preparation at the Benghazi consulate? “

From Sleeping Giant to Paper Tiger

Jennifer  Rubin 

   ” During the entire Obama term the conservative foreign policy community has made a simple argument: If the United States doesn’t lead and signals weakness, bad things will happen. And now here we are. Cliff May of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies sent me a pithy e-mail this morning: “It’s essential that our allies and our enemies — and those who fall in between — understand that actions carry consequences. . . . [Middle East scholar] Bernard Lewis has said many times that people around the world should view America as the best friend you can have — and the most dangerous enemy. But at the least, it is vital that the opposite impression not be conveyed: That America is harmless as an enemy and treacherous as a friend.” “

The Enemy of My Enemy …

What would Romney do without the media?

 “Mitt Romney and the conservative base have a stormy relationship. They fight. They make up. Their affection cools. They bond again. If not for President Obama — accusing Romney of everything from tax evasion to perjury to murder — and the mainstream media’s rampant boosterism, Romney would find it tough to keep up the enthusiasm of the right. But with Obama and the MSM around, he can rest assured the base will stick with him and crawl over that proverbial glass to dump Obama.”

Jennifer Rubin at Right Turn

” 2. The press, even liberal commentators, admitted that Obama had bombed. Sure, there
were bitter-enders who claimed all was fine, but the cable TV talking heads and the vast majority of columnists were brutally honest. MSNBC personalities were downright glum. “

  “Horror show: Wednesday night at the DNC”

“Wednesday was a wonderful political day for Republicans. Let’s recap. The day started off with the flap over platform language. That in
turn led to the spectacle of Democratic delegates booing the vote to put back Jerusalem and God back into the platform. It was even in the eyes of the most Obama-
sympathetic media a horrid disruption, signaling both incompetence and hostility to things that many if not most Americans hold dear. The news got worse as Politico reported that the
president had signed off on the platform sans God and Jerusalem. The Romney camp could hardly believe the avalanche of atrocious
press . (Democratic National Committee chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s
insistence that there had been no controversy brought CNN’s Anderson Cooper to declare
she was operating in an “alternate universe.”)

   It was a remarkable, actual newsmaking episode, something we rarely get at conventions. Moreover, it was the worst blunder
in a scripted TV event in recent memory. “

Weasel Words from weasels

Jennifer Rubin

“President Obama says the White House did not “purposely” leak classified information. But the information at issue could only have originated with those closest to the president. On “ABC This Week,” you could spot one big giant loophole hanging over the president’s denial in this exchange between David Axelrod and George Stephanopoulos:”

    First it was ” did not ” and now it is ” did not purposely ” . This is the kind of semantics and prevarication you get when the administration is made up of lawyers . Licensed BULLSHITTERS is all they are . 

President Clueless

The man plainly does not understand basic economics . This is what happens when the administration is made of entirely of policy wonks , academics and life-long public employees .


Jennifer Rubin  

 “President Obama seems unaware that we need the private sector to generate wealth (you know, make things, sell things, etc.) or that we face in the near future a fiscal crisis when we can no longer off-load our debt. Where does he think the money to pay for an ever-expanding public employee workforce comes from? (“The fair if depressing takeaway from Mr. Obama’s press conference is that he continues to believe, despite three and a half years of failure, that more government spending is the key to faster growth and that government really doesn’t need to reform. This is how you get a jobless rate above 8% for 40 months and the weakest economic recovery in 60 years.”) “

Jennifer Rubin: Ten ways you know the Bain attack is bombing

“Unless you’ve really drunk the Kool-Aid, you probably have the idea that the President Obama’s campaign has misfired on the Bain attack. How can you tell? Well:

1. Democratic critics of the Bain attack are piling up.

2. Politico, the ultimate home team paper (root for those to whom you want access), has gone pro-Romney, big time. (h/t David Freddoso)

3. Chris Matthews is having a meltdown.”

Be sure and check out the rest .